Lecture notes of Class 27: Advanced Laravel Concepts

Rashmi Mishra


Lecture notes of Class 27: Advanced Laravel Concepts


  • Explore advanced Laravel features such as routing and middleware.
  • Implement user authentication and authorization.


  • Students will be able to configure routing, apply middleware, and set up authentication and authorization in Laravel.


In this class, we dive into some of Laravel's advanced features that enhance security, streamline route management, and control user access to resources. By understanding how to work with middleware, routing configurations, and authentication/authorization, developers can create secure and structured applications.

1. Routing in Laravel

1.1 Route Groups

Route groups allow you to organize routes that share attributes, such as middleware, prefixes, or namespaces. This is particularly useful when you have several routes that should share common behavior or structure.

Example: Basic Route Group


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Route::group(['prefix' => 'admin'], function () {

    Route::get('/dashboard', [AdminController::class, 'dashboard']);

    Route::get('/users', [AdminController::class, 'listUsers']);


Here, all routes within this group are prefixed with "admin." So, the actual URLs are /admin/dashboard and /admin/users.

1.2 Route Prefixes and Namespaces

  • Prefix: Adds a common path segment to all routes within the group.
  • Namespace: Groups routes by associating them with a specific namespace, usually linked to a specific controller.

Example: Prefix and Namespace


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Route::group(['prefix' => 'api', 'namespace' => 'App\Http\Controllers\Api'], function () {

    Route::get('/posts', 'PostController@index');


This example specifies a prefix (api) and a namespace (App\Http\Controllers\Api), so the route /api/posts maps to the index method of PostController.

1.3 Named Routes

Named routes make it easier to reference specific routes in your application, particularly useful for redirects or URL generation.

Example: Defining and Using Named Routes


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// Defining a named route

Route::get('/profile', [UserController::class, 'profile'])->name('profile');


// Using the named route

return redirect()->route('profile');

2. Middleware in Laravel

Middleware acts as a filter for incoming HTTP requests, allowing developers to control access and manage behavior globally or for specific routes.

2.1 Applying Middleware to Routes

Middleware can be applied to individual routes, route groups, or even globally to the entire application. Common middleware includes authentication (auth) and guest middleware (guest), among others.

Example: Applying Middleware to Routes


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Route::get('/dashboard', [DashboardController::class, 'index'])->middleware('auth');

2.2 Creating Custom Middleware

Laravel allows you to create custom middleware for handling specific logic on requests.

Steps to Create Middleware:

1.  Generate middleware using Artisan:


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php artisan make:middleware CheckAdmin

2.  Define the middleware logic in app/Http/Middleware/CheckAdmin.php:


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public function handle($request, Closure $next)


    if (!auth()->user() || !auth()->user()->isAdmin()) {

        return redirect('home');


    return $next($request);


3.  Register middleware in app/Http/Kernel.php.

4.  Apply it to routes:


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Route::get('/admin', [AdminController::class, 'index'])->middleware('checkAdmin');

2.3 Global Middleware

Global middleware is applied to all routes in the application. It is useful for tasks such as logging or managing sessions.

3. Authentication in Laravel

Authentication verifies the identity of users accessing the application. Laravel provides tools for handling user login, registration, and password management with ease.

3.1 Setting up Authentication with Breeze or Jetstream

To quickly set up authentication in Laravel, you can use Laravel Breeze or Jetstream packages, both of which offer pre-built authentication scaffolding.

Using Laravel Breeze

1.  Install Breeze:


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composer require laravel/breeze --dev

php artisan breeze:install

npm install && npm run dev

php artisan migrate

2.  This generates the routes, views, and controllers for user registration, login, and password reset.

3.2 Authentication Guards

In Laravel, guards define how users are authenticated for each request.

  • Web Guard: Used for standard web-based authentication.
  • API Guard: Used for token-based authentication, usually for APIs.

4. Authorization in Laravel

Authorization controls user permissions within the application. Laravel provides two main ways to manage authorization: Gates and Policies.

4.1 Gates

Gates are simple, closure-based authorization checks. They are typically defined in the App\Providers\AuthServiceProvider.

Example: Defining a Gate


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Gate::define('view-dashboard', function ($user) {

    return $user->isAdmin();


Use the gate in a controller or route:


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if (Gate::allows('view-dashboard')) {

    // The current user can view the dashboard


4.2 Policies

Policies provide a structured way of managing authorization logic and are useful when dealing with complex permissions.

Creating a Policy

1.  Generate a policy:


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php artisan make:policy PostPolicy

2.  Define methods for specific actions, like view, update, and delete.

Example: Post Policy


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public function update(User $user, Post $post)


    return $user->id === $post->user_id;


3.  Register the policy in AuthServiceProvider.

4.  Apply policy checks:


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if ($user->can('update', $post)) {

    // The user can update the post



  • Routing: Organizing routes into groups, applying prefixes, and creating named routes.
  • Middleware: Applying and creating middleware for access control and filtering requests.
  • Authentication: Setting up user authentication with packages like Breeze and managing guards.
  • Authorization: Using gates and policies to control user permissions.

By mastering these advanced features, students will gain the ability to create secure, organized, and user-centric applications in Laravel.

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