PHP for Beginners: Top Questions

Rashmi Mishra


Basic PHP Questions

1.   What is PHP?

2.   How do you handle errors in PHP?

3.   What is the difference between echo and print in PHP?

4.   Explain the difference between include and require in PHP.

5.   What are PHP superglobals? Name a few.

6.   What are the differences between == and === in PHP?

7.   How can you get the last inserted ID in PHP when using MySQL?

8.   How do you declare a variable in PHP?

9.   What is the use of the $_GET superglobal in PHP?

10.                     What is the use of the $_POST superglobal in PHP?

11.                     What is the use of the $_SESSION superglobal in PHP?

12.                     What is the difference between $_GET and $_POST in PHP?

13.                     How do you pass data between pages in PHP?

14.                     What is the purpose of the isset() function in PHP?

15.                     What is the purpose of the empty() function in PHP?

16.                     What is the difference between require and require_once in PHP?

17.                     What is the purpose of the header() function in PHP?

18.                     How do you create a session in PHP?

19.                     What is a cookie in PHP? How do you set and retrieve cookies?

20.                     How do you destroy a session in PHP?

21.                     What are magic methods in PHP? Give examples.

22.                     What is the print_r() function used for in PHP?

23.                     Explain the __construct() and __destruct() methods in PHP.

24.                     What is the difference between echo and print in PHP?

25.                     What is the getcwd() function in PHP?

26.                     How do you set a file to a variable in PHP?

27.                     What are the different types of errors in PHP?

28.                     Explain PHP’s data types.

29.                     How do you initialize an array in PHP?

30.                     How do you check if a variable is an array in PHP?

31.                     How can you debug PHP code?

32.                     What is the use of the var_dump() function in PHP?

33.                     How do you check whether a variable is set in PHP?

34.                     What is the purpose of the uniqid() function in PHP?

35.                     What does the __autoload() function do in PHP?

36.                     What is the strpos() function in PHP?

37.                     How do you check if a file exists in PHP?

38.                     How do you get the current date and time in PHP?

39.                     What is the date() function in PHP?

40.                     How do you handle file uploads in PHP?

41.                     What are magic constants in PHP?

42.                     What is the difference between file_get_contents() and fopen() in PHP?

43.                     What is $_FILES in PHP?

44.                     How do you connect to a MySQL database using PHP?

45.                     What is the mysqli_connect() function in PHP?

46.                     What is the PDO extension in PHP?

47.                     What are prepared statements in PHP?

48.                     What is the mysql_query() function used for?

49.                     How can you create a simple PHP form?

50.                     What is the purpose of ob_start() and ob_end_clean() in PHP?

51.                     How do you retrieve form data in PHP?

52.                     What is the difference between mysql_fetch_assoc() and mysql_fetch_row()?

53.                     How do you fetch data from a MySQL database using PHP?

54.                     How do you handle SQL injection in PHP?

55.                     What is the password_hash() function in PHP?

56.                     How do you encrypt a password in PHP?

57.                     How do you create a simple login system in PHP?

58.                     What is the mysqli_fetch_assoc() function in PHP?

59.                     What is the $_SESSION in PHP?

60.                     What is the $_COOKIE in PHP?

61.                     What is the $_FILES superglobal in PHP?

62.                     What is the $_SERVER superglobal in PHP?

63.                     How do you write a loop in PHP?

64.                     What is an associative array in PHP?

65.                     How do you include a file in PHP?

66.                     What is the include_once() function in PHP?

67.                     How do you handle exceptions in PHP?

68.                     How do you create and use functions in PHP?

69.                     What is the use of echo in PHP?

70.                     What are associative arrays in PHP?

71.                     What is the purpose of json_encode() in PHP?

72.                     What is the purpose of json_decode() in PHP?

73.                     How do you define constants in PHP?

74.                     How do you store files on the server in PHP?

75.                     What is the use of file_put_contents() in PHP?

76.                     How can you redirect a page in PHP?

77.                     How do you make a redirect in PHP?

78.                     What is the use of session_start() in PHP?

79.                     How do you destroy cookies in PHP?

80.                     How do you read from a file in PHP?

81.                     What is the fopen() function in PHP?

82.                     How do you write to a file in PHP?

83.                     How do you send email in PHP?

84.                     How do you check the file type in PHP?

85.                     How do you create a download link for a file in PHP?

86.                     How do you create a simple search functionality in PHP?

87.                     How do you check whether a file is readable or writable in PHP?

88.                     How can you send headers to the browser in PHP?

89.                     What is the get_headers() function in PHP?

90.                     What is the difference between mysql_connect() and mysqli_connect()?

91.                     What is the purpose of $_ENV in PHP?

92.                     How do you encrypt data in PHP?

93.                     What is the mysql_num_rows() function in PHP?

94.                     How do you prevent SQL injection in PHP?

95.                     What is a view in the context of MVC in PHP?

96.                     What is the purpose of $_REQUEST in PHP?

97.                     How do you get the current script name in PHP?

98.                     What is the session_regenerate_id() function in PHP?

99.                     How do you generate a random number in PHP?

100.               What is the get_magic_quotes_gpc() function in PHP?

Intermediate PHP Questions

101.               What are namespaces in PHP?

102.               How do you define an interface in PHP?

103.               How do you declare a class in PHP?

104.               What is a constructor and destructor in PHP?

105.               What is the purpose of the __construct() and __destruct() methods in PHP?

106.               What is the difference between public, private, and protected methods in PHP?

107.               How do you handle errors in PHP using try-catch blocks?

108.               What is an abstract class in PHP?

109.               How can you prevent direct access to PHP files?

110.               How can you pass parameters by reference in PHP?

111.               What is a trait in PHP?

112.               How do you create a singleton class in PHP?

113.               What is autoloading in PHP?

114.               How do you implement autoloading in PHP?

115.               What is the spl_autoload_register() function used for?

116.               How do you connect to a database in PHP using PDO?

117.               What are prepared statements in PDO?

118.               What is the purpose of bindParam() in PDO?

119.               What is the purpose of bindValue() in PDO?

120.               How do you prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) in PHP?

121.               What is the purpose of the header() function in PHP?

122.               What is the purpose of the output_buffering directive in PHP?

123.               What is the php.ini configuration file?

124.               How can you check if a session is active in PHP?

125.               How do you set and retrieve session variables in PHP?

126.               What are the differences between GET and POST methods in PHP?

127.               How do you handle form validation in PHP?

128.               What is the purpose of $_FILES in PHP?

129.               How do you handle file uploads in PHP?

130.               How do you handle file downloads in PHP?

131.               How do you limit file size during upload in PHP?

132.               What is the is_uploaded_file() function in PHP?

133.               How do you send an email using PHP’s mail() function?

134.               What is the difference between mail() and sendmail() in PHP?

135.               How do you manage users in PHP (login, session)?

136.               What is password_hash() and how is it used in PHP?

137.               How do you compare two strings in PHP?

138.               How can you pass data between PHP and JavaScript?

139.               What is the json_encode() function in PHP?

140.               What is json_decode() in PHP?

141.               How do you parse JSON data in PHP?

142.               How can you connect PHP to a NoSQL database like MongoDB?

143.               How can you handle multiple users in PHP applications?

144.               How do you build REST APIs using PHP?

145.               How do you pass data to a view in PHP when using MVC?

146.               What is the filter_var() function in PHP used for?

147.               How do you handle arrays in PHP?

148.               What is array_map() in PHP?

149.               How do you sort an array in PHP?

150.               What is array_diff() in PHP?

151.               What is array_merge() in PHP?

152.               How do you check if a value exists in an array in PHP?

153.               How do you count the number of elements in an array in PHP?

154.               What is the purpose of explode() and implode() in PHP?

155.               What is the array_filter() function in PHP?

156.               What is the array_walk() function in PHP?

157.               How do you fetch results in PHP from a MySQL query?

158.               What is mysqli_fetch_assoc() in PHP?

159.               What is mysqli_fetch_row() in PHP?

160.               How do you perform an update operation in MySQL using PHP?

161.               How do you handle transactions in PDO?

162.               What is a PHP framework?

163.               What are the benefits of using a PHP framework?

164.               What is Laravel and why is it so popular?

165.               What is a Route in Laravel?

166.               How does Laravel handle form requests?

167.               What are migrations in Laravel?

168.               How do you define a model in Laravel?

169.               How do you use Eloquent ORM in Laravel?

170.               What are controllers in Laravel?

171.               How do you define routes in Laravel?

172.               How do you manage authentication in Laravel?

173.               How do you use middleware in Laravel?

174.               What is artisan in Laravel?

175.               How do you handle file uploads in Laravel?

176.               How do you send emails using Laravel?

177.               How do you validate data in Laravel?

178.               What are blade templates in Laravel?

179.               What is the auth helper in Laravel?

180.               How does Laravel manage sessions?

181.               What are events and listeners in Laravel?

182.               What is dependency injection in Laravel?

183.               What are service providers in Laravel?

184.               What is a seeder in Laravel?

185.               How do you define relationships between models in Laravel?

186.               How do you handle error pages in Laravel?

187.               What is a ViewComposer in Laravel?

188.               What is the purpose of artisan make:controller in Laravel?

189.               How do you perform database migrations in Laravel?

190.               How do you work with queues in Laravel?

191.               What is the @foreach directive in Laravel blade templates?

192.               How do you implement authorization in Laravel?

193.               What is throttle in Laravel?

194.               How do you generate a secure URL in Laravel?

195.               How do you implement role-based access control in Laravel?

196.               What is the purpose of FormRequest in Laravel?

197.               What are Laravel policies?

198.               How do you use Laravel collections?

199.               What is Laravel Passport?

200.               What is Laravel Echo?

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