Sl No | Practical Outcome |
1 | Practical No. 01: a) Install and configure PHP, web server, MYSQL b) Write a program to print “Hello, World! ”
2 | Practical No: 02 Write a PHP program to demonstrate the use of expressions and operators using 1) PHP Arithmetic Operators 2) PHP Assignment Operators 3) PHP Increment / Decrement Operators 4) PHP Comparison Operators 5) PHP Logical Operators 6) PHP String Operators 7) PHP Conditional Assignment Operators
3 | Practical No: 03
Write a PHP program to demonstrate the use of Decision making control structures using 1) If statement 2) If-else statement 3) Switch statement
4 | Practical No: 04 Write a PHP program to demonstrate the use of Looping structures using a) While statement b) Do-while statement c) For statement d) Foreach statement
| Practical No: 05 Write a PHP program for creating and manipulating a) Indexed array b) Associative array c) Multidimensional array
6 | Practical No: 06 Write a PHP program to demonstrate String Manipulation , Data Processing in PHP and use of various built-in string functions.
7 | Practical No: 07 Write a simple PHP program to demonstrate use of various types of function.
8 | Practical No: 08 Write a simple PHP program to demonstrate use of Class Concept in PHP.
9 | Practical No: 09 Write a simple PHP program to demonstrate use of superglobal variables in PHP.
10 | Practical No: 10 Write a simple PHP program to demonstrate use of Forms in PHP.
11 | Practical No: 11 Design a web page using following form controls: a.Text box, b. Radio button, c. Check box, d. Buttons
12 | Practical No: 12 Design a web page using following form controls: a. List box, b. Combo box, c. Hidden field box
13 | Practical No: 13 Develop web page with form data validation.
14 | Practical No: 14 Write a simple PHP program to demonstrate use of database interaction in PHP.
15 | Practical No: 15 PHP Database Connectivity and CRUD Operations
16 | Practical No: 16 A Small CRUD Project.