"Comprehensive Guide: Setting Up an Online Shopping Cart Project with Django"

Rashmi Mishra


Comprehensive Guide

 Setting Up 

an Online Shopping Cart Project with Django

Steps to Set Up the Online Shopping Cart Project with Django

These are steps to  guide on how to set up and develop the Online Shopping Cart project using Python and Django

Step 1: Install Python and Django

1.   Install Python:

o    Download and install the latest version of Python from the official website.

o    After installation, ensure that Python is added to the system PATH.

o    You can verify the installation by running the following command in your terminal:

python --version

2.   Install Django:

o    Install Django using pip, Python's package manager.

pip install django

o    To verify the installation, run:

django-admin --version

Step 2: Create a Django Project

1.   Create a Project Directory:

o    Navigate to the folder where you want to store your project, and then create a new directory.

mkdir online_shopping_cart

cd online_shopping_cart

2.   Start a Django Project:

o    Initialize a new Django project using the command:

django-admin startproject online_shopping_cart .

This will create a new Django project with the necessary files (settings.py, urls.py, etc.).

3.   Run the Development Server:

o    Start the development server to verify if the Django project is set up correctly:

python manage.py runserver

o    Open your browser and go to to see the default Django welcome page.

Step 3: Set Up the Database

Django uses SQLite by default, but you can switch to another database like PostgreSQL or MySQL.

1.   Configure Database:

o    Open the settings.py file of the Django project and find the DATABASES setting. By default, it's set to SQLite.

§  If you're using SQLite (default):


    'default': {

        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3',

        'NAME': BASE_DIR / 'db.sqlite3',




§  If you're using PostgreSQL or MySQL, update the ENGINE, NAME, USER, PASSWORD, and other parameters accordingly.

If you're using MySQL as your database, replace the DATABASES configuration in your settings.py file with the following:


    'default': {

        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql',

        'NAME': 'your_database_name',  # Replace with your database name

        'USER': 'your_database_user',  # Replace with your MySQL username

        'PASSWORD': 'your_password',  # Replace with your MySQL password

        'HOST': 'localhost',  # Replace with your MySQL host (default is 'localhost')

        'PORT': '3306',  # Replace with your MySQL port (default is '3306')




 Additional Steps:

1.   Install MySQL Client: Ensure you have the MySQL client installed by running:

pip install mysqlclient

If you encounter issues with mysqlclient, you can use PyMySQL as an alternative:

pip install pymysql

Then, in your __init__.py file of the project, add the following:

import pymysql


2.   Create the Database: Before running migrations, create the database in MySQL using:

CREATE DATABASE your_database_name;


2.   Apply Migrations:

o    Run the initial migrations to set up the database tables for Django:

python manage.py migrate

Step 4: Create Django Apps

We will create four primary Django apps for handling different features:

  • Users (for user authentication)
  • Products (for displaying and managing products)
  • Cart (for cart management)
  • Orders (for managing orders)

1.   Create the Apps:

o    Use the following commands to create each app:

python manage.py startapp users

python manage.py startapp products

python manage.py startapp cart

python manage.py startapp orders


 2.   Register Apps in settings.py:

o    Add each app to the INSTALLED_APPS list in settings.py:









 Step 5: Define Models for Each App

1.   User Model (users/models.py):

o    Define the user model (you can extend the default User model or create a custom one if needed).

o    Example:

from django.contrib.auth.models import AbstractUser

class CustomUser(AbstractUser):

    address = models.CharField(max_length=255)


 2.   Product Model (products/models.py):

o    Define the Product model with fields like name, description, price, and image.

o    Example:

from django.db import models

class Product(models.Model):

    name = models.CharField(max_length=255)

    description = models.TextField()

    price = models.DecimalField(max_digits=10, decimal_places=2)

    image = models.ImageField(upload_to='products/')

    def __str__(self):

        return self.name


 3.   Cart Model (cart/models.py):

o    Define models for the cart and cart items. For example, a cart item will belong to a specific product and user.

o    Example:

from django.db import models

from products.models import Product

from users.models import CustomUser

class Cart(models.Model):

    user = models.ForeignKey(CustomUser, on_delete=models.CASCADE)

    products = models.ManyToManyField(Product, through='CartItem')

class CartItem(models.Model):

    cart = models.ForeignKey(Cart, on_delete=models.CASCADE)

    product = models.ForeignKey(Product, on_delete=models.CASCADE)

    quantity = models.IntegerField()


 4.   Order Model (orders/models.py):

o    Define the Order and OrderItem models to store order information and items.

o    Example:

from django.db import models

from products.models import Product

from users.models import CustomUser

class Order(models.Model):

    user = models.ForeignKey(CustomUser, on_delete=models.CASCADE)

    total_amount = models.DecimalField(max_digits=10, decimal_places=2)

    status = models.CharField(max_length=255)

class OrderItem(models.Model):

    order = models.ForeignKey(Order, on_delete=models.CASCADE)

    product = models.ForeignKey(Product, on_delete=models.CASCADE)

    quantity = models.IntegerField()



Step 6: Create Admin Interfaces

1.   Register Models in Admin (admin.py):

o    Register the models for each app in the admin.py file to manage them via Django’s admin interface.

o    Example for products/admin.py:

from django.contrib import admin

from .models import Product



 2.   Create Admin Users:

o    Create a superuser for accessing the Django admin:

python manage.py createsuperuser

Step 7: Create Views and Templates


o    Create views in each app to handle logic for displaying products, managing the cart, processing orders, and handling user registration/login.

o    Example view for displaying products in products/views.py:

from django.shortcuts import render

from .models import Product

def product_list(request):

    products = Product.objects.all()

    return render(request, 'products/product_list.html', {'products': products})


 2.   Templates:

o    Create the HTML templates for each page. For example, a template for displaying products (product_list.html).

{% for product in products %}

    <div class="product">

        <img src="{{ product.image.url }}" alt="{{ product.name }}">

        <h2>{{ product.name }}</h2>

        <p>{{ product.description }}</p>

        <p>${{ product.price }}</p>

        <a href="{% url 'add_to_cart' product.id %}">Add to Cart</a>


{% endfor %}


 3.   URL Routing:

o    Set up URL patterns to route requests to the appropriate views. For example, add URL patterns in products/urls.py:

from django.urls import path

from . import views

urlpatterns = [

    path('', views.product_list, name='product_list'),



 Step 8: Set Up Cart and Checkout

1.   Cart Views:

o    Create views for adding/removing products from the cart, viewing the cart, and proceeding to checkout.

2.   Checkout and Payment Integration:

o    Set up the checkout process, where users can enter shipping information and select a payment method.

o    Integrate with a payment gateway like Stripe or PayPal to process payments securely.

Step 9: Testing

  • Test each part of the application:
    • User registration and login.
    • Product listing and cart functionality.
    • Order creation and payment processing.

Step 10: Deploy the Project

1.   Set Up Static and Media Files:

o    Ensure static and media files are served correctly in production by configuring STATIC_URL, MEDIA_URL, and the corresponding directories in settings.py.

2.   Deploy to a Hosting Platform:

o    Deploy your Django app to a hosting platform like Heroku, DigitalOcean, or AWS. Make sure to configure the database, environment variables, and static files for production.


By following these steps, you will have set up a basic Django-based Online Shopping Cart with features like product browsing, cart management, order creation, and payment processing. You can then expand the functionality further by adding features like user reviews, advanced search, promotions, and more.

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