React Interview Questions and Answers
Beginner Level Questions
1. What is
React is a JavaScript library for building user
interfaces. It is maintained by Facebook and allows developers to create
reusable UI components.
2. What are
the key features of React?
Declarative UI
Component-based architecture
Virtual DOM
One-way data binding
High performance
3. What is
JSX stands for JavaScript XML. It allows you to
write HTML-like syntax in JavaScript, which React then transforms into
JavaScript objects.
4. What is
the Virtual DOM?
The Virtual DOM is a lightweight copy of the real
DOM. React uses it to optimize rendering by only updating the changed parts of
the DOM.
5. What are
props in React?
Props (short for properties) are used to pass data
from parent components to child components in React.
6. What is
state in React?
State is a built-in React object used to manage
data within a component. Unlike props, state is mutable.
7. How do
you create a functional component in React?
Greeting() {
return <h1>Hello, World!</h1>;
8. What is
the difference between a functional and a class component?
Functional components are stateless and simple
Class components are stateful and require a class
declaration, with lifecycle methods and render().
9. What is
the role of key in lists?
key helps React identify which elements have
changed, are added, or removed, improving rendering performance.
What are React lifecycle methods?
Lifecycle methods are functions that get called at
different stages of a component’s life, such as componentDidMount,
componentDidUpdate, and componentWillUnmount.
What is useState in React?
useState is a Hook that allows you to add state to
functional components.
[count, setCount] = useState(0);
What is the difference between state and props?
state is mutable and managed within the component,
while props are immutable and passed from parent to child.
How do you handle events in React?
Events in React are handled using camelCase syntax.
handleClick() {
alert('Button clicked!');
onClick={handleClick}>Click Me</button>
What are fragments in React?
Fragments let you group multiple elements without
adding extra nodes to the DOM.
What are controlled components in React?
Controlled components are form elements controlled
by React state.
Form() {
const [value, setValue] = useState('');
return <input value={value}
onChange={(e) => setValue(} />;
What are uncontrolled components?
Uncontrolled components use references to access
form data directly without state.
What is the difference between React.createElement
and JSX?
React.createElement creates React elements
manually, while JSX is a syntax sugar that compiles to React.createElement.
What is one-way data binding?
Data flows in a single direction, from parent to
child components, ensuring a predictable state flow.
What is render() in React?
The render() method in class components returns the
JSX to be displayed.
What are higher-order components (HOCs)?
HOCs are functions that take a component and return
a new component with enhanced functionality.
Intermediate Level Questions
What are React Hooks?
Hooks are functions that let you use state and
other React features in functional components.
What is useEffect used for?
useEffect is used for managing side effects in
functional components (e.g., data fetching, subscriptions).
What is the Context API?
The Context API is used to share data across
components without passing props manually at every level.
How do you create a context in React?
MyContext = React.createContext();
function App() {
return (
<Child />
What is Prop Drilling, and how do you avoid it?
Prop Drilling occurs when props are passed through
multiple layers. It can be avoided using Context API or state management
libraries like Redux.
What is Redux?
Redux is a state management library that helps
manage the global state of an application.
What is the difference between useMemo and
useMemo memoizes the return value of a function.
useCallback memoizes the function itself.
What are lazy loading and code splitting?
Lazy loading loads components or resources
Code splitting breaks a large bundle into smaller
chunks for performance optimization.
What is React Router?
React Router is a library for routing in React
applications, allowing navigation between views without page refreshes.
How does React.memo work?
React.memo prevents unnecessary re-renders by
memoizing functional components.
How can you improve the performance of a React
Use React.memo
Implement lazy loading
Optimize dependencies in useEffect
Use virtualization for large lists
Split code dynamically
What is a Pure Component in React?
A Pure Component implements the
shouldComponentUpdate lifecycle method to prevent unnecessary renders.
What are render props in React?
Render props are used to share functionality
between components using a prop that is a function.
MouseTracker(props) {
return props.render({ x: 10, y: 20 });
How do you handle errors in a React application?
Use error boundaries
Use try-catch for specific operations
What is reconciliation in React?
Reconciliation is the process React uses to update
the DOM by comparing the Virtual DOM with the real DOM.
What is the role of keys in React lists?
Keys help React identify which items have changed,
been added, or removed.
What is the purpose of useContext?
useContext allows components to access context
values directly without using Consumer components.
What is the difference between useLayoutEffect and
useLayoutEffect fires synchronously after all DOM
useEffect fires asynchronously.
How do you manage forms in React?
Controlled components
Uncontrolled components
Libraries like Formik or React Hook Form
What are custom hooks in React?
Custom hooks are functions that reuse stateful
logic across components.
Beginner Level
Q1: What is React?
A: React is a
JavaScript library for building user interfaces, primarily for single-page
applications, allowing developers to create reusable UI components.
Q2: What are components in React?
A: Components are the
building blocks of a React application. They are reusable pieces of code that
return a React element to be rendered to the page.
Q3: What is JSX?
A: JSX (JavaScript XML)
is a syntax extension for JavaScript that looks similar to XML or HTML. It
allows you to write HTML elements in JavaScript and place them in the DOM.
Q4: How do you create a
functional component in React?
A: A functional component can be created using a JavaScript function that returns JSX. Example:
function MyComponent()
return <h1>Hello, World!</h1>;
Q5: What is the difference between a class component and a functional component?
A: Class components are
ES6 classes that extend from React.Component and can hold state and lifecycle
methods. Functional components are simpler and can use hooks for state and
lifecycle features.
Q: What is state in
A: State is a built-in object that allows components to create and manage their own data. It can change over time, usually in response to user actions.
Q: How do you manage
state in a functional component?
A: You can manage state in a functional component using the useState hook. Example:
const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
Q: What is props in React?
A: Props (short for
properties) are read-only attributes passed from a parent component to a child
component, allowing data to flow through the component tree.
Q: How do you pass
props to a component?
A: You can pass props to a component by adding attributes to the component tag.
<MyComponent name="John" />
Q: What is the purpose
of the key prop in React?
A: The key prop is used to uniquely identify elements in a list. It helps React optimize rendering by tracking which items have changed, been added, or removed.
Intermediate Level
Q: What are hooks in
A: Hooks are functions that let you use state and other React features in functional components. Examples include useState, useEffect, and useContext.
Q: What does the
useEffect hook do?
A: The useEffect hook allows you to perform side effects in functional components, such as data fetching, subscriptions, or manually changing the DOM.
Q: How do you handle
events in React?
A: You can handle events in React by passing an event handler function to the event attribute. Example:
onClick={handleClick}>Click me</button>
Q: What is the context
API in React?
A: The Context API is a way to share values (like state) between components without having to pass props down manually at every level.
Q: How do you create a
A: You can create a context using React.createContext(). Example:
const MyContext =
Q: What is the purpose
of useReducer?
A: The useReducer hook is used for managing complex state logic in functional components, similar to Redux. It allows you to manage state transitions based on actions.
Q: How do you
conditionally render components in React?
A: You can conditionally render components using JavaScript expressions, such as the ternary operator or logical AND (&&). Example:
{isLoggedIn ?
<Dashboard /> : <Login />}
Q: What is the
difference between controlled and uncontrolled components?
A: Controlled components are form elements whose value is controlled by React state, while uncontrolled components store their own state internally and are accessed via refs.
Q: How do you create a
ref in React?
A: You can create a ref using the useRef hook. Example:
const inputRef =
Q: What is the purpose
of React.memo?
A: React.memo is a higher-order component that optimizes functional components by memoizing their output. It prevents unnecessary re-renders when the props have not changed.
Advanced Level
Q: What is the
difference between useMemo and useCallback?
A: useMemo is used to memoize the result of a computation, while useCallback is used to memoize a function definition. Both help optimize performance by preventing unnecessary recalculations.
Q: How do you implement
error boundaries in React?
A: Error boundaries are implemented using class components that define a componentDidCatch lifecycle method. They catch JavaScript errors in their child component tree and display a fallback UI.
Q: What is server-side
rendering (SSR) in React?
A: Server-side rendering is the process of rendering a React application on the server and sending the fully rendered page to the client, improving performance and SEO.
Q: What is the purpose
of React.lazy and Suspense?
A: React.lazy allows you to dynamically import components, while Suspense is used to wrap lazy-loaded components and provide a fallback UI while the component is loading.
Q: How do you optimize
performance in a React application?
A: Performance can be optimized by using techniques such as code splitting, memoization, avoiding inline functions in render, and using the React.PureComponent or React.memo.
Q: What is the role of
Redux in a React application?
A: Redux is a state management library that helps manage application state in a predictable way, allowing for a centralized store and unidirectional data flow.
Q: How do you connect a
React component to a Redux store?
A: You can connect a React component to a Redux store using the connect function from react-redux, which maps state and dispatch to the component's props.
Q: What are
higher-order components (HOCs)?
A: Higher-order components are functions that take a component and return a new component, allowing for code reuse and the ability to add additional functionality to existing components.
Q: What is the purpose
of the useLayoutEffect hook?
A: The useLayoutEffect hook is similar to useEffect, but it runs synchronously after all DOM mutations. It is useful for reading layout from the DOM and synchronously re-rendering.
Q: How do you handle
forms in React?
A: Forms in React can be handled using controlled components, where form inputs are bound to state, or uncontrolled components, where refs are used to access input values directly.
Q: What is the purpose of useImperativeHandle?
A: The
useImperativeHandle hook customizes the instance value that is exposed when
using ref in parent components, allowing you to control what is accessible.
Q: How do you implement routing in a React application?
A: Routing in a React application can be implemented using the react-router-dom library, which provides components like BrowserRouter, Route, and Link for navigation.
Q: What is the
difference between useEffect and useLayoutEffect?
A: useEffect runs asynchronously after the render is committed to the screen, while useLayoutEffect runs synchronously after all DOM mutations, allowing for layout calculations before the browser paints.
Q: How do you perform
API calls in React?
A: API calls in React can be performed using the fetch API or libraries like axios within the useEffect hook to handle side effects.
Q: What is the purpose
of React.Fragment?
A: React.Fragment is used to group multiple elements without adding extra nodes to the DOM, allowing for cleaner markup.
Q: How do you handle
asynchronous operations in React?
A: Asynchronous operations can be handled using async/await syntax within the useEffect hook or by using promises in event handlers.
Q: What is the purpose
of useContext?
A: The useContext hook allows you to access the value of a context directly in functional components, simplifying the consumption of context data.
Q: How do you implement
lazy loading of images in React?
A: Lazy loading of images can be implemented using the loading="lazy" attribute in the <img> tag or by using libraries like react-lazyload.
Q: What is the purpose
of React.StrictMode?
A: React.StrictMode is a tool for highlighting potential problems in an application. It activates additional checks and warnings for its descendants.
Q: How do you create a
custom hook in React?
A: A custom hook can be created by defining a function that uses React hooks and returns values or functions. Example:
function useFetch(url)
const [data, setData] = useState(null);
useEffect(() => {
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => setData(data));
}, [url]);
return data;
Q: What is the purpose
of React.StrictMode?
A: React.StrictMode is a tool for highlighting potential problems in an application. It activates additional checks and warnings for its descendants.
Q: How do you handle
side effects in React?
A: Side effects in React can be handled using the useEffect hook, which allows you to perform operations like data fetching, subscriptions, or manually changing the DOM.
Q: What is the purpose
of useDebugValue?
A: The useDebugValue hook is used to display a label for custom hooks in React DevTools, helping developers understand the state of the hook during debugging.
Q: How do you implement
pagination in a React application?
A: Pagination can be implemented by managing the current page state and slicing the data array based on the current page and items per page.
Q: What is the purpose
of React.forwardRef?
A: React.forwardRef is a function that allows you to forward refs to a child component, enabling parent components to directly interact with the child’s DOM node.
Q: How do you optimize
rendering performance in a large list?
A: Rendering performance in a large list can be optimized using techniques like windowing or virtualization with libraries like react-window or react-virtualized.
Q: What is the purpose
of useTransition?
A: The useTransition hook is used to mark updates as non-urgent, allowing React to keep the UI responsive while transitioning between states.
Q: How do you implement
a modal in React?
A: A modal can be implemented by conditionally rendering a component that overlays the main content, often using state to control its visibility.
Q: What is the purpose
of useDeferredValue?
A: The useDeferredValue hook allows you to defer updating a value until the browser is able to render it, helping to keep the UI responsive during heavy updates.
Q: How do you create a
responsive layout in React?
A: A responsive layout can be created using CSS media queries, Flexbox, or CSS Grid, and can be enhanced with libraries like styled-components or react-bootstrap.
Q: What is the purpose
of React.lazy?
A: React.lazy allows you to dynamically import components, enabling code splitting and reducing the initial load time of your application.
Q: How do you handle
authentication in a React application?
A: Authentication can be handled using context or state management libraries to store user information, along with protected routes to restrict access to certain components.
Q: What is the purpose
of useEffect cleanup function?
A: The cleanup function in useEffect is used to clean up side effects, such as unsubscribing from a service or clearing timers, to prevent memory leaks.
Q: How do you implement
drag-and-drop functionality in React?
A: Drag-and-drop functionality can be implemented using the HTML5 Drag and Drop API or libraries like react-beautiful-dnd or react-dnd.
Q: What is the purpose
of useMemo?
A: The useMemo hook is used to memoize expensive calculations, preventing them from being recalculated on every render unless their dependencies change.
Q: How do you create a
responsive navigation menu in React?
A: A responsive navigation menu can be created using CSS for styling and media queries, along with state management to toggle visibility on smaller screens.
Q: What is the purpose
of useCallback?
A: The useCallback hook is used to memoize callback functions, preventing them from being recreated on every render unless their dependencies change.
Q: How do you implement
a search feature in a React application?
A: A search feature can be implemented by managing search input state and filtering the displayed data based on the input value.
Q: What is the purpose
of React.StrictMode?
A: React.StrictMode is a tool for highlighting potential problems in an application. It activates additional checks and warnings for its descendants.
Q: How do you handle
file uploads in React?
A: File uploads can be handled using an <input type="file"> element, managing the file state, and sending the file to a server using fetch or axios.
Q: What is the purpose
of useId?
A: The useId hook generates unique IDs for accessibility purposes, ensuring that IDs are consistent across server and client renders.
Q: How do you implement
internationalization (i18n) in a React application?
A: Internationalization can be implemented using libraries like react-i18next or react-intl, which provide tools for translating text and managing locale.
Q: What is the purpose
of React.PureComponent?
A: React.PureComponent is a base class for components that only re-render when their props or state change, providing a performance optimization over regular components.
Q: How do you implement
a tooltip in React?
A: A tooltip can be implemented using a combination of state to control visibility and CSS for styling, or by using libraries like react-tooltip.
Q: What is the purpose
of useSyncExternalStore?
A: The useSyncExternalStore hook is used to subscribe to external stores and ensure that the component re-renders when the store changes.
Q: How do you implement
a carousel in React?
A: A carousel can be implemented by managing the current slide state and conditionally rendering slides based on that state, often enhanced with CSS transitions.
Q: What is the purpose
of useInsertionEffect?
A: The useInsertionEffect hook is used to inject styles into the DOM before the browser paints, ensuring that styles are applied immediately.
Q: How do you implement
a countdown timer in React?
A: A countdown timer can be implemented using setInterval within useEffect to update the state at regular intervals until the countdown reaches zero.
Q: What is the purpose
of React.createContext?
A: React.createContext is used to create a context object that can be used to share values between components without passing props through every level of the tree.
70 . Q: How do you implement a sticky header in React?
A: A sticky header can be implemented
using CSS position: sticky or by managing the scroll position in a component
and applying styles conditionally.
Q: What is the purpose of useEffect dependencies?
A: Dependencies in useEffect determine when the effect should run. If any value in the dependency array changes, the effect will re-run.
Q: How do you create a
loading spinner in React?
A: A loading spinner can be created using a conditional rendering approach based on a loading state, often styled with CSS animations.
Q: What is the purpose
of React.Fragment?
A: React.Fragment allows you to group multiple elements without adding extra nodes to the DOM, which helps keep the markup clean.
Q: How do you implement
a search filter in a list?
A: A search filter can be implemented by managing the search input state and filtering the list based on the input value using the filter method.
Q: What is the purpose
of useReducer?
A: The useReducer hook is used for managing complex state logic in functional components, providing a way to handle state transitions based on actions.
Q: How do you create a
responsive grid layout in React?
A: A responsive grid layout can be created using CSS Grid or Flexbox, along with media queries to adjust the layout based on screen size.
Q: What is the purpose
of useMemo?
A: The useMemo hook is used to memoize the result of a computation, preventing it from being recalculated on every render unless its dependencies change.
Q: How do you implement
a notification system in React?
A: A notification system can be implemented using state to manage notifications and conditionally rendering them based on the state.
Q: What is the purpose
of useCallback?
A: The useCallback hook is used to memoize callback functions, preventing them from being recreated on every render unless their dependencies change.
Q: How do you implement
a form validation in React?
A: Form validation can be implemented by managing form input state and using conditional logic to check for errors before submission.
Q: What is the purpose
of React.StrictMode?
A: React.StrictMode is a tool for highlighting potential problems in an application. It activates additional checks and warnings for its descendants.
Q: How do you create a
custom input component in React?
A: A custom input component can be created by defining a functional component that accepts props and renders an <input> element with the desired attributes.
Q: What is the purpose
of useLayoutEffect?
A: The useLayoutEffect hook runs synchronously after all DOM mutations, allowing you to read layout from the DOM and synchronously re-render.
Q: How do you implement
a breadcrumb navigation in React?
A: Breadcrumb navigation can be implemented by managing the current path state and rendering a list of links based on the path segments.
Q: What is the purpose
of useImperativeHandle?
A: The useImperativeHandle hook customizes the instance value that is exposed when using ref in parent components, allowing you to control what is accessible.
Q: How do you implement
a tabbed interface in React?
A: A tabbed interface can be implemented by managing the active tab state and conditionally rendering content based on the selected tab.
Q: What is the purpose
of useTransition?
A: The useTransition hook is used to mark updates as non-urgent, allowing React to keep the UI responsive while transitioning between states.
Q: How do you create a
responsive footer in React?
A: A responsive footer can be created using CSS Flexbox or Grid, along with media queries to adjust the layout based on screen size.
Q: What is the purpose
of useDeferredValue?
A: The useDeferredValue hook allows you to defer updating a value until the browser is able to render it, helping to keep the UI responsive during heavy updates.
Q: How do you implement
a multi-step form in React?
A: A multi-step form can be implemented by managing the current step state and conditionally rendering form components based on the current step.
Q: What is the purpose
of useSyncExternalStore?
A: The useSyncExternalStore hook is used to subscribe to external stores and ensure that the component re-renders when the store changes.
Q: How do you implement
a color picker in React?
A: A color picker can be implemented using an <input type="color"> element, managing the selected color state, and applying it to elements as needed.
Q: What is the purpose
of React.memo?
A: React.memo is a higher-order component that optimizes functional components by memoizing their output, preventing unnecessary re-renders when props have not changed.
Q: How do you create a
custom hook for form handling?
A: A custom hook for form handling can be created by defining a function that manages form state and validation logic, returning the state and handlers. Example:
useForm(initialValues) {
const [values, setValues] =
const handleChange = (e) => {
setValues({ ...values, []: });
return [values, handleChange];
Q: What is the purpose
of useDebugValue?
A: The useDebugValue hook is used to display a label for custom hooks in React DevTools, helping developers understand the state of the hook during debugging.
Q: How do you implement
a loading state in a React application?
A: A loading state can be implemented by managing a loading boolean state and conditionally rendering a loading spinner or message while data is being fetched.
Q: What is the purpose
of React.createRef?
A: React.createRef is used to create a ref that can be attached to React elements, allowing direct access to the DOM node.
Q: How do you implement
a confirmation dialog in React?
A: A confirmation dialog can be implemented using a modal component that displays a message and buttons for confirming or canceling an action.
Q: What is the purpose
of useEffect with an empty dependency array?
A: Using useEffect with an empty dependency array means the effect will only run once after the initial render, similar to componentDidMount.
Q: How do you implement a responsive image gallery in React?
A: A responsive image gallery can be
implemented using CSS Grid or Flexbox to arrange images, along with state
management for handling image clicks or enlargements.
Q: What is the purpose of useRef?
A: The useRef hook is used to create a mutable object that persists for the full lifetime of the component, often used for accessing DOM elements or storing mutable values.
Q: How do you implement a sticky sidebar in React?
A: A sticky sidebar can be implemented using CSS position: sticky or by managing the scroll position and applying styles conditionally based on the scroll position.
Q: What is the purpose of React.forwardRef?
A: React.forwardRef allows you to forward refs to a child component, enabling parent components to directly interact with the child’s DOM node.
Q: How do you create a custom dropdown component in React?
A: A custom dropdown component can be created by managing the open/close state and rendering a list of options based on the state, often styled with CSS.
Q: What is the purpose of useInsertionEffect?
A: The useInsertionEffect hook is used to inject styles into the DOM before the browser paints, ensuring that styles are applied immediately.
Q: How do you implement a date picker in React? - A: A date picker can be implemented using an <input type="date"> element or by using libraries like react-datepicker for more advanced features.
Q: What is the purpose of useTransition?
A: The useTransition hook is used to mark updates as non-urgent, allowing React to keep the UI responsive while transitioning between states.
Q: How do you create a custom tooltip component in React?
A: A custom tooltip component can be created by managing the visibility state and rendering a tooltip element based on the state, often positioned relative to the target element.
Q: What is the purpose of useDeferredValue?
A: The useDeferredValue hook allows you to defer updating a value until the browser is able to render it, helping to keep the UI responsive during heavy updates.
Q: How do you implement a multi-select dropdown in React?
A: A multi-select dropdown can be implemented by managing an array of selected values in state and rendering checkboxes for each option, updating the state on change.
Q: What is the purpose of useSyncExternalStore?
A: The useSyncExternalStore hook is used to subscribe to external stores and ensure that the component re-renders when the store changes.
Q: How do you create a custom modal component in React?
A: A custom modal component can be created by managing the open/close state and rendering the modal content conditionally, often styled with CSS for overlay effects.
Q: What is the purpose of useId?
A: The useId hook generates unique IDs for accessibility purposes, ensuring that IDs are consistent across server and client renders.
Q: How do you implement a file upload progress indicator in React?
A: A file upload progress indicator can be implemented by using the XMLHttpRequest or fetch API with a progress event listener to update the upload progress state.
Q: What is the purpose of React.memo?
A: React.memo is a higher-order component that optimizes functional components by memoizing their output, preventing unnecessary re-renders when props have not changed.
Q: How do you create a custom pagination component in React?
A: A custom pagination component can be created by managing the current page state and rendering page numbers based on the total number of items and items per page.
Q: What is the purpose of useCallback?
A: The useCallback hook is used to memoize callback functions, preventing them from being recreated on every render unless their dependencies change.
Q: How do you implement a search bar with autocomplete in React?
A: A search bar with autocomplete can be implemented by managing the input state and filtering a list of suggestions based on the input value.
Q: What is the purpose of useEffect with cleanup?
A: The cleanup function in useEffect is used to clean up side effects, such as unsubscribing from a service or clearing timers, to prevent memory leaks.
Q: How do you create a custom slider component in React?
A: A custom slider component can be created by managing the slider value in state and rendering a range input element, updating the state on change.
Q: What is the purpose of useLayoutEffect?
A: The useLayoutEffect hook runs synchronously after all DOM mutations, allowing you to read layout from the DOM and synchronously re-render.
Q: How do you implement a confirmation prompt before an action in React?
A: A confirmation prompt can be implemented using a modal that displays a message and buttons for confirming or canceling the action.
Q: What is the purpose of useMemo?
A: The useMemo hook is used to memoize the result of a computation, preventing it from being recalculated on every render unless its dependencies change.
Q: How do you create a custom accordion component in React?
A: A custom accordion component can be created by managing the open/close state of each section and rendering the content conditionally based on that state.
Q: What is the purpose of useDebugValue?
A: The useDebugValue hook is used to display a label for
custom hooks in React DevTools, helping developers understand the state of the
hook during debugging.
Q: How do you implement a responsive sidebar in React?
A: A responsive sidebar can be implemented using CSS for styling and media queries to adjust its visibility based on screen size, often toggled with a button.
Q: What is the purpose of React.createContext?
A: React.createContext is used to create a context object that can be used to share values between components without passing props through every level of the tree.
Q: How do you create a custom breadcrumb component in React?
A: A custom breadcrumb component can be created by managing the current path state and rendering a list of links based on the path segments.
Q: What is the purpose of useTransition?
A: The useTransition hook is used to mark updates as non-urgent, allowing React to keep the UI responsive while transitioning between states.
Q: How do you implement a custom tooltip component in React?
A: A custom tooltip component can be created by managing the visibility state and rendering a tooltip element based on the state, often positioned relative to the target element.
Q: What is the purpose of useDeferredValue?
A: The useDeferredValue hook allows you to defer
updating a value until the browser is able to render it, helping to keep the UI
responsive during heavy updates.
Q: How do you implement a multi-select dropdown in React?
A: A multi-select dropdown can be implemented by managing an array of selected values in state and rendering checkboxes for each option, updating the state on change.
Q: What is the purpose of useSyncExternalStore?
A: The useSyncExternalStore hook is used to subscribe to external stores and ensure that the component re-renders when the store changes.
Q: How do you create a custom modal component in React?
A: A custom modal component can be created
by managing the open/close state and rendering the modal content conditionally,
often styled with CSS for overlay effects.
Q: What is the purpose of useId?
A: The useId hook generates unique IDs for accessibility purposes, ensuring that IDs are consistent across server and client renders.
Q: How do you implement a file upload progress indicator in React?
A: A file upload progress indicator can be implemented by using the XMLHttpRequest or fetch API with a progress event listener to update the upload progress state.
Q: What is the purpose of React.memo?
A: React.memo is a higher-order component that optimizes functional components by memoizing their output, preventing unnecessary re-renders when props have not changed.
Q: How do you create a custom pagination component in React?
A: A custom pagination component can be created by managing the current page state and rendering page numbers based on the total number of items and items per page.
Q: What is the purpose of useCallback?
A: The useCallback hook is used to memoize callback functions, preventing them from being recreated on every render unless their dependencies change.
Q: How do you implement a search bar with autocomplete in React?
A: A search bar with autocomplete can be implemented by managing the input state and filtering a list of suggestions based on the input value.
Q: What is the purpose of useEffect with cleanup?
A: The cleanup function in useEffect is used to clean up side effects, such as unsubscribing from a service or clearing timers, to prevent memory leaks.
Q: How do you create a custom slider component in React?
A: A custom slider component can be created by managing the slider value in state and rendering a range input element, updating the state on change.
Q: What is the purpose of useLayoutEffect?
A: The useLayoutEffect hook runs synchronously after all DOM mutations, allowing you to read layout from the DOM and synchronously re-render.
Q: How do you implement a confirmation prompt before an action in React?
A: A confirmation prompt can be implemented using a modal that displays a message and buttons for confirming or canceling the action.
Q: What is the purpose of useMemo?
A: The useMemo hook is used to memoize the result of a computation, preventing it from being recalculated on every render unless its dependencies change.
Q: How do you create a custom accordion component in React?
A: A custom accordion component can be created by managing the open/close state of each section and rendering the content conditionally based on that state.
Q: What is the purpose of useDebugValue?
A: The useDebugValue hook is used to display a label for custom hooks in React DevTools, helping developers understand the state of the hook during debugging.
Q: How do you implement a responsive sidebar in React?
A: A responsive sidebar can be implemented using CSS for styling and media queries to adjust its visibility based on screen size, often toggled with a button.
Q: What is the purpose of React.createContext?
A: React.createContext is used to create a context object that can be used to share values between components without passing props through every level of the tree.
Q: How do you create a custom breadcrumb component in React?
A: A custom breadcrumb component can be created by managing the current path state and rendering a list of links based on the path segments.
Q: What is the purpose of useTransition?
A: The useTransition hook is used to mark updates as non-urgent, allowing React to keep the UI responsive while transitioning between states.
Q: How do you implement a custom tooltip component in React?
A: A custom tooltip component can be created by managing the visibility state and rendering a tooltip element based on the state, often positioned relative to the target element.
Q: What is the purpose of useDeferredValue?
A: The useDeferredValue hook allows you to defer updating a value until the browser is able to render it, helping to keep the UI responsive during heavy updates.
Q: How do you implement a multi-select dropdown in React?
A: A multi-select dropdown can be implemented by managing an array of selected values in state and rendering checkboxes for each option, updating the state on change.
Q: What is the purpose of useSyncExternalStore?
A: The useSyncExternalStore hook is used to subscribe to external stores and ensure that the component re-renders when the store changes.
Q: How do you create a custom modal component in React?
A: A custom modal component can be created by managing the open/close state and rendering the modal content conditionally, often styled with CSS for overlay effects.
Q: What is the purpose
of useId? - A: The useId hook generates unique IDs for accessibility purposes,
ensuring that IDs are consistent across server and client renders.
Q: How do you implement
a file upload progress indicator in React? - A: A file upload progress
indicator can be implemented by using the XMLHttpRequest or fetch API with a
progress event listener to update the upload progress state.
Q: What is the purpose
of React.memo? - A: React.memo is a higher-order component that optimizes
functional components by memoizing their output, preventing unnecessary
re-renders when props have not changed.
Q: How do you create a
custom pagination component in React? - A: A custom pagination component can be
created by managing the current page state and rendering page numbers based on
the total number of items and items per page.
Q: What is the purpose of
useCallback? - A: The useCallback hook is used to memoize callback functions,
preventing them from being recreated on every render unless their dependencies
Q: How do you implement
a search bar with autocomplete in React? - A: A search bar with autocomplete
can be implemented by managing the input state and filtering a list of
suggestions based on the input value.
Q: What is the purpose
of useEffect with cleanup? - A: The cleanup function in useEffect is used to
clean up side effects, such as unsubscribing from a service or clearing timers,
to prevent memory leaks.
Q: How do you create a
custom slider component in React? - A: A custom slider component can be created
by managing the slider value in state and rendering a range input element, updating
the state on change.
Q: What is the purpose
of useLayoutEffect? - A: The useLayoutEffect hook runs synchronously after all
DOM mutations, allowing you to read layout from the DOM and synchronously
Q: How do you implement
a confirmation prompt before an action in React? - A: A confirmation prompt can
be implemented using a modal that displays a message and buttons for confirming
or canceling the action.
Q: What is the purpose
of useMemo? - A: The useMemo hook is used to memoize the result of a
computation, preventing it from being recalculated on every render unless its
dependencies change.
Q: How do you create a
custom accordion component in React? - A: A custom accordion component can be
created by managing the open/close state of each section and rendering the
content conditionally based on that state.
Q: What is the purpose
of useDebugValue? - A: The useDebugValue hook is used to display a label for
custom hooks in React DevTools, helping developers understand the state of the
hook during debugging.
Q: How do you implement
a responsive sidebar in React? - A: A responsive sidebar can be implemented
using CSS for styling and media queries to adjust its visibility based on
screen size, often toggled with a button.
Q: What is the purpose of
React.createContext? - A: React.createContext is used to create a context
object that can be used to share values between components without passing
props through every level of the tree.
Q: How do you create a
custom breadcrumb component in React? - A: A custom breadcrumb component can be
created by managing the current path state and rendering a list of links based
on the path segments.
Q: What is the purpose
of useTransition? - A: The useTransition hook is used to mark updates as
non-urgent, allowing React to keep the UI responsive while transitioning
between states.
Q: How do you implement
a custom tooltip component in React? - A: A custom tooltip component can be
created by managing the visibility state and rendering a tooltip element based
on the state, often positioned relative to the target element.
Q: What is the purpose
of useDeferredValue? - A: The useDeferredValue hook allows you to defer
updating a value until the browser is able to render it, helping to keep the UI
responsive during heavy updates.
Q: How do you implement
a multi-select dropdown in React? - A: A multi-select dropdown can be
implemented by managing an array of selected values in state and rendering
checkboxes for each option, updating the state on change.
Q: What is the purpose
of useSyncExternalStore? - A: The useSyncExternalStore hook is used to
subscribe to external stores and ensure that the component re-renders when the
store changes.
Q: How do you create a
custom modal component in React? - A: A custom modal component can be created
by managing the open/close state and rendering the modal content conditionally,
often styled with CSS for overlay effects.
Q: What is the purpose
of useId? - A: The useId hook generates unique IDs for accessibility purposes,
ensuring that IDs are consistent across server and client renders.
Q: How do you implement
a file upload progress indicator in React? - A: A file upload progress
indicator can be implemented by using the XMLHttpRequest or fetch API with a
progress event listener to update the upload progress state.
Q: What is the purpose
of React.memo? - A: React.memo is a higher-order component that optimizes
functional components by memoizing their output, preventing unnecessary
re-renders when props have not changed.
Q: How do you create a
custom pagination component in React? - A: A custom pagination component can be
created by managing the current page state and rendering page numbers based on
the total number of items and items per page.
Q: What is the purpose
of useCallback? - A: The useCallback hook is used to memoize callback
functions, preventing them from being recreated on every render unless their
dependencies change.
Q: How do you implement
a search bar with autocomplete in React? - A: A search bar with autocomplete
can be implemented by managing the input state and filtering a list of
suggestions based on the input value.
Q: What is the purpose
of useEffect with cleanup? - A: The cleanup function in useEffect is used to
clean up side effects, such as unsubscribing from a service or clearing timers,
to prevent memory leaks.
Q: How do you create a
custom slider component in React? - A: A custom slider component can be created
by managing the slider value in state and rendering a range input element,
updating the state on change.
Q: What is the purpose
of useLayoutEffect? - A: The useLayoutEffect hook runs synchronously after all
DOM mutations, allowing you to read layout from the DOM and synchronously
Q: How do you implement
a confirmation prompt before an action in React? - A: A confirmation prompt can
be implemented using a modal that displays a message and buttons for confirming
or canceling the action.
Q: What is the purpose
of useMemo? - A: The useMemo hook is used to memoize the result of a
computation, preventing it from being recalculated on every render unless its
dependencies change.
Q: How do you create a
custom accordion component in React? - A: A custom accordion component can be
created by managing the open/close state of each section and rendering the
content conditionally based on that state.
Q: What is the purpose
of useDebugValue? - A: The useDebugValue hook is used to display a label for
custom hooks in React DevTools, helping developers understand the state of the
hook during debugging.
Q: How do you implement a responsive sidebar in React?
A: A responsive sidebar can be implemented using CSS for styling and media queries to adjust its visibility based on screen size, often toggled with a button.
Q: What is the purpose of React.createContext?
A: React.createContext is used to create a context object that can be used to share values between components without passing props through every level of the tree.
Q: How do you create a custom breadcrumb component in React?
A: A custom breadcrumb component can be created by managing the current path state and rendering a list of links based on the path segments.
Q: What is the purpose of useTransition?
A: The useTransition hook is used to mark updates as non-urgent, allowing React to keep the UI responsive while transitioning between states.
Q: How do you implement a custom tooltip component in React? - A: A custom tooltip component can be created by managing the visibility state and rendering a tooltip element based on the state, often positioned relative to the target element.
Q: What is the purpose of useDeferredValue?
A: The useDeferredValue hook allows you to defer updating a value until the browser is able to render it, helping to keep the UI responsive during heavy updates.
Q: How do you implement a multi-select dropdown in React?
A: A multi-select dropdown can be implemented by managing an array of selected values in state and rendering checkboxes for each option, updating the state on change.
Q: What is the purpose of useSyncExternalStore?
A: The useSyncExternalStore hook is used to
subscribe to external stores and ensure that the component re-renders when the
store changes.
Q: How do you create a custom modal component in React?
A: A custom modal component can be created by managing the open/close state and rendering the modal content conditionally, often styled with CSS for overlay effects.