Assignment Notes On Class 21
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) - Part 3
Assignments of constructors and destructors in PHP.
Assignment 1: Create a Student Class with a Constructor and Destructor
Create a Student class with the following properties:
- name (student’s name)
- id (student’s ID)
- course (enrolled course)
The class should:
- Use a constructor to initialize these properties when a new object is created.
- Use a destructor to print a message indicating that the student’s record has been removed.
Assignment 2: Create a FileHandler Class for File Operations
Create a FileHandler class that:
- Uses a constructor to open a specified file in "write" mode.
- Uses a destructor to close the file when the object is destroyed.
Assignment 3: Create a BankAccount Class with Initialization and Cleanup
Design a BankAccount class with the following:
- A constructor that takes an accountNumber and balance as parameters and initializes them.
- A destructor that displays a message when the bank account object is no longer needed.
Assignment 4: Database Connection Class with Constructor and Destructor
Create a DatabaseConnection class that:
- Uses a constructor to connect to a database using mysqli_connect.
- Uses a destructor to close the connection when the object is destroyed.
Assignment Notes On Class 21
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) - Part 3
Assignments of constructors and destructors in PHP.
Assignment 1: Create a Student Class with a Constructor and Destructor
Create a Student class with the following properties:
- name (student’s name)
- id (student’s ID)
- course (enrolled course)
The class should:
- Use a constructor to initialize these properties when a new object is created.
- Use a destructor to print a message indicating that the student’s record has been removed.
class Student {
public $name;
public $id;
public $course;
// Constructor
public function __construct($name, $id, $course) {
$this->name = $name;
$this->id = $id;
$this->course = $course;
echo "Student record created: Name - $this->name, ID - $this->id, Course - $this->course<br>";
// Destructor
public function __destruct() {
echo "Student record deleted: Name - $this->name<br>";
// Creating Student objects
$student1 = new Student("Alice", 101, "Computer Science");
$student2 = new Student("Bob", 102, "Mathematics");
// Destructor will be called automatically at the end of the script
- Constructor (__construct): When an object is created, the constructor initializes the name, id, and course properties and displays a message that the student record has been created.
- Destructor (__destruct): When the object is no longer needed, the destructor displays a message saying the student record has been deleted.
Student record created: Name - Alice, ID - 101, Course - Computer Science
Student record created: Name - Bob, ID - 102, Course - Mathematics
Student record deleted: Name - Alice
Student record deleted: Name - Bob
Assignment 2: Create a FileHandler Class for File Operations
Create a FileHandler class that:
- Uses a constructor to open a specified file in "write" mode.
- Uses a destructor to close the file when the object is destroyed.
class FileHandler {
private $file;
// Constructor to open the file
public function __construct($filename) {
$this->file = fopen($filename, "w");
if ($this->file) {
echo "File '$filename' opened successfully.<br>";
} else {
echo "Error: Unable to open file '$filename'.<br>";
// Destructor to close the file
public function __destruct() {
if ($this->file) {
echo "File closed successfully.<br>";
// Creating a FileHandler object
$fileHandler = new FileHandler("example.txt");
// Destructor will be called automatically at the end of the script
- Constructor (__construct): This method opens a file named "example.txt" in write mode. If the file is successfully opened, it displays a confirmation message.
- Destructor (__destruct): This method closes the file when the object is destroyed or at the end of the script, printing a message that the file has been closed.
File 'example.txt' opened successfully.
File closed successfully.
Assignment 3: Create a BankAccount Class with Initialization and Cleanup
Design a BankAccount class with the following:
- A constructor that takes an accountNumber and balance as parameters and initializes them.
- A destructor that displays a message when the bank account object is no longer needed.
class BankAccount {
public $accountNumber;
public $balance;
// Constructor to initialize account number and balance
public function __construct($accountNumber, $balance) {
$this->accountNumber = $accountNumber;
$this->balance = $balance;
echo "Bank account created: Account Number - $this->accountNumber, Balance - $$this->balance<br>";
// Destructor to indicate account closure
public function __destruct() {
echo "Bank account for Account Number $this->accountNumber is now closed.<br>";
// Creating BankAccount objects
$account1 = new BankAccount("123456", 1000);
$account2 = new BankAccount("789012", 5000);
// Destructor will be called automatically at the end of the script
- Constructor (__construct): Initializes the accountNumber and balance properties with the provided values. A message is displayed to indicate the account has been created.
- Destructor (__destruct): When the object is no longer needed, the destructor prints a message indicating the account is closed.
Bank account created: Account Number - 123456, Balance - $1000
Bank account created: Account Number - 789012, Balance - $5000
Bank account for Account Number 123456 is now closed.
Bank account for Account Number 789012 is now closed.
Assignment 4: Database Connection Class with Constructor and Destructor
Create a DatabaseConnection class that:
- Uses a constructor to connect to a database using mysqli_connect.
- Uses a destructor to close the connection when the object is destroyed.
class DatabaseConnection {
private $connection;
// Constructor to initialize the database connection
public function __construct($host, $username, $password, $database) {
$this->connection = mysqli_connect($host, $username, $password, $database);
if ($this->connection) {
echo "Connected to database successfully.<br>";
} else {
echo "Error: Unable to connect to database - " . mysqli_connect_error() . "<br>";
// Destructor to close the database connection
public function __destruct() {
if ($this->connection) {
echo "Database connection closed.<br>";
// Creating a DatabaseConnection object
$dbConnection = new DatabaseConnection("localhost", "root", "", "my_database");
// Destructor will be called automatically at the end of the script
- Constructor (__construct): The constructor connects to a MySQL database using the provided host, username, password, and database name. A success or failure message is displayed based on the connection status.
- Destructor (__destruct): When the object is no longer needed, the destructor closes the database connection, ensuring no open connections remain.
Connected to database successfully.
Database connection closed.
These assignments cover:
- Initialization of properties using constructors.
- Cleanup of resources using destructors.
- Practical application scenarios, such as managing database connections, file handling, and initializing object data.