"Step-by-Step Guide:
Product Management System
Using React.js, MySQL, and Node.js"
Project Objective
The Product
Management System (PMS) aims to provide a digital platform for
managing products efficiently, with functionalities such as adding, editing,
deleting, and viewing product information. This project is suitable for
businesses, e-commerce platforms, or inventory systems requiring a streamlined
way to handle their product catalog.
The project leverages
the MERN Stack (MySQL, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js) to
create a full-stack application. It involves a user-friendly interface, a
robust backend for handling operations, and a secure database for managing
Project Architecture
1. Frontend:
o Built
using React.js to create a responsive and dynamic user
o Communicates
with the backend using RESTful API endpoints.
o Features
form validation, product listing, and search/filter functionality.
2. Backend:
o Developed
with Node.js and Express.js.
o Provides
RESTful APIs for CRUD operations.
o Handles
authentication and file/image uploads.
3. Database:
o MySQL database
for storing product data.
o Relational
database schema ensures efficient data retrieval and management.
4. Deployment:
Here I use Axios dependency on my frontend.
Role of Axios in Deployment
- Axios is
a library used to make HTTP requests, typically from the frontend to the
- In
the context of deployment:
- The
frontend (deployed on Netlify or Vercel) will use Axios to
call backend APIs (deployed on Heroku or AWS).
- Example:
- Frontend
React app makes an Axios request to the backend API (e.g.,
- The
backend (deployed on Heroku) processes this request and responds with
product data.
4. Integration Flow
1. Frontend
o Build
the React.js app using npm run build.
o Deploy
the build folder on Netlify or Vercel.
2. Backend
o Deploy
the Express.js backend to Heroku or AWS.
o Ensure
the backend's URL is accessible publicly (e.g., https://api.example.com).
3. Communication:
o Update
Axios base URL in the frontend to point to the deployed backend (e.g.,
axios.defaults.baseURL = 'https://api.example.com';).
4. Serving
Static Assets:
o If
the backend also serves static files (e.g., images uploaded by users),
configure Nginx or the hosting platform to serve them efficiently.
By combining these
deployment tools and services, your application becomes accessible to users
globally with optimal performance and scalability.
Detailed Features Of Project
1. User Authentication
- Sign-Up:
- Users
can register with a valid email and password.
- Passwords
are encrypted using bcrypt to ensure security.
- Login:
- Authenticates
users by comparing hashed passwords.
- Generates
a secure JWT token for session management.
2. Product Management
- Add
- Form
for admins to input product name, price, category, description, and
upload an image.
- Image
files are handled using the multer middleware in
- Edit
- Allows
modification of product details, including replacing uploaded images.
- Delete
- Admins
can remove products, with confirmation prompts to prevent accidental
- View
- Displays
a list of all products in a grid or table format.
- Each
product shows basic details such as name, price, and image.
3. Search and Filter
- Users
can search products by:
- Name
- Price
- Category
- Real-time
updates on the UI using React's state management.
4. Image Management
- Product
images are uploaded and stored on the database
- Images
are displayed dynamically in the product catalog.
5. Responsive Design
- Built
with Bootstrap or CSS to ensure a consistent look across
devices (desktop, tablet, mobile).
- React.js
components are styled to adapt to screen sizes dynamically.
6. API Endpoints
- Adds
a new product to the database.
- Fetches
a list of all products.
- Retrieves
details of a single product.
- Updates
the product information.
- Deletes
the specified product.
System Workflow
Frontend Workflow:
1. Home
o Displays
a list of products with options to view details or manage them.
2. Admin
o Accessible
only after login.
o Provides
options to add, edit, or delete products.
3. Forms:
o Used
for adding and editing products.
o Validates
inputs to ensure required fields are filled and formatted correctly.
Backend Workflow:
1. Authentication:
o Handles
user login and verifies JWT tokens for secure access.
o Each
API endpoint interacts with the database using Sequelize ORM for
3. Error
o Returns
appropriate error codes (e.g., 400, 401, 404) for invalid requests or
unauthorized actions.
Database Workflow:
1. Tables:
o users:
Stores user information for authentication.
o products:
Stores product details such as name, price, description, and image URLs.
2. Queries:
o Optimized
SQL queries handle fetching, updating, and deleting data efficiently.
Tech Stack
1. Frontend:
o React.js
/ Bootstrap
2. Backend:
o Node.js
o Express.js
o Multer
(for file handling)
o Cors
o Path
o Fs
o Body-parsor
3. Database:
with Sequelize ORM
4. Authentication:
o bcrypt
(password hashing)
(token-based authentication)
Possible Enhancements
1. Inventory
o Add
stock tracking features to monitor product availability.
2. Category
o Enable
admins to manage product categories.
3. Reports:
o Generate
sales or inventory reports based on stored data.
4. User
o Introduce
roles for admins and regular users with different permissions.
5. API
o Use Swagger or
similar tools for API documentation.
The Product
Management System is a robust and scalable solution for managing
products efficiently. It showcases how to integrate modern technologies for
real-world applications and offers a foundation for more complex systems like
inventory or e-commerce platforms.
Product Management System
Using React.js and NodeJS
Creating a product
management system using React.js, MySQL, and Node.js involves several steps,
including setting up your development environment, building the backend API,
and creating the frontend application.
Steps are as follows:
1. Set Up Your Development Environment
1.1. Install Node.js and npm
- Download
and install Node.js from nodejs.org.
npm (Node Package Manager) will be installed automatically with Node.js.
1.2. Install MySQL
- Download
and install MySQL from mysql.com. You’ll need MySQL Workbench or another
database management tool for managing your database.
1.3. Set Up Your Project Directory
- Create
a new directory for your project and navigate into it using the terminal.
2. Create MySQL Database and Table
Use MySQL Workbench or the MySQL command line to create a database and table:
CREATE DATABASE auth_db; USE auth_db; CREATE TABLE login ( id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(100), email VARCHAR(100), password VARCHAR(100) ); CREATE TABLE products ( id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(100), price int(10), description VARCHAR(100), image VARCHAR(100), created_at DATE, updated_at DATE ); |
3. Create the Backend API with Node.js and Express
3.1. Initialize a Node.js Project
npm init -y
2.2. Install Required Packages
npm install express
mysql2 body-parser cors
- express:
Framework for building your API.
- mysql2:
MySQL client for Node.js.
- body-parser:
Middleware for parsing request bodies.
- cors:
Middleware for enabling Cross-Origin Resource Sharing.
Suppose your project
directory name : product-management-system
Project Structure
backend/ #
Node.js backend
│ ├── node_modules/
│ ├── uploads/
│ ├──
package-lock.json #
Backend dependencies and scripts
│ ├──
package.json #
Backend dependencies and scripts
│ ├──
server.js #
Database configuration
│ └──
Backend project documentation
Overall project documentation
backend / (Node.js
- server.js: Configuration
file for MySQL database connection.
- package.json:
Manages backend dependencies and scripts.
- README.md:
Documentation for the backend part of the project.
Root Directory
- README.md:
General project documentation, including setup instructions and project
2.3. Set Up Express Server
Create a file named
const express =
require("express"); const mysql =
require('mysql2'); const cors =
require('cors'); const router =
express.Router(); const multer =
require('multer'); const path =
require('path'); const fs =
require('fs'); const session = require('express-session'); const bcrypt =
require('bcryptjs'); const jwt =
require('jsonwebtoken'); const bodyParser =
require('body-parser'); const { check, validationResult } = require('express-validator'); const app = express(); app.use(cors()); app.use(express.json()); app.use(express.urlencoded({
extended: true })); app.use('/uploads',
express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'uploads'))); app.use(bodyParser.json()); app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({
extended: true })); const storage = multer.diskStorage({
destination: (req, file, cb) => {
cb(null, 'uploads/'); // Save files in 'uploads' directory }, filename:
(req, file, cb) => {
const ext = path.extname(file.originalname);
cb(null, Date.now() + ext); // Append a timestamp to the file name } }); const upload = multer({ storage: storage }); const db = mysql.createConnection({ host:
"localhost", user:
"root", password:
"", database:
"auth_db", port:
"3306" }); // Connect to the database and handle connection errors db.connect((err) =>
{ if (err)
console.error('Database connection failed:', err.stack);
return; }
console.log('Connected to database.'); }); // Endpoint to handle
product addition app.post('/addProduct',
upload.single('image'), (req, res) => { const {
name, price, description } = req.body; const
image = req.file ? req.file.filename : null; // SQL query to insert product details const
query = 'INSERT INTO products (name, price, description, image) VALUES (?, ?,
?, ?)';
db.query(query, [name, price, description, image], (err, results) => {
if (err) {
console.error('Error adding product:', err);
return res.status(500).json({ message: 'Error adding
product' });
res.status(200).json({ message: 'Product added successfully' }); }); }); // Example route for
fetching products app.get('/viewproducts',
(req, res) => { const
query = 'SELECT id, name, price, description, image FROM products'; // Ensure
table and column names match your DB schema db.query(query, (err, results) => {
if (err) {
console.error('Error fetching products:', err);
return res.status(500).json({ message: 'Error fetching
products' });
res.json(results); }); }); // PUT endpoint to update product app.put('/editproducts/:id',
upload.single('image'), (req, res) => { const {
id } = req.params; const {
name } = req.body; const
image = req.file ? req.file.filename : null; // SQL query to update product details in the database let query
= 'UPDATE products SET name = ?'; const
values = [name]; if (image) {
query += ', image = ?';
values.push(image); } query += ' WHERE id = ?';
values.push(id); db.query(query, values, (err, results) => { if
(err) {
console.error('Error updating product:', err);
return res.status(500).json({ message: 'Error updating product' }); } if (results.affectedRows > 0) {
res.status(200).json({ message: 'Product updated successfully' }); }
else {
res.status(404).json({ message: 'Product not found' }); } }); }); // Example route for fetching products app.get('/viewallproduct',
(req, res) => { const
query = 'SELECT id, name, price, description, image FROM products'; // Ensure
table and column names match your DB schema db.query(query, (err, results) => {
if (err) {
console.error('Error fetching products:', err);
return res.status(500).json({ message: 'Error fetching
products' });
res.json(results); }); }); // Route to delete a product by ID app.delete('/viewproducts/:id',
(req, res) => { const {
id } = req.params; const
query = 'DELETE FROM products WHERE id = ?'; db.query(query, [id], (err, result) => {
if (err) {
console.error('Error deleting product:', err);
return res.status(500).json({ message: 'Error deleting
product' });
if (result.affectedRows > 0) {
res.status(200).json({ message: 'Product deleted
successfully' });
} else {
res.status(404).json({ message: 'Product not found' });
} }); }); // Route to get a single product by ID app.get('/products/:id',
(req, res) => { const {
id } = req.params; const
query = 'SELECT * FROM products WHERE id = ?'; db.query(query, [id], (err, results) => {
if (err) {
console.error('Error fetching product:', err);
return res.status(500).json({ message: 'Error fetching
product' });
if (results.length > 0) {
} else {
res.status(404).json({ message: 'Product not found' });
} }); }); app.post('/signup', (req, res) => { const sql
= "INSERT INTO login (name,email,password) VALUES (?)"; const
values = [
req.body.password ];
db.query(sql, [values], (err, data) => {
if (err) {
return res.json("Error");
return res.json(data); }); }); app.post('/login', [
check('email', "Email length should be between 10 to 30
characters").isEmail().isLength({ min: 10, max: 30 }),
check('password', "Password length should be between 8 to 10
characters").isLength({ min: 8, max: 10 }) ], (req, res) => { const
errors = validationResult(req); if
(!errors.isEmpty()) {
return res.json(errors); } const sql
= "SELECT * FROM login WHERE email = ? AND password = ?";
db.query(sql, [req.body.email, req.body.password], (err, data) => {
if (err) {
return res.json("Error");
if (data.length > 0) {
return res.json("Success");
} else {
return res.json("Failed");
} }); }); app.use(session({ secret:
'your_secret_key', // Replace with a strong secret resave:
saveUninitialized: false, cookie: {
secure: false } // Set secure: true if using HTTPS })); // app.post('/login',
(req, res) => { // const
{ email, password } = req.body; //
db.query('SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = ?', [email], (err, results) =>
{ //
if (err) return res.status(500).json({ message: 'Server error' }); //
if (results.length > 0) { //
const user = results[0]; //
bcrypt.compare(password, user.password, (err, isMatch)
=> { //
if (err) return res.status(500).json({
message: 'Server error' }); //
if (isMatch) { //
req.session.userId =
user.id; // Set user ID in session //
res.json({ message: 'Logged
in successfully' }); //
} else { //
message: 'Invalid credentials' }); //
} //
}); //
} else { //
res.status(404).json({ message: 'User not found' }); //
} // }); // }); // Route to get
user profile
app.get('/user/profile', (req, res) => { const
userId = req.session.userId; if
(!userId) return res.status(401).json({ message: 'Not authenticated' }); db.query('SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ?', [userId], (err, results) => {
if (err) return res.status(500).json({ message: 'Server error' });
if (results.length > 0) {
} else {
res.status(404).json({ message: 'User not found' });
} }); }); app.listen(8081, ()
=> {
console.log("Server is listening on port 8081"); }); module.exports = db; |
Explanation of Each Line
1. const
express = require("express");
o Purpose:
Import the Express.js library.
o What
It Does: Provides a framework for building web applications and APIs. It
simplifies routing, middleware handling, and other web-related functionalities.
2. const
mysql = require('mysql2');
o Purpose:
Import the MySQL2 library.
o What
It Does: Enables connection to a MySQL database. This library provides
advanced features like prepared statements for better security and performance.
3. const
cors = require('cors');
o Purpose:
Import the cors middleware.
o What
It Does: Handles CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) issues,
allowing the server to handle requests from different origins (e.g., frontend
hosted on a different domain).
4. const
router = express.Router();
o Purpose:
Create an Express router object.
o What
It Does: Allows you to create modular and organized routes for your
application. For example, all routes related to user management can be grouped
in one router.
5. const
multer = require('multer');
o Purpose:
Import the multer library.
o What
It Does: Handles file uploads in Node.js applications. It helps in managing
and storing files uploaded by users.
6. const
path = require('path');
o Purpose:
Import Node.js' built-in path module.
o What
It Does: Provides utilities for working with file and directory paths. It
ensures cross-platform compatibility when handling file paths.
7. const
fs = require('fs');
o Purpose:
Import Node.js' built-in fs (File System) module.
o What
It Does: Provides functions to interact with the file system, such as
reading, writing, deleting, or modifying files.
8. const
session = require('express-session');
o Purpose:
Import the express-session middleware.
o What
It Does: Manages user sessions (e.g., storing user authentication
information temporarily). Sessions are used to maintain user state across
9. const
bcrypt = require('bcryptjs');
o Purpose:
Import the bcryptjs library.
o What
It Does: Provides tools for hashing passwords securely. Passwords can be
hashed when stored in a database and later verified during login.
10. const
jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');
o Purpose:
Import the jsonwebtoken library.
o What
It Does: Implements JWT (JSON Web Token) authentication.
JWT tokens are generated upon login and used to verify user identity on
protected routes.
11. const
bodyParser = require('body-parser');
o Purpose:
Import the body-parser middleware.
o What
It Does: Parses incoming request bodies into JSON or other formats, making
it easier to handle form submissions or JSON payloads in your API.
3. Create the Frontend
with React.js
3.1. Create a New React
In your project
npx create-react-app
cd frontend
3.2. Install Axios
Axios is a promise-based
HTTP client for making API requests.
npm install axios
Project Structure:
├── frontend
/ #
React.js frontend
│ ├── public/
│ │ ├── index.html
│ │ └──
... #
Other static files
│ ├── src/
│ │ ├──SignUp.js #
User management component
│ │ ├──
App.js #
Main React component
│ │ ├──
index.js #
Entry point for React
│ │ └──
... #
Other React components, CSS, etc.
│ ├──
package.json #
Frontend dependencies and scripts
│ └──
Frontend project documentation
Detailed Breakdown
frontend/ (React.js
- public/:
Contains static files for the frontend.
- index.html:
The main HTML file for the React app.
- src/:
Contains React components and other frontend code.
§ SignUp.js:
Component for user input functionalities.
- App.js:
The main React component that includes routing or layout.
- index.js:
The entry point for React, where the React app is rendered.
- package.json:
Manages frontend dependencies and scripts.
- README.md:
Documentation for the frontend part of the project.
3.3. You can Create
Inside the src folder,
create a new file SignUp.js.But I don’t use Components .I create all the js
files inside src folder directly
import React, {
useState } from 'react'; import { Link,
useNavigate } from 'react-router-dom'; import Validation from
'./SignupValidation'; import axios from
'axios'; function SignUp() { const [values,
setValues] = useState({ name: '', email: '', password: '' }); const navigate =
useNavigate(); const [errors,
setErrors] = useState({}); const
handleInput = (event) => {
setValues(prev => ({ ...prev, [event.target.name]: event.target.value })); }; const
handleSubmit = (event) => {
event.preventDefault(); const err
= Validation(values);
setErrors(err); if
(err.name === "" && err.email === "" &&
err.password === "") {
axios.post('http://localhost:8081/signup', values)
.then(res => {
.catch(err => console.log(err)); } }; return ( <div
className='d-flex justify-content-center align-items-center bg-primary
<div className='bg-white p-3 rounded w-25'>
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
<div className='mb-3'>
<input type="text" placeholder='Enter Name'
onChange={handleInput} className='form-control
{errors.name && <span
className='text-danger'> {errors.name}</span>}
<div className='mb-3'>
<input type="email" placeholder='Enter
Email' name='email'
onChange={handleInput} className='form-control
{errors.email && <span
className='text-danger'> {errors.email}</span>}
<div className='mb-3'>
<input type="password" placeholder='Enter
Password' name='password'
onChange={handleInput} className='form-control
{errors.password && <span
className='text-danger'> {errors.password}</span>}
<button type='submit' className='btn btn-success w-100
rounded-0'>Sign up</button>
<p>You agree to our terms and policies</p>
<Link to="/" className='btn btn-default border
w-100 bg-light rounded-0 text-decoration-none'>Login</Link>
</div> ); } export default SignUp; |
3.4. Integrate the
In App.js:
import React from
'react'; import SignUp from './
SignUp; function App() { return
( <div
className="App"> <
SignUp /> </div> ); } export default App; |
4. Run Your Application
4.1. Start the Backend
In the root project
node server.js
4.2. Start the Frontend
In the client directory:
npm start
Your React app should
open in the browser at http://localhost:3000, and it should be able to interact
with the backend API running on http://localhost:5000.
- Backend:
Created with Node.js, Express, and MySQL, providing RESTful API endpoints
for user management.
- Frontend:
Built with React.js, using Axios to interact with the backend API for CRUD
Start both the backend
and frontend simultaneously
To start both the backend
and frontend simultaneously in your project, you can use a couple of
approaches/methods depending on your preferences. These methods are
Method 1: Using
Concurrently Package
The concurrently package
allows you to run multiple npm scripts concurrently. This is useful for running
both the backend and frontend at the same time.
Step 1: Install
In the root of your
project (outside both client and server directories), install concurrently:
npm install concurrently
Step 2: Update
In the root package.json,
add a script to start both the backend and frontend:
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" &&
exit 1",
"client": "cd client && npm start",
"server": "cd server && npm start",
"dev": "concurrently \"npm run client \" \"npm
run server \""
other dependencies
- concurrently:
Runs the specified commands in parallel.
Step 3: Start Both
Backend and Frontend
In the root directory of
your project, run:
npm dev
This will start both the
backend and frontend servers concurrently.
Method 2: Using Separate
Terminal Windows
You can manually start
the backend and frontend servers in separate terminal windows or tabs.
Step 1: Start the Backend
Navigate to the server
directory in one terminal window:
cd backend
Start the backend server:
npm start
Step 2: Start the
Frontend Server
Open a new terminal
window or tab. Navigate to the client directory:
cd fronend
Start the frontend
npm start
Method 3: Using
npm-run-all (Alternative to concurrently)
If you prefer, you can
use the npm-run-all package, which also allows running multiple npm scripts
Step 1: Install
In the root of your
project, install npm-run-all:
npm install npm-run-all
Step 2: Update
In the root package.json,
add a script to start both the backend and frontend:
"npm-run-all --parallel start:server start:client",
"npm start --prefix server",
"npm start --prefix client"
other dependencies
- npm-run-all
--parallel start:server start:client: Runs the start:server and
start:client scripts in parallel.
- "start:server":
Runs the start script in the server directory.
- "start:client":
Runs the start script in the client directory.
Step 3: Start Both
Backend and Frontend
In the root directory of
your project, run:
npm start
This will start both the
backend and frontend servers concurrently using npm-run-all.
- Using
concurrently: Install concurrently, update
package.json, and run npm start in the root directory.
- Using Separate Terminals: Manually start each server in separate terminals.
- Using npm-run-all: Install npm-run-all, update package.json, and run npm start in the root directory.
Download Source Code Here
To run a downloaded
Node.js project, follow these steps:
1. Install Node.js
Ensure you have Node.js
installed on your system. You can download it from Node.js Official Website.
Installing Node.js also installs npm (Node Package Manager).
- To
verify installation, run:
node -v
npm -v
2. Download or Clone the
- If
you received the project as a zip file:
1. Extract
the zip file.
- If
the project is on GitHub or similar:
1. Clone
it using:
git clone
cd <project-folder>
3. Install Dependencies
Most Node.js projects use
npm to manage dependencies. Inside the project folder, run:
npm install
This command reads the
package.json file and installs all required packages listed in the dependencies
and devDependencies.
4. Check for
- Look
for a .env file or configuration instructions in the README file. If the
project uses environment variables, set them up as needed.
- Example
.env setup:
5. Run the Project
- Most
Node.js projects can be started with:
npm start
node <entry-file>
The entry file is usually
server.js or app.js.
- If
the project uses a development server (e.g., Nodemon), you may also run:
npm run dev
6. Access the Project
- Once
the project is running, it will usually display a message like:
Server is running on
- Open
the browser and navigate to the displayed URL.
1. Missing
Dependencies If a package is missing or outdated, try running:
npm install
2. Port
Already in Use If the port is busy, change it in the .env file or
project configuration.
3. Modules
Compatibility Ensure the Node.js version matches the version specified
in package.json under engines.
1. Check Database
Ensure your application
is connected to the database.
- Verify
Connection Code: Check your database connection
If there is some problem
in database connection then you can reinstall the MySQL dependency
in your Node.js project.
Steps to Reinstall MySQL
1. Uninstall
the Existing Package (Optional) If you want to start fresh or are
experiencing issues with the current installation, uninstall the existing mysql
or mysql2 package:
For mysql
npm uninstall mysql
or for mysql2
npm uninstall mysql2
2. Install
the MySQL Package Reinstall the desired package using npm:
o For
mysql (basic MySQL client for Node.js):
npm install mysql
o For
mysql2 (improved performance and Promise support):
npm install mysql2
3. Using
mysql2 is recommended for newer projects due to its support for modern features
like Promises.
4. Verify
Installation Once installed, check if the dependency is listed in
package.json under "dependencies":
5. Test
the Connection After reinstalling, test the MySQL connection with a
basic script(in server.js):
const mysql =
const connection =
=> {
if (err) {
connecting to MySQL:', err);
to MySQL!');
Troubleshooting Tips
- Check
Node.js and npm versions: Ensure
compatibility by running:
node -v
npm -v
- Clear
npm cache (if issues persist):
npm cache clean --force
- Reinstall
dependencies: If problems continue, delete
node_modules and package-lock.json, then reinstall all dependencies:
rm -rf node_modules
npm install