Lecture Notes On Class 8: Functions - Part 1

Rashmi Mishra

 Lecture Notes On Class 8: Functions - Part 1


Learn to define and use functions in PHP.

Understand function parameters and return values.


Students will be able to create and call functions, pass arguments, and return values from functions to simplify their code.

1. Introduction to Functions in PHP

What is a Function?

A function is a block of code that can be reused whenever needed. Instead of writing the same code multiple times, you define it once inside a function and call the function whenever you need that specific task to be performed.

Why Use Functions?

  1. Reusability: Write once, use many times.
  2. Organization: Break down complex problems into smaller, manageable tasks.
  3. Maintenance: Easier to update and debug code when functionality is encapsulated in functions.

2. Defining a Function in PHP


function functionName() {

    // Code to be executed


functionName: The name of the function. It should be descriptive to reflect what the function does.

Function Body: The code that performs the specific task, enclosed in { }.

Example 1: 

Simple Function


function greet() {

    echo "Hello, welcome to PHP!";


// Calling the function

greet();  // Output: Hello, welcome to PHP!



Defining the Function: The function greet() is defined to output a welcome message.

Calling the Function: The function is called using its name, greet(), which executes the code inside it.

3. Function Parameters

What Are Parameters?

Parameters allow you to pass information into a function so it can perform its task using that information. Parameters are variables that you define inside the parentheses of the function definition.


function functionName($param1, $param2) {

    // Code to be executed


$param1, $param2: These are placeholders for the values (arguments) that will be passed when the function is called.

Example 2: Function with Parameters


function greet($name) {

    echo "Hello, $name! Welcome to PHP!";


// Calling the function with an argument

greet("John");  // Output: Hello, John! Welcome to PHP!



Defining the Function: The greet() function now takes one parameter, $name.

Calling the Function with an Argument: When calling the function, we pass "John" as the argument, which is then used inside the function.

4. Return Values

What is a Return Value?

A return value is the result that a function sends back to the part of the program that called it. This allows the function to give back a result after performing its task.


function functionName($param1, $param2) {

    // Code to be executed

    return $result;


return $result;: The return statement sends the result back to the caller.

Example 3: Function with Return Value


function add($a, $b) {

    return $a + $b;  // Return the sum of a and b


// Calling the function and storing the return value

$sum = add(5, 10);

echo "The sum is $sum";  // Output: The sum is 15



Defining the Function: The add() function takes two parameters, $a and $b, adds them, and returns the result.

Using the Return Value: The return value is stored in the variable $sum and can be used later in the code.

5. Function with Multiple Parameters

A function can accept multiple parameters, which allows you to pass several pieces of information to the function.

Example 4: Function with Multiple Parameters


function multiply($x, $y) {

    return $x * $y;


// Calling the function with two arguments

$product = multiply(4, 5);

echo "The product is $product";  // Output: The product is 20



Multiple Parameters: The multiply() function accepts two parameters and returns their product.

Return and Usage: The product is returned and stored in $product, which is then printed.

6. Default Parameter Values

You can set default values for parameters, which will be used if no argument is passed during the function call.

Example 5: Function with Default Parameter


function greet($name = "Guest") {

    echo "Hello, $name! Welcome to PHP!";


// Calling the function without passing an argument

greet();  // Output: Hello, Guest! Welcome to PHP!

// Calling the function with an argument

greet("Alice");  // Output: Hello, Alice! Welcome to PHP!



Default Value: The greet() function has a default value of "Guest" for the $name parameter.

Calling without Argument: If no argument is passed, the default value is used.

Calling with Argument: If an argument is passed, it overrides the default value.

7. Practical Example

Example 6: Combining Function Concepts


function calculateTotal($price, $tax = 0.05) {

    $total = $price + ($price * $tax);

    return $total;


$totalCost = calculateTotal(100);  // Using default tax

echo "Total cost with default tax: $totalCost";  // Output: Total cost with default tax: 105

$totalCost = calculateTotal(100, 0.1);  // Passing a custom tax

echo "Total cost with custom tax: $totalCost";  // Output: Total cost with custom tax: 110



Function with Default Parameter: The calculateTotal() function calculates the total cost, including tax, with a default tax rate of 5%.

Calling with Default and Custom Parameters: The function is called twice: once with the default tax and once with a custom tax.


In this class, students learned the basics of defining and using functions in PHP. They now understand how to pass parameters to functions, return values, and use default parameters. These concepts are fundamental in writing clean, reusable, and efficient code. In the next class, we'll dive deeper into advanced function topics, such as scope, global variables, and more complex function usage.


Assignment 1: 

Greeting Function


Create a function named greetUser that accepts a user's name as a parameter and prints a personalized greeting.

If no name is provided, the function should default to greeting "Guest."

Example Output:

greetUser("John");  // Output: Hello, John! Welcome to PHP!

greetUser();        // Output: Hello, Guest! Welcome to PHP!


Define the function with a parameter $name.

Set a default value for $name as "Guest".

Call the function twice: once with an argument and once without.



// Define the function greetUser with a default parameter

function greetUser($name = "Guest") {

    echo "Hello, " . $name . "! Welcome to PHP!\n";


// Call the function with an argument

greetUser("John");  // Output: Hello, John! Welcome to PHP!

// Call the function without an argument, using the default value

greetUser();        // Output: Hello, Guest! Welcome to PHP!



Defining the Function:

The function greetUser is defined with a parameter $name.

The parameter $name is assigned a default value of "Guest".

Calling the Function:

When greetUser("John") is called, the function uses "John" as the value for $name and outputs: Hello, John! Welcome to PHP!

When greetUser() is called without any argument, the function uses the default value "Guest" for $name and outputs: Hello, Guest! Welcome to PHP!

This example demonstrates how to use default parameters in PHP functions, making them flexible and adaptable for different use cases.

Assignment 2: 

Simple Calculator


Create a function named calculate that takes three parameters: two numbers and a string representing an operation ("add", "subtract", "multiply", "divide").

The function should return the result of the operation.

Example Output:

calculate(10, 5, "add");        // Output: 15

calculate(10, 5, "subtract");   // Output: 5

calculate(10, 5, "multiply");   // Output: 50

calculate(10, 5, "divide");     // Output: 2


Define the function with parameters $num1, $num2, and $operation.

Use conditional statements (if, else if) to determine which operation to perform.

Return the result based on the operation.


Here is the code to create a simple calculator function named calculate that takes three parameters: two numbers and a string representing an operation ("add", "subtract", "multiply", "divide"). The function will return the result of the specified operation.


// Define the function calculate

function calculate($num1, $num2, $operation) {

    // Use conditional statements to determine the operation

    if ($operation === "add") {

        return $num1 + $num2;

    } elseif ($operation === "subtract") {

        return $num1 - $num2;

    } elseif ($operation === "multiply") {

        return $num1 * $num2;

    } elseif ($operation === "divide") {

        if ($num2 != 0) {  // Check for division by zero

            return $num1 / $num2;

        } else {

            return "Error: Division by zero!";


    } else {

        return "Error: Invalid operation!";



// Example Output

echo calculate(10, 5, "add") . "\n";        // Output: 15

echo calculate(10, 5, "subtract") . "\n";   // Output: 5

echo calculate(10, 5, "multiply") . "\n";   // Output: 50

echo calculate(10, 5, "divide") . "\n";     // Output: 2

echo calculate(10, 0, "divide") . "\n";     // Output: Error: Division by zero!

echo calculate(10, 5, "modulus") . "\n";    // Output: Error: Invalid operation!



Defining the Function:

The function calculate is defined with three parameters: $num1, $num2, and $operation.

Based on the value of $operation, the function performs one of the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division).

Conditional Statements:

The function uses if and else if statements to determine which operation to perform.

For "add", it returns the sum of $num1 and $num2.

For "subtract", it returns the difference between $num1 and $num2.

For "multiply", it returns the product of $num1 and $num2.

For "divide", it returns the quotient of $num1 divided by $num2, with a check to prevent division by zero.

Error Handling:

The function checks if the operation is valid. If an invalid operation is provided, it returns an error message.

It also checks for division by zero, which would otherwise result in an error.

Example Outputs:

calculate(10, 5, "add") returns 15.

calculate(10, 5, "subtract") returns 5.

calculate(10, 5, "multiply") returns 50.

calculate(10, 5, "divide") returns 2.

calculate(10, 0, "divide") returns an error message for division by zero.

calculate(10, 5, "modulus") returns an error message for an invalid operation.

This assignment helps students understand the use of functions with parameters, conditional logic, and error handling in PHP.

Assignment 3: Calculate Area of a Rectangle


Write a function named calculateArea that calculates the area of a rectangle.

The function should accept two parameters: length and width.

If the width is not provided, it should default to 1 (making it a line).

Example Output:

calculateArea(10, 5);  // Output: 50

calculateArea(10);     // Output: 10 (since width defaults to 1)


Define the function with parameters $length and $width, with $width defaulting to 1.

Calculate and return the area of the rectangle.


Here is the code to create a function named calculateArea that calculates the area of a rectangle. The function accepts two parameters: length and width. If the width is not provided, it defaults to 1.


// Define the function calculateArea

function calculateArea($length, $width = 1) {

    // Calculate the area of the rectangle

    return $length * $width;


// Example Output

echo calculateArea(10, 5) . "\n";  // Output: 50

echo calculateArea(10) . "\n";     // Output: 10 (since width defaults to 1)



Defining the Function:

The function calculateArea is defined with two parameters: $length and $width.

The $width parameter has a default value of 1, meaning if no width is provided when the function is called, it will use 1 by default.

Calculating the Area:

The function calculates the area of the rectangle using the formula length * width.

The result of the calculation is returned.

Example Outputs:

calculateArea(10, 5) returns 50, which is the area of a rectangle with a length of 10 and a width of 5.

calculateArea(10) returns 10, since the width defaults to 1, effectively making it the area of a line with a length of 10.

This assignment helps students understand how to use default parameters in functions and how to calculate the area of a rectangle based on given inputs.

Assignment 4: Maximum of Three Numbers


Create a function named findMax that takes three numbers as parameters and returns the maximum of the three.

Example Output:

findMax(10, 20, 5);   // Output: 20

findMax(-1, -5, 0);   // Output: 0


Define the function with parameters $num1, $num2, and $num3.

Use conditional statements to compare the numbers and determine the maximum.

Return the maximum value.


Here is the code to create a function named findMax that takes three numbers as parameters and returns the maximum of the three.


// Define the function findMax

function findMax($num1, $num2, $num3) {

    // Use conditional statements to determine the maximum value

    if ($num1 >= $num2 && $num1 >= $num3) {

        return $num1;

    } elseif ($num2 >= $num1 && $num2 >= $num3) {

        return $num2;

    } else {

        return $num3;



// Example Output

echo findMax(10, 20, 5) . "\n";   // Output: 20

echo findMax(-1, -5, 0) . "\n";   // Output: 0



Defining the Function:

The function findMax is defined with three parameters: $num1, $num2, and $num3.

Using Conditional Statements:

The function uses conditional statements (if, elseif, else) to compare the three numbers.

It first checks if $num1 is greater than or equal to both $num2 and $num3. If true, it returns $num1 as the maximum value.

If not, it checks if $num2 is greater than or equal to both $num1 and $num3. If true, it returns $num2 as the maximum value.

If neither condition is met, the function returns $num3, which must be the largest.

Example Outputs:

findMax(10, 20, 5) returns 20, as 20 is the largest among the three numbers.

findMax(-1, -5, 0) returns 0, as 0 is the largest among the three numbers.

This assignment helps students practice comparing multiple values using conditional logic and returning the appropriate result in PHP.

Assignment 5: Fahrenheit to Celsius Converter


Write a function named convertToFahrenheit that converts a temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit.

The function should accept one parameter for the Celsius value and return the converted temperature.

Example Output:

convertToFahrenheit(0);    // Output: 32

convertToFahrenheit(100);  // Output: 212


Define the function with a parameter $celsius.

Use the formula F = ($celsius * 9/5) + 32 to calculate the Fahrenheit value.

Return the calculated Fahrenheit value.


Here is the code to create a function named convertToFahrenheit that converts a temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit.


// Define the function convertToFahrenheit

function convertToFahrenheit($celsius) {

    // Use the formula to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit

    $fahrenheit = ($celsius * 9/5) + 32;

    return $fahrenheit;


// Example Output

echo convertToFahrenheit(0) . "\n";    // Output: 32

echo convertToFahrenheit(100) . "\n";  // Output: 212



Defining the Function:

The function convertToFahrenheit is defined with one parameter: $celsius.

Using the Conversion Formula:

The function uses the formula F = ($celsius * 9/5) + 32 to convert the temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit.

The result is stored in the variable $fahrenheit and returned by the function.

Example Outputs:

convertToFahrenheit(0) returns 32, which is the equivalent of 0 degrees Celsius in Fahrenheit.

convertToFahrenheit(100) returns 212, which is the equivalent of 100 degrees Celsius in Fahrenheit.

This assignment helps students understand how to implement and use mathematical formulas in PHP functions to perform unit conversions.

Assignment 6: Summing an Array


Create a function named sumArray that accepts an array of numbers and returns the sum of all the numbers in the array.

Example Output:

$numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

sumArray($numbers);  // Output: 15


Define the function with one parameter $arr for the array.

Use a loop to iterate through the array and sum all the elements.

Return the total sum.

Code :

Here is the code to create a function named sumArray that accepts an array of numbers and returns the sum of all the numbers in the array.


// Define the function sumArray

function sumArray($arr) {

    $sum = 0; // Initialize the sum to 0

    // Use a loop to iterate through the array

    foreach ($arr as $value) {

        $sum += $value; // Add each element to the sum


    return $sum; // Return the total sum


// Example Output

$numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

echo sumArray($numbers) . "\n";  // Output: 15



Defining the Function:

The function sumArray is defined with one parameter: $arr, which represents the array of numbers.

Initializing the Sum:

A variable $sum is initialized to 0 to store the total sum of the array elements.

Using a Loop to Sum the Array Elements:

The foreach loop is used to iterate through each element in the array $arr.

During each iteration, the current element ($value) is added to the $sum variable.

Returning the Total Sum:

After the loop finishes, the function returns the total sum stored in $sum.

Example Output:

For the array [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], sumArray($numbers) returns 15, which is the sum of all the numbers in the array.

This assignment teaches students how to work with arrays and loops in PHP to perform cumulative operations like summing all elements of an array.

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