Assignments Of Class 2 :PHP basic and datatypes

Rashmi Mishra

 Class 2: PHP Basics - Syntax and Data Types

Assignment 1: Display a Simple Message



echo "Hello, World!";



 Explanation: This script demonstrates the use of echo to output a simple message.

Assignment 2: Use print to Display a Message



print "Welcome to PHP Basics!";



 Explanation: This script demonstrates the use of print to output a message, similar to echo.

Assignment 3: Declare and Display Variables



$greeting = "Hello";

$year = 2024;

 echo $greeting . " World! Year: " . $year;



 Explanation: This script shows how to declare variables and concatenate them with a string using ..

Assignment 4: Basic Data Types - Strings


Explanation: This script demonstrates how to work with string data types.


$name = "Alice";

$occupation = "Engineer";


echo "Name: $name\n";

echo "Occupation: $occupation\n";




Assignment 5: Basic Data Types - Integers


Explanation: This script shows how to work with integer data types.


$age = 30;

$yearOfBirth = 1994;

 echo "Age: $age\n";

echo "Year of Birth: $yearOfBirth\n";




Assignment 6: Basic Data Types - Floats


Explanation: This script demonstrates the use of floating-point numbers.


$price = 19.99;

$discount = 0.15;

echo "Price: $$price\n";

echo "Discount: $discount\n";




Assignment 7: Basic Data Types - Booleans


Explanation: This script shows how to use boolean values and conditional statements to display them.


$isAvailable = true;

$isSoldOut = false;

echo "Available: " . ($isAvailable ? "Yes" : "No") . "\n";

echo "Sold Out: " . ($isSoldOut ? "Yes" : "No") . "\n";




Assignment 8: Type Casting - String to Integer



$stringNumber = "123";

$integerNumber = (int)$stringNumber;

echo "String: $stringNumber\n";

echo "Integer: $integerNumber\n";



 Explanation: This script demonstrates type casting from a string to an integer.

Assignment 9: Type Casting - Integer to Float



$integerNumber = 45;

$floatNumber = (float)$integerNumber;

 echo "Integer: $integerNumber\n";

echo "Float: $floatNumber\n";



 Explanation: This script shows type casting from an integer to a float.

Assignment 10: Type Casting - Float to String



$floatNumber = 9.99;

$stringNumber = (string)$floatNumber;

 echo "Float: $floatNumber\n";

echo "String: $stringNumber\n";


 Explanation: This script demonstrates type casting from a float to a string.

Assignment 11: Concatenate Strings and Variables



$firstName = "John";

$lastName = "Doe";


echo "Full Name: " . $firstName . " " . $lastName;



 Explanation: This script demonstrates concatenating strings with variables.

Assignment 12: Arithmetic Operations with Variables



$x = 10;

$y = 5;

$sum = $x + $y;

$product = $x * $y;

echo "Sum: $sum\n";

echo "Product: $product\n";



 Explanation: This script performs basic arithmetic operations using variables.

Assignment 13: Use of Constants



define("PI", 3.14159);

echo "Value of PI: " . PI;



 Explanation: This script demonstrates how to define and use a constant.

Assignment 14: Check Variable Types



$variable = 10;

echo "Type of variable: " . gettype($variable) . "\n";

$variable = "Hello";

echo "Type of variable: " . gettype($variable) . "\n";



 Explanation: This script checks and displays the type of a variable using gettype().

Assignment 15: Arithmetic Operations with Floats



$price = 19.99;

$tax = 0.07;

 $total = $price + ($price * $tax);

 echo "Total Price: $" . number_format($total, 2);



 Explanation: This script performs arithmetic operations with floats and formats the result.

Assignment 16: Variable Scope



function testScope() {

    $localVar = "I'm local";

    echo $localVar . "\n";



// echo $localVar; // This will cause an error



 Explanation: This script demonstrates variable scope by showing that variables inside a function are local to that function.

Assignment 17: Using isset() to Check Variable Initialization




if (isset($var)) {

    echo "Variable is set.";

} else {

    echo "Variable is not set.";




 Explanation: This script checks whether a variable is set using isset().

Assignment 18: Type Casting - Boolean to Integer



$booleanValue = true;

$integerValue = (int)$booleanValue;

echo "Boolean: $booleanValue\n";

echo "Integer: $integerValue\n";



 Explanation: This script demonstrates type casting from a boolean to an integer.

Assignment 19: Concatenate String and Integer



$age = 25;

$message = "Age: " . $age;

 echo $message;



 Explanation: This script concatenates a string with an integer and displays the result.

Assignment 20: Using var_dump() to Display Variable Types and Values



$integer = 42;

$float = 3.14;

$string = "Hello";






 Explanation: This script uses var_dump() to display the type and value of different variables.

These assignments cover a variety of fundamental topics related to PHP syntax and data types, providing students with hands-on practice in declaring variables, type casting, and using PHP’s basic features.

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