MCQ-PHP Tags and Embedding PHP in HTML

Rashmi Mishra

 PHP Tags and Embedding PHP in HTML-1

1.     Which PHP tag is used to embed PHP code within HTML?
a) <?php ?>
b) <php>
c) <? ?>
d) <?html?>

Answer: a) <?php ?>

2.     What is the purpose of the <?= ?> shorthand tag in PHP?
a) To output a variable or expression directly
b) To start a PHP block
c) To include another PHP file
d) To end a PHP block

Answer: a) To output a variable or expression directly

3.     Which PHP tag is deprecated as of PHP 7.0 and should generally be avoided?
a) <?php ?>
b) <? ?>
c) <php>
d) <?html?>

Answer: b) <? ?>

4.     How do you correctly include a PHP file within another PHP file?
a) include 'filename.php';
b) import 'filename.php';
c) require 'filename.php';
d) Both a and c

Answer: d) Both a and c

5.     Which PHP tag would you use to output the value of a variable $name in an HTML paragraph?
a) <p><?php echo $name; ?></p>
b) <p><?= $name ?></p>
c) Both a and b
d) <p>$name</p>

Answer: c) Both a and b

6.     Which PHP tag is used for short echo syntax to directly output text or variables?
a) <?echo ?>
b) <?php echo ?>
c) <?= ?>
d) <?php print ?>

Answer: c) <?= ?>

7.     What will be the output of the following code if Hello World is embedded in an HTML document?

<?php echo "Hello "; ?>


<?php echo "World"; ?>

a) Hello World World
b) Hello WorldWorld
c) Hello World
d) HelloWorldWorld

Answer: a) Hello World World

8.     Which PHP tag is used to end a PHP block of code?
a) <?php ?>
b) <?php
c) ?>
d) <?

Answer: c) ?>

9.     How do you embed a PHP script in an HTML file to ensure it is parsed by the server?
a) Save the file with a .html extension
b) Save the file with a .php extension
c) Use the <script> tag
d) Use the <?embed ?> tag

Answer: b) Save the file with a .php extension

10.What will be the output of the following PHP code when embedded in an HTML document?



<?php $number = 10; ?>

<p>The number is <?= $number ?></p>



a) The number is 10
b) The number is $number
c) The number is <?= $number ?>
d) Error

Answer: a) The number is 10

1.     What will be the output of the following PHP code embedded in HTML?



<?php echo "<h1>Welcome to PHP!</h1>"; ?>



a) <h1>Welcome to PHP!</h1>
b) Welcome to PHP!
c) Welcome to PHP! with no HTML tags
d) Error

Answer: a) <h1>Welcome to PHP!</h1>

2.     What will be the output of this PHP code embedded in HTML if the variable $age is set to 25?



<p>Your age is <?php echo $age; ?></p>



a) Your age is 25
b) Your age is $age
c) Your age is <?php echo $age; ?>
d) Error

Answer: a) Your age is 25

3.     Which PHP tag should be used to ensure that the PHP code is executed before any HTML is rendered?
a) <?php ?>
b) <? ?>
c) <?= ?>
d) <php>

Answer: a) <?php ?>

4.     How would you correctly output the current date in an HTML document using PHP?
a) <p>Today's date is <?php echo date('Y-m-d'); ?></p>
b) <p>Today's date is <?= date('Y-m-d') ?></p>
c) Both a and b
d) Error

Answer: c) Both a and b

5.     What is the recommended way to include a PHP script inside an HTML file if you want it to be parsed by the server?
a) Rename the file to .html
b) Rename the file to .php
c) Use the <php> tag
d) Include PHP script in the <script> tag

Answer: b) Rename the file to .php

6.     What will be the output of the following code when embedded in an HTML document?




$x = 5;

$y = 10;


<p>The sum of <?php echo $x; ?> and <?php echo $y; ?> is <?= $x + $y; ?>.</p>



a) The sum of 5 and 10 is 15.
b) The sum of 5 and 10 is <?= $x + $y; ?>.
c) The sum of 5 and 10 is 5 + 10.
d) Error

Answer: a) The sum of 5 and 10 is 15.

7.     What will be the result if you use the <?php and ?> tags inside an HTML comment?
a) The PHP code will execute within the comment
b) The PHP code will be treated as plain text
c) The HTML comment will display the PHP code
d) The PHP code will not be executed and will be ignored

Answer: d) The PHP code will not be executed and will be ignored

8.     Which of the following is a correct way to include PHP code within an HTML file without altering the file extension?
a) Using <?php tags within the file
b) Using <? tags within the file
c) Embedding PHP code in a .html file will not work
d) Using <script type="text/php">

Answer: c) Embedding PHP code in a .html file will not work

9.     How can you include the result of a PHP script within an HTML file?
a) Use include 'filename.php'; inside PHP tags
b) Use include 'filename.php'; directly in HTML
c) Use require 'filename.php'; inside PHP tags
d) Both a and c

Answer: d) Both a and c

10.What will be the output of the following PHP code when embedded in HTML?



<?php $name = "John"; ?>

<p>Hello, <?php echo $name; ?>!</p>



a) Hello, John!
b) Hello, $name!
c) Hello, <?php echo $name; ?>!
d) Error

Answer: a) Hello, John!

1.     Which PHP tag should be used to ensure that no output buffering issues occur in HTML?
a) <?php ?>
b) <? ?>
c) <?= ?>
d) <?php print ?>

Answer: a) <?php ?>

2.     What is the output of the following code when embedded in an HTML file?




$text = "Hello, ";

$text .= "world!";


<p><?php echo $text; ?></p>



a) Hello, world!
b) Hello,
c) world!
d) Error

Answer: a) Hello, world!

3.     What is the effect of using the <?php echo htmlspecialchars($string); ?> construct in an HTML document?
a) It converts special characters to HTML entities
b) It executes the PHP code in the string
c) It encodes the HTML tags in the string
d) It prints the PHP code as is

Answer: a) It converts special characters to HTML entities

4.     What is the result of this PHP code embedded in an HTML file?




$number = 5;

echo "<p>The number is {$number}.</p>";




a) The number is 5.
b) The number is {$number}.
c) The number is $number.
d) Error

Answer: a) The number is 5.

5.     Which PHP tag is recommended for outputting variables when you want to avoid potential security issues in HTML?
a) <?php echo htmlspecialchars($variable); ?>
b) <?= $variable ?>
c) <?php print $variable; ?>
d) <?php $variable ?>

Answer: a) <?php echo htmlspecialchars($variable); ?>

6.     Which function is commonly used to include external PHP files and ensure they are processed before the script continues?
a) include_once
b) require_once
c) include
d) require

Answer: b) require_once

7.     What will be the output of this PHP code embedded in an HTML file?



<?php $array = array("one", "two", "three"); ?>


<?php foreach ($array as $item) { echo "<li>$item</li>"; } ?>






















d) Error

Answer: a)






8.     How do you correctly concatenate strings with PHP variables within an HTML document?
a) <?php echo "Hello, " . $name; ?>
b) <?php echo "Hello, $name"; ?>
c) <?php echo "Hello, " + $name; ?>
d) Both a and b

Answer: d) Both a and b

9.     Which PHP function allows you to include and execute a PHP file but only once?
a) include()
b) require()
c) include_once()
d) require_once()

Answer: c) include_once()

10.What is the result of the following PHP code embedded in an HTML file?



<?php $username = "Alice"; ?>

<p>Welcome, <?= $username; ?>!</p>



a) Welcome, Alice!
b) Welcome, $username!
c) Welcome, <?= $username; ?>!
d) Error

Answer: a) Welcome, Alice!

1.     What will be the output of this PHP code when embedded in an HTML file?




$greeting = "Good ";

$greeting .= "morning!";


<p><?= $greeting ?></p>



a) Good morning!
b) Good
c) morning!
d) Error

Answer: a) Good morning!

2.     Which PHP tag should be avoided in modern PHP code for security and compatibility reasons?
a) <?php ?>
b) <?= ?>
c) <? ?>
d) <php>

Answer: c) <? ?>

3.     What is the purpose of the <?php include 'file.php'; ?> statement in PHP?
a) To include a PHP file and execute its code
b) To embed a file as a literal string
c) To copy the content of the file into the script
d) To include a file as a comment

Answer: a) To include a PHP file and execute its code

4.     What will the following PHP code output if embedded in an HTML file?




$name = "John";

echo "<p>Welcome, $name!</p>";




a) Welcome, John!
b) Welcome, $name!
c) Welcome, <?php echo $name; ?>!
d) Error

Answer: a) Welcome, John!

5.     What will be the result of this code if $text is set to "Hello World"?



<p><?php echo htmlentities($text); ?></p>



a) Hello World
b) Hello World with special HTML characters encoded
c) Hello World with HTML tags encoded
d) Error

Answer: b) Hello World with special HTML characters encoded

6.     What does the <?php echo nl2br($text); ?> function do when used in an HTML document?
a) Converts newlines in $text to <br> tags
b) Encodes special characters in $text
c) Removes newline characters from $text
d) Displays $text as a literal string

Answer: a) Converts newlines in $text to <br> tags

7.     How do you display a variable's value using PHP shorthand syntax within HTML?
a) <?= $variable ?>
b) <?php $variable ?>
c) <?php echo $variable ?>
d) <?php print $variable ?>

Answer: a) <?= $variable ?>

8.     How do you ensure that a PHP file is included only once during script execution?
a) Use include_once
b) Use require_once
c) Use include
d) Use require

Answer: b) Use require_once

9.     What is the result of the following PHP code when embedded in an HTML file?




$color = "red";


<p style="color: <?= $color; ?>;">This is a colored text.</p>



a) This is a colored text. in red color
b) This is a colored text. with no color
c) This is a colored text. in the default color
d) Error

Answer: a) This is a colored text. in red color

10.What does the following PHP code snippet do when embedded in an HTML file?



<?php $name = "<b>PHP</b>"; ?>

<p><?php echo $name; ?></p>



a) Displays <b>PHP</b> as plain text
b) Displays PHP in bold
c) Displays PHP without any formatting
d) Error

Answer: b) Displays PHP in bold

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