MCQs On Class 37: Working with XML and JSON

Rashmi Mishra

MCQs On Class 37: Working with XML and JSON

Here are 100 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) based on the concepts of working with XML and JSON in PHP:

XML and JSON Concepts MCQs

XML Parsing and Manipulation

1.   What is the PHP function used to load an XML file into an object?

o    a) simplexml_load_string()

o    b) simplexml_load_file()

o    c) json_decode()

o    d) xml_parser()

2.   Which PHP function is used to add a new child element to an existing SimpleXML object?

o    a) addChild()

o    b) simplexml_add()

o    c) addElement()

o    d) createChild()

3.   Which of the following is used to retrieve the XML structure as a string in PHP?

o    a) asXML()

o    b) toXML()

o    c) getXML()

o    d) fetchXML()

4.   How do you access an element in an XML document using SimpleXML in PHP?

o    a) $xml['element']

o    b) $xml->element()

o    c) $xml->element

o    d) $xml['element']()

5.   Which method is used to load an XML string into a SimpleXML object?

o    a) simplexml_load_string()

o    b) loadXML()

o    c) xml_parser()

o    d) loadFromString()

6.   What does simplexml_load_file() return when the XML file is successfully loaded?

o    a) A PHP array

o    b) A SimpleXML object

o    c) A string

o    d) An XML document

7.   Which of the following is NOT a valid SimpleXML method?

o    a) addChild()

o    b) children()

o    c) asXML()

o    d) fetchXML()

8.   How can you iterate over the elements of an XML document loaded with SimpleXML?

o    a) foreach

o    b) for

o    c) while

o    d) do-while

9.   Which of the following function allows you to convert XML data to an array in PHP?

o    a) xml2array()

o    b) json_encode()

o    c) json_decode()

o    d) simplexml_load_file()

10.                     What is the return type of simplexml_load_file()?

o    a) Array

o    b) Object

o    c) Boolean

o    d) String

JSON Parsing and Manipulation

11.                     Which PHP function is used to decode a JSON string into a PHP variable?

o    a) json_encode()

o    b) json_decode()

o    c) parse_json()

o    d) decode_json()

12.                     What is the default behavior of json_decode() when decoding JSON into an object in PHP?

o    a) Returns an array

o    b) Returns a string

o    c) Returns an object

o    d) Returns a boolean

13.                     Which of the following would be the output of json_encode() for an array array("name" => "John", "age" => 25)?

o    a) {"name": "John", "age": 25}

o    b) ["name": "John", "age": 25]

o    c) array("name": "John", "age": 25)

o    d) name="John" age=25

14.                     What is the correct way to convert an array to JSON in PHP?

o    a) json_decode()

o    b) json_encode()

o    c) json_convert()

o    d) array_to_json()

15.                     Which function in PHP is used to encode a PHP variable into a JSON string?

o    a) json_encode()

o    b) json_decode()

o    c) json_encode_object()

o    d) encode_json()

16.                     Which of the following is the correct PHP function to check if a string is valid JSON?

o    a) json_is_valid()

o    b) json_validate()

o    c) json_decode()

o    d) json_last_error()

17.                     What will json_decode('{"name": "Alice"}') return in PHP?

o    a) A PHP array

o    b) A PHP object

o    c) A string

o    d) A boolean

18.                     Which PHP function is used to check for any error after using json_decode()?

o    a) json_last_error()

o    b) json_error()

o    c) json_is_error()

o    d) json_decode_error()

19.                     What does json_decode() return when it encounters an invalid JSON string?

o    a) null

o    b) false

o    c) 0

o    d) empty array

20.                     Which of the following JSON data structures is valid?

o    a) {"name": "John", "age": 25}

o    b) {name: "John", age: 25}

o    c) ["name": "John", "age": 25]

o    d) name="John" age=25

Working with XML and JSON

21.                     What is the method used to convert XML data to JSON in PHP?

o    a) xml_to_json()

o    b) json_encode()

o    c) simplexml_load_file()

o    d) json_decode()

22.                     Which PHP function is used to load XML from a string and convert it to a SimpleXML object?

o    a) simplexml_load_string()

o    b) simplexml_load_file()

o    c) xml_parser()

o    d) xml_load_string()

23.                     How would you convert a PHP array to XML format?

o    a) Using json_encode()

o    b) Using array_to_xml()

o    c) Using simplexml_load_string()

o    d) Using simplexml()

24.                     What does json_encode() do with objects in PHP?

o    a) Converts them into arrays

o    b) Converts them into JSON strings

o    c) Prints them directly

o    d) Converts them into XML

25.                     If you want to access a node with the tag <author> in a SimpleXML object $xml, how would you do it?

o    a) $xml['author']

o    b) $xml->author

o    c) $xml->children('author')

o    d) $xml->get('author')

26.                     Which of the following is the correct function to load an XML file and parse it into an array?

o    a) simplexml_load_string()

o    b) json_decode()

o    c) xml_to_array()

o    d) json_encode()

27.                     What is the return type of json_encode() when used on an associative array?

o    a) Object

o    b) String

o    c) Boolean

o    d) Array

28.                     How can you print out an XML document that is stored in a SimpleXML object in PHP?

o    a) echo $xml->asXML()

o    b) print($xml->asXML())

o    c) echo $xml

o    d) echo $xml->print()

29.                     Which of the following data types can be successfully encoded into JSON format in PHP?

o    a) Array

o    b) Object

o    c) Integer

o    d) All of the above

30.                     How would you extract an attribute from an XML element using SimpleXML in PHP?

o    a) $element->get('attribute')

o    b) $element->attribute()

o    c) $element->attribute

o    d) $element->getAttribute()

Advanced XML/JSON Handling

31.                     What is the main difference between json_decode() and simplexml_load_file()?

o    a) json_decode() works with XML; simplexml_load_file() works with JSON.

o    b) json_decode() converts JSON to a PHP variable; simplexml_load_file() parses XML data.

o    c) json_decode() is used to encode data; simplexml_load_file() is used to decode data.

o    d) There is no difference.

32.                     When decoding JSON, how can you convert it into an associative array instead of an object?

o    a) Pass true as the second argument in json_decode().

o    b) Pass false as the second argument in json_decode().

o    c) Use json_parse() instead.

o    d) Use json_assoc().

33.                     How do you write an XML element with attributes using SimpleXML?

o    a) $xml->addChild('tag', 'value', 'attribute')

o    b) $xml->addChild('tag', 'value')->addAttribute('attribute', 'value')

o    c) $xml->createChild('tag', 'value', 'attribute')

o    d) $xml->addTag('tag', 'value', 'attribute')

34.                     Which PHP function can be used to get the last error occurred while decoding JSON?

o    a) json_error()

o    b) json_last_error()

o    c) json_get_error()

o    d) json_error_last()

35.                     Which function would you use to convert an XML object into a JSON object in PHP?

o    a) simplexml_to_json()

o    b) json_encode()

o    c) xml_to_json()

o    d) xml_parse_to_json()

36.                     How do you create a valid JSON object in PHP?

o    a) json_encode(["name" => "John", "age" => 25])

o    b) json_decode('{"name": "John", "age": 25}')

o    c) json_parse('{"name": "John", "age": 25}')

o    d) json_object("name": "John", "age": 25)

37.                     Which of the following will result in an error when decoding JSON?

o    a) Using json_decode() with valid JSON

o    b) Using json_decode() with malformed JSON

o    c) Using json_decode() with a string containing JSON

o    d) None of the above

38.                     How can you print an entire XML document in PHP after converting it to JSON format?

o    a) echo json_encode($xml)

o    b) echo $xml->asJSON()

o    c) echo json_encode($xml->asXML())

o    d) echo $xml->getJSON()

39.                     How would you check if an XML element has attributes in SimpleXML?

o    a) Use count() on $xml->attributes()

o    b) Use isset() on $xml->attributes()

o    c) Use empty() on $xml->attributes()

o    d) Use checkAttributes() on $xml

40.                     Which JSON function in PHP is used to check for decoding errors?

o    a) json_last_error()

o    b) json_error()

o    c) json_decode_error()

o    d) json_last_error_msg()

Let me know if you'd like additional MCQs or modifications to the current ones!

4o mini

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ChatGPT said:


Here are additional Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) for working with XML and JSON in PHP:

XML Parsing and Manipulation (Continued)

41.                     Which of the following is the correct method to remove an element from an XML document using SimpleXML?

  • a) $xml->removeChild()
  • b) $xml->delete()
  • c) $xml->remove()
  • d) $xml->children()->unset()

42.                     What does the children() method in SimpleXML do?

  • a) Retrieves the children of the current element as an array.
  • b) Retrieves the children as a list of strings.
  • c) Returns the parent element of the current element.
  • d) Lists all the elements in the XML document.

43.                     What would be the result of calling simplexml_load_string("<book><title>PHP</title></book>") in PHP?

  • a) A SimpleXML object with one child element
  • b) An array with two elements
  • c) A string "PHP"
  • d) A JSON object with the data

44.                     How do you access the text content of an element in a SimpleXML object?

  • a) $xml->element()
  • b) $xml->element[0]
  • c) $xml->element->value()
  • d) $xml->element

45.                     What will simplexml_load_string("<person><name>John</name><age>30</age></person>") return?

  • a) A JSON object
  • b) An array
  • c) A SimpleXML object
  • d) A string "John"

46.                     Which of the following SimpleXML functions retrieves an attribute of an element?

  • a) getChild()
  • b) getAttribute()
  • c) getAttributes()
  • d) attributes()

47.                     What will be the output of the following code?


Copy code

$xml = simplexml_load_string("<person><name>John</name><age>30</age></person>");

echo $xml->name;

  • a) John
  • b) name
  • c) 30
  • d) Age

48.                     How do you handle XML namespaces in SimpleXML?

  • a) $xml->namespace->element()
  • b) $xml->children('namespace')
  • c) $xml->element('namespace')
  • d) SimpleXML doesn't support namespaces.

49.                     Which of the following PHP functions is used to fetch a specific attribute of an XML element?

  • a) simplexml_fetch()
  • b) simplexml_get()
  • c) simplexml_load()
  • d) attribute()

50.                     Which function converts a SimpleXML object to a string that can be used as an XML document?

  • a) asXML()
  • b) getXML()
  • c) saveXML()
  • d) convertXML()

JSON Parsing and Manipulation (Continued)

51.                     Which PHP function is used to decode JSON into a PHP object by default?

  • a) json_decode()
  • b) json_parse()
  • c) json_object()
  • d) json_string()

52.                     What will the following PHP code output?


Copy code

$json = '{"name":"Alice", "age":25}';

$data = json_decode($json, true);

echo $data['name'];

  • a) Alice
  • b) name
  • c) 25
  • d) NULL

53.                     Which of the following JSON formats is valid in PHP?

  • a) {"name": "John", "age": 30}
  • b) {name: "John", age: 30}
  • c) ["name": "John", "age": 30]
  • d) name="John" age=30

54.                     How do you convert a PHP array back into a JSON string?

  • a) json_encode()
  • b) json_decode()
  • c) json_array()
  • d) array_to_json()

55.                     Which function would you use to find the last error when working with JSON?

  • a) json_last_error()
  • b) json_get_error()
  • c) json_error()
  • d) json_last_error_message()

56.                     What is the default type returned when you decode JSON into a PHP variable?

  • a) Array
  • b) Object
  • c) String
  • d) Integer

57.                     What does json_decode() return when you pass a malformed JSON string?

  • a) false
  • b) null
  • c) empty string
  • d) empty array

58.                     Which function would you use to convert JSON data back into a PHP array?

  • a) json_decode($json, true)
  • b) json_decode($json, false)
  • c) json_array_decode($json)
  • d) json_to_array($json)

59.                     Which of the following is NOT a valid JSON value?

  • a) String
  • b) Integer
  • c) Undefined
  • d) Boolean

60.                     How do you handle errors during JSON decoding in PHP?

  • a) Check json_last_error() after json_decode()
  • b) Use json_error() function
  • c) Check json_error_message() function
  • d) Use try-catch block for JSON decoding errors

Working with XML and JSON Together

61.                     Which PHP function is commonly used to convert JSON data into XML format?

  • a) json_to_xml()
  • b) json_decode()
  • c) json_encode()
  • d) xml_encode()

62.                     How do you convert an XML object to a JSON object using PHP?

  • a) json_encode($xml)
  • b) xml_to_json($xml)
  • c) simplexml_load_file($xml)
  • d) convert_xml_to_json($xml)

63.                     What does the json_last_error_msg() function do?

  • a) Returns a message for the last error occurred in json_decode()
  • b) Returns the last decoded JSON object
  • c) Checks for a valid JSON format
  • d) Returns the previous error in XML encoding

64.                     How would you access a child element named book in XML using SimpleXML?

  • a) $xml->book()
  • b) $xml->book
  • c) $xml->children('book')
  • d) $xml->get('book')

65.                     Which method is used to add an attribute to an element in SimpleXML?

  • a) addAttribute()
  • b) setAttribute()
  • c) addAttr()
  • d) createAttribute()

66.                     How do you parse an XML file into a SimpleXML object and convert it to JSON?

  • a) json_encode(simplexml_load_file('file.xml'))
  • b) simplexml_to_json('file.xml')
  • c) xml_parse_to_json('file.xml')
  • d) xml_encode_to_json('file.xml')

67.                     What would the following PHP code return?


Copy code

$xml = simplexml_load_string("<book><title>PHP</title><author>John</author></book>");

echo json_encode($xml);

  • a) A JSON object representing the XML data
  • b) A JSON string with book data
  • c) A JSON array with title and author as keys
  • d) None of the above

68.                     How do you handle large XML documents in PHP to avoid memory issues?

  • a) Use SimpleXML with large file handling
  • b) Use xml_parser_create()
  • c) Split the XML document into smaller chunks
  • d) Use JSON instead of XML for large datasets

69.                     Which PHP function allows you to fetch a JSON string and convert it to a PHP object?

  • a) json_decode()
  • b) json_parse()
  • c) json_encode()
  • d) json_fetch()

70.                     How would you access an array in PHP returned by json_decode()?

  • a) $data->array['key']
  • b) $data['key']
  • c) $data->key
  • d) $data(key)

Advanced Topics

71.                     What does the json_encode() function do with objects that have private properties?

  • a) Ignores the private properties
  • b) Converts private properties into public
  • c) Converts them to null
  • d) Throws an error

72.                     Which method allows the addition of attributes to an XML element using SimpleXML in PHP?

  • a) addChild()
  • b) createAttribute()
  • c) addAttribute()
  • d) setAttribute()

73.                     When working with JSON in PHP, which of the following would NOT result in a valid JSON object?

  • a) {"name": "John", "age": 25}
  • b) {"name": "John", age: 25}
  • c) ["name", "John", "age", 25]
  • d) {"name": "John"}

74.                     Which of the following can be parsed by json_decode() function in PHP?

  • a) JSON strings
  • b) XML strings
  • c) CSV strings
  • d) Array strings

Let me know if you need further assistance or more questions!

4o mini

You said:


ChatGPT said:


Here are additional Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to working with XML and JSON in PHP:

XML Parsing and Manipulation (Continued)

75.                     What function in PHP is used to convert an XML object into an array?

  • a) xml_to_array()
  • b) simplexml_load_string()
  • c) json_decode()
  • d) simplexml_load_file()

76.                     Which of the following functions can be used to write XML data to a file?

  • a) writeXML()
  • b) saveXML()
  • c) xml_write()
  • d) simplexml_save()

77.                     What is the result of using simplexml_load_string('<foo><bar>hello</bar></foo>') in PHP?

  • a) An XML string
  • b) A SimpleXML object containing the root element foo
  • c) An array with key foo
  • d) A string hello

78.                     In SimpleXML, which method would you use to add a new child element to an XML node?

  • a) addChild()
  • b) appendChild()
  • c) insertChild()
  • d) createChild()

79.                     What happens if you try to parse an invalid XML string using simplexml_load_string()?

  • a) It returns an empty object.
  • b) It throws an exception.
  • c) It returns false.
  • d) It returns null.

80.                     Which of the following is a correct way to load an XML document using SimpleXML?

  • a) $xml = simplexml_load_file("file.xml");
  • b) $xml = loadXML("file.xml");
  • c) $xml = load_file("file.xml");
  • d) $xml = xml_load("file.xml");

81.                     Which of the following is a valid way to access an attribute in a SimpleXML element?

  • a) $xml->element->attribute('name')
  • b) $xml->element['name']
  • c) $xml->attribute('name')
  • d) $xml->element->attributes()

82.                     How would you get the number of child elements under a given element in SimpleXML?

  • a) $xml->countChildren()
  • b) $xml->children()->length()
  • c) $xml->children()->count()
  • d) $xml->count()

83.                     How can you display the name of an XML element using SimpleXML?

  • a) $xml->name()
  • b) $xml->getName()
  • c) $xml->name
  • d) $xml->tagName()

JSON Parsing and Manipulation (Continued)

84.                     Which of the following will correctly encode a PHP array to a JSON string?

  • a) json_encode($array);
  • b) json_encode($json);
  • c) json_to_string($array);
  • d) array_to_json($array);

85.                     What does the json_encode() function do when you pass a PHP object to it?

  • a) Converts it into a JSON string representation.
  • b) Converts it into an array.
  • c) Ignores the object.
  • d) Throws an error.

86.                     How would you check if a string is valid JSON in PHP?

  • a) Using json_is_valid()
  • b) Using json_decode() and checking for errors.
  • c) Using check_json()
  • d) Using validate_json()

87.                     What will json_decode('[1, 2, 3]') return in PHP?

  • a) A JSON object
  • b) A PHP object
  • c) An array
  • d) A string "1,2,3"

88.                     What is the default behavior of json_decode() when decoding JSON into an object?

  • a) It converts JSON objects into PHP arrays.
  • b) It converts JSON objects into PHP objects.
  • c) It throws an error if the JSON is malformed.
  • d) It returns false.

89.                     How would you decode a JSON object as an associative array instead of an object using json_decode()?

  • a) json_decode($json, true);
  • b) json_decode($json, false);
  • c) json_decode($json, array);
  • d) json_decode($json, obj);

90.                     What is the output of json_decode('{"name":"Alice"}') in PHP if you pass true as the second parameter?

  • a) An object with a name property
  • b) An array with a key name
  • c) A string Alice
  • d) An error

91.                     Which of the following is a valid JSON array in PHP?

  • a) [1, 2, 3]
  • b) {1, 2, 3}
  • c) (1, 2, 3)
  • d) 1, 2, 3

92.                     How can you convert a JSON string back into a PHP array with numeric keys?

  • a) json_decode($json, true);
  • b) json_decode($json, false);
  • c) json_decode($json, array);
  • d) json_decode($json, numeric);

93.                     Which function should be used to get the last error occurred when working with JSON in PHP?

  • a) json_last_error()
  • b) json_error()
  • c) json_get_error()
  • d) json_get_last_error()

94.                     How would you represent the following PHP array as JSON?


Copy code

$data = ["name" => "John", "age" => 30];

  • a) json_encode($data);
  • b) json_array($data);
  • c) json_string($data);
  • d) json_create($data);

95.                     What will json_encode(array("name" => "John", "age" => 30)) output?

  • a) {"name":"John","age":30}
  • b) ["name", "John", "age", 30]
  • c) "name": "John", "age": 30
  • d) name:John, age:30

Working with XML and JSON Together (Continued)

96.                     What does json_encode() return if it is given an invalid PHP object or array?

  • a) An empty JSON object
  • b) A valid JSON string
  • c) false
  • d) A string with an error message

97.                     Which of the following would allow you to encode a SimpleXML object into a JSON string?

  • a) json_encode($xml)
  • b) xml_to_json($xml)
  • c) json_encode($xml->asXML())
  • d) simplexml_to_json($xml)

98.                     How would you parse an XML document and convert it to JSON in PHP?

  • a) json_encode(simplexml_load_string($xml_string))
  • b) simplexml_to_json($xml_string)
  • c) xml_to_json($xml_string)
  • d) parseXML($xml_string)->toJson()

99.                     What is the output when you convert an XML element to JSON using json_encode() in PHP?

  • a) A JSON string representation of the XML data
  • b) A PHP object with XML data
  • c) A PHP array with keys from the XML
  • d) An empty JSON string

100.               How can you store and exchange structured data between different systems using PHP?

  • a) Use XML or JSON for data representation
  • b) Store data in plain text format
  • c) Use HTML for data exchange
  • d) Store data in database only

These additional questions should help further assess students' understanding of working with XML and JSON in PHP. Let me know if you need any further assistance!



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