Assignments On Class 36: Performance Optimization

Rashmi Mishra

Assignments  On Class 36: Performance Optimization

Assignments on Performance Optimization in PHP

Below are some assignments based on the concept of performance optimization in PHP, with step-by-step solutions and explanations.

Assignment 1: Optimizing PHP Code Using Caching Techniques


You are developing a PHP application that handles frequent user logins and data retrieval. The data is mostly static, and users log in regularly. Implement caching to reduce unnecessary database queries and optimize performance.


1.   Identify the caching strategy: Use OPcache for opcode caching and Memcached or Redis for caching user data (e.g., user profile).

2.   Implement OPcache (if not enabled):

o    In your php.ini file, ensure that OPcache is enabled.

o    Example:


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3.   Implement Memcached or Redis to Cache User Data:

o    First, ensure that Memcached or Redis is installed and running on your server.

o    You can install the PHP Redis extension using pecl install redis if using Redis.

4.   Store User Data in Cache:

o    Cache the user profile data when the user logs in. If the data exists in the cache, retrieve it from there instead of querying the database.


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$memcache = new Memcached();

$memcache->addServer('localhost', 11211);


// Cache the user data after login

$user_id = $_SESSION['user_id'];

$cache_key = "user_profile_$user_id";


// Check if the data is cached

$user_data = $memcache->get($cache_key);

if ($user_data === false) {

    // If not cached, fetch from database

    $stmt = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ?");


    $user_data = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);


    // Cache the result for future requests

    $memcache->set($cache_key, $user_data, 3600);  // Cache for 1 hour



// Use $user_data for further processing


  • OPcache improves PHP performance by caching compiled script code in memory, reducing the need for PHP to compile scripts on each request.
  • Memcached or Redis is used to store user profile data to avoid frequent database queries, speeding up subsequent data retrieval.

Assignment 2: Optimize Database Queries Using Indexing and JOIN


Your application involves displaying a list of users and their orders. Currently, you are running multiple queries to fetch the data, which is slowing down the performance. Refactor your code to use JOIN queries and indexing to optimize performance.


1.   Create Indexes:

o    Analyze your database schema and add indexes on frequently used columns like user_id and order_date.



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CREATE INDEX idx_users_id ON users (id);

CREATE INDEX idx_orders_user_id ON orders (user_id);

2.   Optimize Queries with JOIN:

o    Instead of fetching user data and orders separately, use a JOIN to fetch the data in a single query.


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$stmt = $pdo->prepare("

    SELECT, orders.order_id, orders.order_date,

    FROM users

    JOIN orders ON = orders.user_id

    WHERE = :user_id


$stmt->execute(['user_id' => $user_id]);

$orders = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);


foreach ($orders as $order) {

    echo $order['name'] . ' ordered ' . $order['total'] . ' on ' . $order['order_date'] . '<br>';



  • By adding indexes on user_id in both the users and orders tables, the database can search for relevant rows faster.
  • The JOIN query retrieves all the data in one query, reducing the number of database calls and improving performance.

Assignment 3: Avoiding the N+1 Query Problem Using Eager Loading


In your application, you need to display a list of posts with their associated comments. Currently, you're querying the database to fetch posts and then querying the database again to fetch comments for each post. This leads to the N+1 query problem. Optimize it by using eager loading.


1.   Identify the problem: You have two queries:

o    One to fetch all posts:


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$posts = $pdo->query("SELECT * FROM posts")->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

o    For each post, you fetch its comments:


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foreach ($posts as $post) {

    $comments = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM comments WHERE post_id = ?");


    $post['comments'] = $comments->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);


2.   This results in 1 query to get posts and N queries to get comments for each post.

3.   Optimize using a JOIN query: You can use a JOIN to load posts with their comments in one query:


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$stmt = $pdo->prepare("

    SELECT AS post_id, posts.title, AS comment_id, comments.content

    FROM posts

    LEFT JOIN comments ON = comments.post_id



$results = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);


$posts = [];

foreach ($results as $row) {

    $posts[$row['post_id']]['title'] = $row['title'];

    $posts[$row['post_id']]['comments'][] = [

        'comment_id' => $row['comment_id'],

        'content' => $row['content']




  • Eager loading with JOIN queries helps you fetch related data (posts and comments) in one query, eliminating the need for multiple database calls.
  • This optimizes performance by reducing database load and improving response times.

Assignment 4: Optimize File Handling


You need to process and store a large file (e.g., a CSV file) containing user data. The file is processed multiple times, which causes performance issues. Optimize the file handling.


1.   Use buffered reading: Instead of loading the entire file into memory, read it line by line. This reduces memory usage, especially for large files.


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$file = fopen('large_file.csv', 'r');

while (($line = fgetcsv($file)) !== FALSE) {

    // Process each line (e.g., insert data into the database)

    $name = $line[0];

    $email = $line[1];

    $stmt = $pdo->prepare("INSERT INTO users (name, email) VALUES (?, ?)");

    $stmt->execute([$name, $email]);



2.   Cache the result after the first processing:

o    After processing the file once, store the results in Redis or Memcached to avoid reprocessing the file on subsequent requests.


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$file_data = $memcache->get('large_file_data');

if ($file_data === false) {

    // Process the file if not cached

    $file_data = process_large_file('large_file.csv');

    $memcache->set('large_file_data', $file_data, 3600);  // Cache for 1 hour



  • Buffered reading helps minimize memory consumption by reading one line at a time.
  • Caching the processed data ensures that the file is only processed once, significantly improving performance for repeated access.

Assignment 5: Use Gzip Compression for Faster Response


You are working on a web application where large amounts of data are sent to the client. This increases the page load time. Implement Gzip compression to optimize data transfer.


1.   Enable Gzip compression in your PHP script:


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if (!ob_start("ob_gzhandler")) ob_start();

2.   Enable Gzip compression in Apache (if using Apache):

o    In your .htaccess file, add the following lines:


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AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/xml text/css application/javascript


  • Gzip compression reduces the size of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files, which reduces bandwidth usage and speeds up page load times.
  • Enabling Gzip compression on both the PHP side (for dynamic content) and the web server side (for static content) helps in faster data transmission.


These assignments focus on different strategies to optimize PHP code and database interactions, from caching and query optimization to file handling and data compression. Implementing these practices will significantly improve the performance of your applications and provide a better experience for your users.

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