MCQ 5-Comments and Whitespace Sensitivity

Rashmi Mishra

 Comments and Whitespace Sensitivity-1

1.     Which of the following is the correct way to add a single-line comment in PHP?
a) # This is a single-line comment
b) // This is a single-line comment
c) /* This is a single-line comment */
d) Both a and b

Answer: d) Both a and b

2.     What is the correct syntax for a multi-line comment in PHP?
a) <!-- This is a multi-line comment -->
b) /* This is a multi-line comment */
c) # This is a multi-line comment #
d) // This is a multi-line comment

Answer: b) /* This is a multi-line comment */

3.     What will be the output of the following PHP code if $value is set to 10?


// Set value

$value = 10; // Value assigned

echo $value;


a) 10
b) // Set value
c) // Value assigned
d) Error

Answer: a) 10

4.     Which of the following is a valid way to use comments in PHP to make code more readable?
a) /* This function calculates the sum of two numbers */
b) // This function calculates the sum of two numbers
c) Both a and b
d) <!-- This function calculates the sum of two numbers -->

Answer: c) Both a and b

5.     How does PHP handle whitespace in code?
a) Whitespace is ignored in PHP and does not affect code execution
b) Whitespace affects the way PHP code is executed
c) Whitespace is required between PHP statements
d) Whitespace is used to concatenate strings

Answer: a) Whitespace is ignored in PHP and does not affect code execution

6.     What will be the result of the following PHP code due to whitespace sensitivity?


$a = 5;

$b = 10;

$c = $a

+ $b;

echo $c;


a) 15
b) 5 + 10
c) Error
d) 5

Answer: a) 15

7.     Which PHP comment style should be avoided for code that will be executed?
a) // Single-line comments
b) /* Multi-line comments */
c) <!-- HTML comments -->
d) # Single-line comments

Answer: c) <!-- HTML comments -->

8.     What will be the output of this code if $x is set to 7?


$x = 7;

// This is the start of the code

echo $x;


This is a multi-line comment

that spans multiple lines



a) 7
b) // This is the start of the code
c) /* This is a multi-line comment that spans multiple lines */
d) Error

Answer: a) 7

9.     How does PHP treat whitespace between PHP tags and statements?
a) Whitespace can be placed anywhere and does not affect the execution
b) Whitespace must be used to separate PHP tags
c) Excessive whitespace can cause syntax errors
d) Whitespace must be avoided between PHP tags and statements

Answer: a) Whitespace can be placed anywhere and does not affect the execution

10.What is the result of this PHP code if $value is set to 20?


$value = 20;

/* Output value */

echo $value;


a) 20
b) /* Output value */
c) Error
d) Output value

Answer: a) 20

Comments and Whitespace Sensitivity-2

1.     Which of the following is a valid single-line comment in PHP?
a) # This is a valid comment
b) // This is a valid comment
c) /* This is not a valid comment */
d) Both a and b

Answer: d) Both a and b

2.     What happens if you use an HTML comment inside a PHP block?


/* This is a PHP comment */

<!-- This is an HTML comment -->


a) Both comments are ignored
b) The HTML comment is displayed as part of the output
c) The PHP comment is ignored, and the HTML comment causes an error
d) Both comments are displayed as part of the output

Answer: a) Both comments are ignored

3.     How does PHP treat whitespace at the end of a PHP statement?
a) Whitespace at the end of a statement is considered part of the statement
b) Whitespace at the end of a statement is ignored
c) Whitespace at the end of a statement causes a syntax error
d) It is required for the statement to execute correctly

Answer: b) Whitespace at the end of a statement is ignored

4.     What will be the output of the following PHP code?


// This is a single-line comment

$x = 5; /* This is a multi-line comment */

echo $x;


a) 5
b) // This is a single-line comment
c) /* This is a multi-line comment */
d) Error

Answer: a) 5

5.     What is the effect of whitespace within a PHP statement?
a) It can be used to improve code readability
b) It affects the code execution
c) It changes the value of variables
d) It must be avoided

Answer: a) It can be used to improve code readability

6.     How does PHP handle the whitespace between operators and operands in expressions?
a) Whitespace is ignored and does not affect the expression
b) Whitespace is required for correct execution
c) Excessive whitespace results in syntax errors
d) Whitespace changes the meaning of the expression

Answer: a) Whitespace is ignored and does not affect the expression

7.     What is the result of the following PHP code due to whitespace placement?


$sum = 5

+ 10;

echo $sum;


a) 15
b) 5 + 10
c) Error
d) 5

Answer: a) 15

8.     What will the following PHP code output?


/* Comment */

$number = 25;

echo $number;


a) 25
b) /* Comment */
c) Error
d) Comment

Answer: a) 25

9.     What is the impact of comments on PHP code execution?
a) Comments are ignored by the PHP interpreter and do not affect execution
b) Comments are executed as part of the code
c) Comments can cause syntax errors if not properly used
d) Comments are required for the code to execute

Answer: a) Comments are ignored by the PHP interpreter and do not affect execution

10.Which of the following is true about whitespace in PHP code?
a) PHP ignores all whitespace
b) Whitespace must be used to separate PHP tags
c) Excessive whitespace can make code harder to read but does not affect execution
d) Whitespace is used to separate PHP from HTML

Answer: c) Excessive whitespace can make code harder to read but does not affect execution

Comments and Whitespace Sensitivity-3

1.     Which of the following statements about comments in PHP is true?
a) Comments within PHP code are ignored during execution
b) Comments must be placed before every PHP statement
c) Comments affect the output of the PHP script
d) Comments are used to execute PHP code

Answer: a) Comments within PHP code are ignored during execution

2.     What is the result of this PHP code if $value is set to 30?


/* Set value */

$value = 30;

// Output value

echo $value;


a) 30
b) /* Set value */
c) // Output value
d) Error

Answer: a) 30

3.     How does PHP treat whitespace in variable names?
a) Whitespace is allowed in variable names
b) Whitespace is not allowed in variable names
c) Whitespace can be used to concatenate variable names
d) Whitespace changes the meaning of the variable

Answer: b) Whitespace is not allowed in variable names

4.     What will the following PHP code output if $x is set to 15?


$x = 15;

$y = $x

+ 5;

echo $y;


a) 20
b) 15 + 5
c) 15
d) Error

Answer: a) 20

5.     What is the purpose of using comments in PHP code?
a) To explain and document code for future reference
b) To execute PHP code
c) To change the output of the script
d) To handle errors

Answer: a) To explain and document code for future reference

6.     What will be the output of this PHP code if $x is set to 5 and $y is set to 10?


$x = 5;

$y = 10;

$sum = $x



echo $sum;


a) 15
b) 5 + 10
c) 5
d) Error

Answer: a) 15

7.     Which comment style is most appropriate for adding descriptive notes about code functionality in PHP?
a) /* Multi-line comments */
b) // Single-line comments
c) # Single-line comments
d) All of the above

Answer: d) All of the above

8.     What will be the output of this PHP code if $text is set to "Hello World"?


$text = "Hello World";

echo $text; // Output the text


a) Hello World
b) // Output the text
c) Hello World // Output the text
d) Error

Answer: a) Hello World

9.     What is the result of this PHP code when $value is 0?


$value = 0;

$result = $value

+ 100;

echo $result;


a) 100
b) 0 + 100
c) 0
d) Error

Answer: a) 100

10.What happens if you put a PHP comment inside an HTML tag?




// Comment inside PHP


<p>Text here <!-- HTML comment --> </p>



a) HTML comments are ignored by PHP and displayed as is
b) HTML comments are converted into PHP comments
c) PHP comments are displayed as part of the HTML output
d) The HTML comment causes a syntax error

Answer: a) HTML comments are ignored by PHP and displayed as is

Comments and Whitespace Sensitivity-4

1.     How does PHP handle whitespace inside string literals?
a) Whitespace is removed from string literals
b) Whitespace is preserved exactly as it appears in the string
c) Whitespace is replaced with a default character
d) Whitespace is ignored

Answer: b) Whitespace is preserved exactly as it appears in the string

2.     What is the output of this PHP code?


$name = "Alice"; // Name variable

$greeting = "Hello, $name!";

echo $greeting;


a) Hello, Alice!
b) Hello, $name!
c) Hello, Alice; // Name variable!
d) Error

Answer: a) Hello, Alice!

3.     What does the following PHP code output?


$a = 2;

$b = 4;

$sum = $a

+ $b;

echo $sum;


a) 6
b) 2 + 4
c) Error
d) 2 4

Answer: a) 6

4.     How do you add a comment in PHP that spans multiple lines?
a) /* This is a multi-line comment */
b) <!-- This is a multi-line comment -->
c) // This is a multi-line comment
d) # This is a multi-line comment

Answer: a) /* This is a multi-line comment */

5.     What will be the output of this PHP code if $x is set to 8?


$x = 8;

// Comment: Displaying value

echo $x;


a) 8
b) // Comment: Displaying value
c) 8 // Comment: Displaying value
d) Error

Answer: a) 8

6.     What is the result of the following code?


$a = 5;

$b = $a

+ 15;

$c = $b

+ $a;

echo $c;


a) 25
b) 20
c) 5 + 15 + 5
d) Error

Answer: a) 25

7.     What is the correct way to write a single-line comment in PHP within a block of PHP code?
a) // This is a single-line comment
b) # This is a single-line comment
c) /* This is a single-line comment */
d) Both a and b

Answer: d) Both a and b

8.     How does PHP process whitespace around PHP tags?
a) Whitespace outside of PHP tags is ignored
b) Whitespace inside PHP tags is required
c) Whitespace within PHP tags affects the execution
d) Whitespace is removed before executing PHP code

Answer: a) Whitespace outside of PHP tags is ignored

9.     What will be the output of this code?


$x = 10;

$y = 20;

$z = $x



echo $z;


a) 30
b) 10 + 20
c) Error
d) 10

Answer: a) 30

10.What is the effect of putting a comment inside an echo statement in PHP?


echo "Hello, world!"; // Comment here


a) The comment is ignored and does not affect the output
b) The comment is displayed as part of the output
c) The comment causes a syntax error
d) The comment modifies the output

Answer: a) The comment is ignored and does not affect the output

Comments and Whitespace Sensitivity-5

1.     What will the following PHP code output if $value is set to "Hello "?


$value = "Hello ";

// Add World

$value .= "World!";

echo $value;


a) Hello World!
b) Hello
c) Hello World
d) Hello // Add World World!

Answer: a) Hello World!

2.     How does PHP handle whitespace before the closing ?> tag in a PHP file?
a) Whitespace before the closing tag is ignored
b) Whitespace before the closing tag is included in the output
c) Whitespace before the closing tag causes an error
d) Whitespace before the closing tag must be avoided

Answer: b) Whitespace before the closing tag is included in the output

3.     What is the effect of placing a comment inside a PHP function?


function greet() {

    // This is a comment

    echo "Hello!";




a) The comment is ignored and does not affect the function execution
b) The comment is displayed as part of the output
c) The comment causes the function to fail
d) The comment modifies the output

Answer: a) The comment is ignored and does not affect the function execution

4.     What will be the result of this PHP code if $total is set to 50?


$total = 50;

// Add 10

$total = $total + 10;

echo $total;


a) 60
b) 50
c) // Add 10
d) Error

Answer: a) 60

5.     Which PHP comment style can be used to add notes or explanations to code without affecting the code execution?
a) /* This is a multi-line comment */
b) // This is a single-line comment
c) # This is a single-line comment
d) All of the above

Answer: d) All of the above

6.     What will be the output of this PHP code if $x is 5 and $y is 10?


$x = 5;

$y = 10;

$result = $x

+ $y;

echo $result;


a) 15
b) 5 + 10
c) 5
d) Error

Answer: a) 15

7.     How does PHP handle whitespace in the middle of variable names?
a) Whitespace is allowed and treated as part of the variable name
b) Whitespace is not allowed in variable names
c) Whitespace is ignored and variable names are concatenated
d) Whitespace is used to separate variable names

Answer: b) Whitespace is not allowed in variable names

8.     What is the result of this PHP code?


$num = 7;


This is a multi-line comment

that spans multiple lines


$num = $num + 3;

echo $num;


a) 10
b) 7 + 3
c) 7
d) Error

Answer: a) 10

9.     What will be the output of this PHP code if the comment is correctly placed?


$x = 100;

// This is a comment

$y = 50;

echo $x + $y;


a) 150
b) 100 + 50
c) // This is a comment
d) Error

Answer: a) 150

10.What does the following PHP code do?


$a = 5;

$b = 10;

$result = $a



echo $result;


a) Adds $a and $b and outputs 15
b) Outputs 5 + 10
c) Outputs 5
d) Causes a syntax error

Answer: a) Adds $a and $b and outputs 15

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