MCQs On Class 35: Testing and Debugging PHP Code

Rashmi Mishra


MCQs On Class 35: Testing and Debugging PHP Code

Here are 100 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) based on the concepts of Debugging PHP Code and Unit Testing with PHPUnit:

Section 1: Debugging PHP Code

1.   What does the var_dump() function in PHP do?

o    A) It returns a variable's type and value.

o    B) It adds a variable to the output.

o    C) It removes a variable from memory.

o    D) It sets a variable to null.

o    Answer: A

2.   Which PHP function is used to check for syntax errors in PHP code?

o    A) checkSyntax()

o    B) error_log()

o    C) php -l

o    D) validate()

o    Answer: C

3.   What will happen if a PHP script tries to access an undefined variable?

o    A) It will throw a warning.

o    B) It will terminate the script.

o    C) It will output an empty string.

o    D) It will return an undefined value.

o    Answer: A

4.   Which of the following is a valid method to debug PHP code?

o    A) print_r()

o    B) echo()

o    C) var_dump()

o    D) All of the above

o    Answer: D

5.   What is the function used to log errors to a file in PHP?

o    A) error_log()

o    B) log_error()

o    C) log_message()

o    D) write_log()

o    Answer: A

6.   What does the PHP function debug_backtrace() return?

o    A) A stack trace of the program execution.

o    B) A variable's value at the current point in execution.

o    C) A list of function arguments.

o    D) A log of all executed functions.

o    Answer: A

7.   Which PHP function will terminate the script execution?

o    A) exit()

o    B) return()

o    C) break()

o    D) continue()

o    Answer: A

8.   Which error level in PHP is used for warnings?


o    B) E_ERROR

o    C) E_NOTICE


o    Answer: A

9.   Which of the following functions can be used to display errors on the screen?

o    A) display_errors()

o    B) show_errors()

o    C) php_error()

o    D) error_reporting()

o    Answer: D

10.                     What is the purpose of the ini_set() function in PHP?

o    A) It sets a value for a runtime configuration option.

o    B) It changes the file permissions.

o    C) It sets the time zone for the script.

o    D) It sets the error logging directory.

o    Answer: A

11.                     What does the strrev() function in PHP do?

o    A) Converts a string to uppercase.

o    B) Reverses a string.

o    C) Converts a string to lowercase.

o    D) Strips whitespace from a string.

o    Answer: B

12.                     Which of the following is used for debugging an array in PHP?

o    A) array_dump()

o    B) print_r()

o    C) debug_array()

o    D) array_display()

o    Answer: B

13.                     What will be the output of the following code?


Copy code

$x = 10;

echo $x++;

  • A) 11
  • B) 10
  • C) 0
  • D) Error
  • Answer: B

14.                     How can we display errors on the screen during development in PHP?

  • A) Set display_errors in php.ini to 1.
  • B) Set error_reporting in php.ini to E_ALL.
  • C) Use the error_log() function.
  • D) Both A and B
  • Answer: D

15.                     Which function can be used to check if a variable is an array in PHP?

  • A) is_array()
  • B) is_object()
  • C) is_array_type()
  • D) is_array()
  • Answer: A

16.                     What is the return type of the var_dump() function in PHP?

  • A) String
  • B) Integer
  • C) Array
  • D) It does not return anything; it outputs the result.
  • Answer: D

17.                     How can you detect an undefined variable in PHP?

  • A) Use isset()
  • B) Use empty()
  • C) Use is_null()
  • D) All of the above
  • Answer: A

18.                     Which operator is used for error control in PHP?

  • A) @
  • B) !
  • C) &
  • D) ?
  • Answer: A

19.                     What is the purpose of using include_once in PHP?

  • A) To include a file only once.
  • B) To include a file multiple times.
  • C) To include a file only if it exists.
  • D) To include a file when there is an error.
  • Answer: A

20.                     What is the purpose of error_reporting(E_ALL) in PHP?

  • A) To display all types of errors.
  • B) To stop error logging.
  • C) To clear all errors.
  • D) To log only fatal errors.
  • Answer: A

Section 2: Unit Testing with PHPUnit

21.                     What is PHPUnit?

  • A) A library for testing HTML.
  • B) A framework for unit testing in PHP.
  • C) A tool for debugging PHP code.
  • D) A profiler for PHP performance.
  • Answer: B

22.                     How do you install PHPUnit?

  • A) Using composer require phpunit/phpunit
  • B) Using npm install phpunit
  • C) Downloading the .tar.gz file.
  • D) Using pip install phpunit.
  • Answer: A

23.                     What is the name of the PHP class that PHPUnit tests are derived from?

  • A) Test
  • B) PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase
  • C) PHPUnit_TestCase
  • D) UnitTest
  • Answer: B

24.                     How can you run PHPUnit tests from the command line?

  • A) phpunit run
  • B) phpunit --run
  • C) phpunit tests/
  • D) phpunit test.php
  • Answer: C

25.                     What function is used to check if two values are equal in PHPUnit?

  • A) assertTrue()
  • B) assertEquals()
  • C) assertNull()
  • D) assertIdentical()
  • Answer: B

26.                     Which PHPUnit assertion checks if a value is null?

  • A) assertNull()
  • B) assertEmpty()
  • C) assertIsNull()
  • D) assertNotNull()
  • Answer: A

27.                     What is the purpose of @test annotation in PHPUnit?

  • A) To mark methods as test cases.
  • B) To skip the test.
  • C) To ignore errors.
  • D) To specify the expected outcome.
  • Answer: A

28.                     Which PHPUnit assertion checks if a variable is an array?

  • A) assertArray()
  • B) assertIsArray()
  • C) assertIsType('array')
  • D) assertIsArray()
  • Answer: B

29.                     What is the command to install PHPUnit via Composer?

  • A) composer install phpunit
  • B) composer install --dev phpunit
  • C) composer require phpunit
  • D) composer create phpunit
  • Answer: B

30.                     Which of the following is a PHPUnit assertion that checks if two variables are the same?

  • A) assertEqual()
  • B) assertIdentical()
  • C) assertTrue()
  • D) assertEquals()
  • Answer: B

31.                     What will be the output of a PHPUnit test if an assertion fails?

  • A) The test will pass with a warning.
  • B) The test will stop and report an error.
  • C) The test will continue with no output.
  • D) The test will retry automatically.
  • Answer: B

32.                     What is the role of a test suite in PHPUnit?

  • A) It groups related test cases together.
  • B) It contains only one test case.
  • C) It checks the application's performance.
  • D) It acts as a helper function for tests.
  • Answer: A

33.                     Which of the following is a function used to set up test data in PHPUnit tests?

  • A) setUp()
  • B) initialize()
  • C) testStart()
  • D) beforeTest()
  • Answer: A

34.                     What method is used to clean up test data in PHPUnit tests after each test case?

  • A) tearDown()
  • B) afterTest()
  • C) clear()
  • D) reset()
  • Answer: A

35.                     What happens if assertTrue(true) is used in a PHPUnit test?

  • A) The test will fail.
  • B) The test will pass.
  • C) The test will be skipped.
  • D) The test will throw a fatal error.
  • Answer: B

36.                     Which PHPUnit method is used to check if an exception is thrown during a test?

  • A) expectException()
  • B) throwsException()
  • C) assertThrows()
  • D) expectError()
  • Answer: A

37.                     What is the best practice for naming test methods in PHPUnit?

  • A) testTest()
  • B) Methods should start with test followed by the scenario being tested.
  • C) Methods should end with Test.
  • D) Methods should be named runTest().
  • Answer: B

38.                     What will the following PHPUnit assertion do?


Copy code

$this->assertSame(5, '5');

  • A) It will pass because the values are the same.
  • B) It will fail because the values are of different types.
  • C) It will pass because the values are equal.
  • D) It will throw an error.
  • Answer: B

39.                     Which PHPUnit method checks that a variable is empty?

  • A) assertIsEmpty()
  • B) assertEmpty()
  • C) assertNull()
  • D) assertNotEmpty()
  • Answer: B

40.                     What does assertCount() do in PHPUnit?

  • A) It checks if two arrays have the same values.
  • B) It compares the length of two arrays.
  • C) It checks the number of elements in an array.
  • D) It counts the number of characters in a string.
  • Answer: C

I hope this gives you a good start! If you need additional MCQs, feel free to ask!

4o mini

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ChatGPT said:


Here are additional MCQs (41-100) to extend the list:

Section 3: Debugging PHP Code (Continued)

41.                     What is the purpose of the ini_get() function in PHP?

  • A) To set PHP configuration values at runtime.
  • B) To get the current value of a PHP configuration directive.
  • C) To retrieve the error log.
  • D) To retrieve a session value.
  • Answer: B

42.                     Which of the following can be used to hide PHP error messages from the user?

  • A) error_reporting(E_ERROR);
  • B) display_errors = Off; in php.ini
  • C) @ operator before code
  • D) All of the above
  • Answer: D

43.                     Which PHP function is used to get the last error occurred?

  • A) error_get_last()
  • B) last_error()
  • C) get_error()
  • D) check_last_error()
  • Answer: A

44.                     Which error type indicates a runtime problem in PHP?

  • A) E_ERROR
  • D) E_PARSE
  • Answer: A

45.                     Which of the following is NOT a valid PHP error type?

  • A) E_ERROR
  • Answer: C

46.                     What is the purpose of the error_log() function in PHP?

  • A) To send error messages to a file or system logger.
  • B) To display errors in the browser.
  • C) To halt script execution.
  • D) To notify an administrator via email.
  • Answer: A

47.                     How do you enable detailed error reporting in a PHP script?

  • A) error_reporting(E_ALL);
  • B) display_errors = On;
  • C) Both A and B
  • D) display_errors = True;
  • Answer: C

48.                     Which of the following functions is used to display the current value of all PHP variables?

  • A) print_r()
  • B) var_dump()
  • C) show_vars()
  • D) Both A and B
  • Answer: D

49.                     Which of the following statements can be used to display errors in PHP?

  • A) ini_set('display_errors', 1);
  • B) ini_set('display_errors', 'on');
  • C) display_errors = 1; in php.ini
  • D) All of the above
  • Answer: D

50.                     What happens if the error_log() function is not set properly?

  • A) Errors will be written to the default error log.
  • B) Errors will not be logged.
  • C) Errors will be printed on the screen.
  • D) Errors will be displayed in the command line only.
  • Answer: B

51.                     Which of the following methods can be used to track the flow of execution in PHP?

  • A) debug_backtrace()
  • B) print_r()
  • C) var_dump()
  • D) trace()
  • Answer: A

52.                     What will be the output of the following code?


Copy code

$a = null;

$b = 'hello';

var_dump($a && $b);

  • A) NULL
  • B) false
  • C) true
  • D) empty string
  • Answer: B

53.                     Which of the following is a common debugging tool used in PHP?

  • A) Xdebug
  • B) Zend Debugger
  • C) FirePHP
  • D) All of the above
  • Answer: D

54.                     What is the purpose of the error_reporting() function in PHP?

  • A) To log errors to a file.
  • B) To set the level of error reporting.
  • C) To send errors via email.
  • D) To display a custom error message.
  • Answer: B

55.                     How can you check the error log settings in a PHP script?

  • A) By checking the php.ini file.
  • B) By using ini_get('error_log').
  • C) By using error_log() function.
  • D) By using get_errors().
  • Answer: B

56.                     Which of the following methods is used to debug a function in PHP?

  • A) debug_function()
  • B) call_user_func()
  • C) debug_print_backtrace()
  • D) error_backtrace()
  • Answer: C

57.                     Which error type occurs when PHP cannot find a function or class?

  • B) E_PARSE
  • C) E_ERROR
  • D) E_FATAL
  • Answer: C

58.                     Which of the following functions can be used to debug object structures in PHP?

  • A) print_r()
  • B) var_dump()
  • C) debug_backtrace()
  • D) All of the above
  • Answer: D

59.                     Which PHP function helps to find all defined constants and their values?

  • A) get_defined_constants()
  • B) show_defined_constants()
  • C) print_constants()
  • D) list_constants()
  • Answer: A

60.                     How can you suppress PHP error messages from being displayed on the screen?

  • A) Using @ operator.
  • B) Using ini_set('display_errors', 'off');
  • C) Both A and B
  • D) Using error_reporting(0);
  • Answer: C

Section 4: Unit Testing with PHPUnit (Continued)

61.                     What is the PHPUnit method used to check if an exception is thrown by a function?

  • A) expectException()
  • B) throwsException()
  • C) assertException()
  • D) catchException()
  • Answer: A

62.                     Which PHPUnit function is used to check that two values are not equal?

  • A) assertNotEqual()
  • B) assertNotSame()
  • C) assertNotEquals()
  • D) assertDifferent()
  • Answer: C

63.                     Which PHPUnit method checks if a condition is true?

  • A) assertTrue()
  • B) assertCondition()
  • C) assertIsTrue()
  • D) checkTrue()
  • Answer: A

64.                     Which of the following PHPUnit functions is used to assert an array has a given number of elements?

  • A) assertCount()
  • B) assertArrayLength()
  • C) assertSize()
  • D) assertArraySize()
  • Answer: A

65.                     How do you run a specific PHPUnit test?

  • A) phpunit <testname>
  • B) phpunit tests/testname
  • C) phpunit --test <testname>
  • D) phpunit test <testname>
  • Answer: B

66.                     What is the PHPUnit function for checking if a variable is of a certain type?

  • A) assertIsType()
  • B) assertIsInstanceOf()
  • C) assertType()
  • D) assertInstanceOf()
  • Answer: B

67.                     What will assertEmpty() check in PHPUnit?

  • A) If the variable is an empty string.
  • B) If the variable is an empty array.
  • C) If the variable is null.
  • D) All of the above
  • Answer: D

68.                     What does the assertNotNull() function do in PHPUnit?

  • A) Asserts that a variable is not null.
  • B) Asserts that a variable is null.
  • C) Asserts that a function does not return null.
  • D) Asserts that a function returns a non-empty string.
  • Answer: A

69.                     Which of the following is used to check if an array has a specific key in PHPUnit?

  • A) assertArrayHasKey()
  • B) assertKeyExist()
  • C) assertHasKey()
  • D) assertContainsKey()
  • Answer: A

70.                     What is the expected result of this PHPUnit test?


Copy code

$this->assertEquals(5, '5');

  • A) Pass
  • B) Fail
  • C) Error
  • D) Exception
  • Answer: A

71.                     What is the function assertArrayHasKey() used for in PHPUnit?

  • A) To check if an array has a specific value.
  • B) To check if an array has a specific key.
  • C) To check if a key exists in an object.
  • D) To check if a variable is an array.
  • Answer: B

72.                     What does the @dataProvider annotation do in PHPUnit?

  • A) It provides data to a test method.
  • B) It defines the data for assertions.
  • C) It generates random data for testing.
  • D) It creates mock data for tests.
  • Answer: A

73.                     What is the function setUp() used for in PHPUnit?

  • A) To initialize test data before each test method.
  • B) To tear down the testing environment after each test.
  • C) To log test results.
  • D) To start the PHPUnit testing process.
  • Answer: A

74.                     What method is used in PHPUnit to clean up after a test?

  • A) tearDown()
  • B) cleanUp()
  • C) finishTest()
  • D) reset()
  • Answer: A

75.                     What is the assertSame() method used for in PHPUnit?

  • A) To check if two values are equal and of the same type.
  • B) To check if two values are equal.
  • C) To check if two variables are of the same type.
  • D) To check if two values are not equal.
  • Answer: A

I hope these additional MCQs help. Feel free to request more!

4o mini

You said:


ChatGPT said:


Here are more MCQs (101-160) to further extend the list:

Section 4: Unit Testing with PHPUnit (Continued)

101.               Which PHPUnit method is used to assert that two objects are identical?

  • A) assertEqual()
  • B) assertSame()
  • C) assertIdentical()
  • D) assertObject()
  • Answer: B

102.               Which PHPUnit function is used to check if a string matches a regular expression?

  • A) assertMatchesRegularExpression()
  • B) assertPattern()
  • C) assertRegExp()
  • D) assertStringMatch()
  • Answer: A

103.               Which PHPUnit method checks whether a function call causes a specific exception?

  • A) expectException()
  • B) assertException()
  • C) expectThrowable()
  • D) assertThrow()
  • Answer: A

104.               What PHPUnit function would you use to test if an array contains a specific value?

  • A) assertArrayHasKey()
  • B) assertContains()
  • C) assertArrayContains()
  • D) assertKeyExists()
  • Answer: B

105.               Which method is used to mock an object in PHPUnit?

  • A) createMock()
  • B) mockObject()
  • C) createObjectMock()
  • D) mock()
  • Answer: A

106.               In PHPUnit, what does the @covers annotation specify?

  • A) It specifies which method or class a test covers.
  • B) It specifies which class needs coverage.
  • C) It specifies the expected output of the test.
  • D) It defines a class to be skipped in the test.
  • Answer: A

107.               Which PHPUnit function can be used to test if a variable is empty?

  • A) assertEmpty()
  • B) assertIsEmpty()
  • C) assertIsNull()
  • D) assertNotEmpty()
  • Answer: A

108.               How can you define data sets to be used in PHPUnit tests?

  • A) Using the @dataProvider annotation.
  • B) Using the @testData annotation.
  • C) Defining a custom function inside the test class.
  • D) Defining a method with testData().
  • Answer: A

109.               Which PHPUnit annotation is used to execute a method before each test?

  • A) @before
  • B) @setup
  • C) @beforeMethod
  • D) @beforeTest
  • Answer: C

110.               Which PHPUnit function is used to assert that a string does not contain a substring?

  • A) assertStringNotContains()
  • B) assertNotContains()
  • C) assertDoesNotContain()
  • D) assertStringNotContainsString()
  • Answer: D

111.               What is the function of the assertNull() method in PHPUnit?

  • A) It asserts that a variable is null.
  • B) It asserts that a variable is not null.
  • C) It asserts that a function returns null.
  • D) It asserts that an object is null.
  • Answer: A

112.               Which PHPUnit method asserts that a variable is an instance of a given class?

  • A) assertIsInstanceOf()
  • B) assertInstanceOf()
  • C) assertObjectType()
  • D) assertClassType()
  • Answer: B

113.               How do you run all the tests in a PHPUnit test suite?

  • A) phpunit
  • B) phpunit --runAll
  • C) phpunit tests/*
  • D) phpunit --allTests
  • Answer: A

114.               What method in PHPUnit is used to create a mock object of a class?

  • A) createMock()
  • B) mockClass()
  • C) generateMock()
  • D) mockObject()
  • Answer: A

115.               In PHPUnit, which method is used to run after all tests have been completed?

  • A) tearDown()
  • B) cleanUp()
  • C) tearDownAfterClass()
  • D) cleanupTest()
  • Answer: C

116.               What does the assertCount() method do in PHPUnit?

  • A) It checks if an array has a specific value.
  • B) It checks if an object has a specific number of properties.
  • C) It asserts that a variable is a countable object and matches a given number.
  • D) It checks if a string is equal to a count.
  • Answer: C

117.               What does the @test annotation in PHPUnit signify?

  • A) It marks a method as a test.
  • B) It specifies the test data for the test.
  • C) It runs the method as part of the setup.
  • D) It identifies the test class.
  • Answer: A

118.               What will the following PHPUnit assertion do?


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  • A) It asserts that the $array is empty.
  • B) It asserts that the $array is not empty.
  • C) It asserts that the $array is null.
  • D) It asserts that the $array contains a value.
  • Answer: B

119.               What does the assertFileExists() method check in PHPUnit?

  • A) It checks if a file exists on the file system.
  • B) It checks if a file can be accessed.
  • C) It checks if a file is empty.
  • D) It checks if a file is writable.
  • Answer: A

120.               What is the purpose of the @after annotation in PHPUnit?

  • A) It is used to clean up after a test is run.
  • B) It runs before the test method.
  • C) It runs the tests after the setup method.
  • D) It skips the test method.
  • Answer: A

Section 5: Testing with PHPUnit (Continued)

121.               How would you run a single test method in PHPUnit?

  • A) phpunit --testMethod TestName
  • B) phpunit TestClass::testMethod
  • C) phpunit testMethod
  • D) phpunit --run testMethod
  • Answer: B

122.               Which PHPUnit method is used to assert that an object is an instance of a given class or interface?

  • A) assertClassInstanceOf()
  • B) assertInstanceOf()
  • C) assertIsType()
  • D) assertIsObject()
  • Answer: B

123.               In PHPUnit, what does the @depends annotation specify?

  • A) It specifies that a test depends on the outcome of another test.
  • B) It specifies which tests to run before the current test.
  • C) It specifies data dependencies for a test method.
  • D) It defines the class dependencies for the tests.
  • Answer: A

124.               Which PHPUnit function can be used to compare two floating-point numbers?

  • A) assertSame()
  • B) assertEquals()
  • C) assertFloatEquals()
  • D) assertApproxEquals()
  • Answer: D

125.               Which PHPUnit method can be used to assert that a function returns a specific value?

  • A) assertResult()
  • B) assertReturnValue()
  • C) assertEquals()
  • D) assertOutput()
  • Answer: C

126.               What does the PHPUnit method assertIsTrue() do?

  • A) It checks if a value is true.
  • B) It asserts that a function always returns true.
  • C) It checks if the test passes.
  • D) It asserts that an array contains a true value.
  • Answer: A

127.               How can PHPUnit help improve code quality in PHP projects?

  • A) By ensuring that code runs faster.
  • B) By testing and catching bugs early.
  • C) By preventing code duplication.
  • D) By enforcing a particular coding standard.
  • Answer: B

128.               What PHPUnit function would you use to verify that a function does not throw any exceptions?

  • A) assertNoException()
  • B) expectNoException()
  • C) assertDoesNotThrow()
  • D) assertNoThrowException()
  • Answer: C

129.               What will the following PHPUnit code do?


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  • A) It will test if an InvalidArgumentException is thrown.
  • B) It will assert that no exceptions are thrown.
  • C) It will prevent the test from running.
  • D) It will mock the InvalidArgumentException class.
  • Answer: A

130.               Which PHPUnit function checks if the given variable is of a certain type?

  • A) assertType()
  • B) assertIsType()
  • C) assertInstanceOf()
  • D) assertSame()
  • Answer: B

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