Assignments Of Class 33:
PHP Configuration and Environment
1: Modifying PHP Configuration in php.ini
Problem: Your
task is to modify the PHP configuration settings in the php.ini file to
meet the following requirements for a file upload system:
1. Increase
the file upload size limit to 10MB.
2. Set the
maximum post size to 12MB.
3. Increase
the maximum execution time for scripts to 120 seconds.
4. Enable
the display of errors for debugging purposes during development.
1. Locate
your php.ini file.
On most systems, you can find this by creating a phpinfo() script
and locating "Loaded Configuration File."
2. Open php.ini in a
text editor.
3. Modify
the following settings:
Find upload_max_filesize and set it to 10M.
Find post_max_size and set it to 12M.
Find max_execution_time and set it to 120.
Find display_errors and set it to On.
4. Save the php.ini file and
restart your web server.
Solution Explanation:
- upload_max_filesize:
Controls the maximum size of a file that can be uploaded.
- post_max_size:
Sets the maximum size of the entire POST data, which includes all files
and form data.
- max_execution_time:
Limits the amount of time a PHP script can run. For large uploads,
increasing this limit prevents timeouts.
- display_errors:
Setting this to On is useful in the
development environment for debugging. However, it should be turned off in
production to avoid displaying sensitive information.
2: Using Environment Variables with PHP
Problem: You are
tasked with configuring the environment for a PHP project. Create a .env file
with database configuration settings and then modify a PHP script to read these
settings using the getenv() function.
1. Create a .env file in
the root of your project with the following contents:
Copy code
2. Install
the vlucas/phpdotenv library
using Composer:
Copy code
composer require vlucas/phpdotenv
3. Create a
PHP script to load and access the environment variables:
Copy code
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$dotenv = Dotenv\Dotenv::createImmutable(__DIR__);
// Access the environment
$db_host = getenv('DB_HOST');
$db_user = getenv('DB_USER');
$db_pass = getenv('DB_PASS');
$db_name = getenv('DB_NAME');
echo "Database host: "
. $db_host . "<br>";
echo "Database user: "
. $db_user . "<br>";
echo "Database password:
" . $db_pass . "<br>";
echo "Database name: "
. $db_name . "<br>";
4. Run the
PHP script and check the output for the correct database configuration.
Solution Explanation:
- .env
file: Stores sensitive configuration information like database
- vlucas/phpdotenv
library: Used to load environment variables from the .env
file into the PHP script.
- getenv():
This function retrieves the value of an environment variable, allowing you
to access sensitive data without hardcoding it into your scripts.
3: Using ini_get() and ini_set() to Modify PHP Settings
Problem: Create a
PHP script that:
1. Retrieves
the current value of memory_limit and displays it.
2. Modifies
the memory_limit to 256MB
using ini_set().
3. Retrieves
and displays the new value of memory_limit.
1. Create a
PHP script:
Copy code
// Retrieve and display the
current memory limit
echo "Current memory limit:
" . ini_get('memory_limit') . "<br>";
// Modify the memory limit to
ini_set('memory_limit', '256M');
// Retrieve and display the new
memory limit
echo "New memory limit:
" . ini_get('memory_limit') . "<br>";
2. Run the
script and verify that the memory limit has been updated.
Solution Explanation:
- ini_get('memory_limit'):
Retrieves the current memory limit in PHP.
- ini_set('memory_limit',
'256M'): Temporarily changes the memory limit for the
current script execution.
- The
output will show the original and updated memory limits.
4: Using .htaccess for PHP Configuration
Problem: You need
to configure a PHP project hosted on an Apache server. You want to change the
following settings using an .htaccess file:
1. Set the memory_limit to
2. Set upload_max_filesize to 8MB.
3. Enable
error display for debugging in the development environment.
1. In the
root directory of your project, create a file named .htaccess (if it
doesn't already exist).
2. Add the
following lines to the .htaccess file:
Copy code
php_value memory_limit 128M
php_value upload_max_filesize 8M
php_flag display_errors On
3. Save the .htaccess file and
ensure that your Apache server is configured to read .htaccess files
(this is typically enabled by default).
4. Test your
settings by running a PHP script that displays the current memory_limit, upload_max_filesize, and
whether errors are being displayed.
Solution Explanation:
- .htaccess
files allow you to configure PHP settings at the directory level in
- php_value:
Used to set a configuration directive.
- php_flag:
Used to enable or disable a boolean configuration directive (such as display_errors).
- The
changes will only apply within the directory where the .htaccess
file is placed and can affect all PHP scripts in that directory.
5: Error Reporting and Debugging in PHP
Problem: You are
working on a PHP application and need to configure error reporting for both
development and production environments. In the development environment:
1. Display
all errors and warnings.
2. In the
production environment:
Suppress error display but log all errors to a file
called error_log.txt.
1. Create a
PHP script called config.php with the following code:
Copy code
// Development environment
if (getenv('APP_ENV') == 'development')
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
// Production environment
else {
ini_set('display_errors', 0);
ini_set('log_errors', 1);
ini_set('error_log', 'error_log.txt');
2. Create a .env file and
set the APP_ENV variable
to development or production
depending on the environment.
3. Test the
application by causing an error (e.g., calling an undefined function) and check
the behavior:
In development: Errors should be displayed in the
In production: Errors should not display but be
logged in error_log.txt.
Solution Explanation:
- The
script checks the APP_ENV variable (set in .env
file) to determine if the environment is development or production.
- In
the development environment, all errors are displayed, which helps in
- In
the production environment, errors are logged to a file (error_log.txt),
but they are not shown to users, which is crucial for security.
These assignments will help
students understand the importance of configuring PHP settings properly for
different environments and using techniques like environment variables, error
reporting, and php.ini modifications to customize the PHP setup.
4o mini
You said:
Give some more variety
Here are a few more assignments
with varied tasks, all focused on PHP Configuration and Environment:
6: Configuring PHP for Maximum Security
Problem: You are
tasked with hardening the PHP configuration for a production environment. Your
objectives are to:
1. Disable
dangerous functions (e.g., exec(), shell_exec(), system(), etc.).
2. Set session.cookie_secure to
ensure cookies are only sent over HTTPS.
3. Turn off display_errors in the
production environment.
4. Restrict
access to sensitive files (like php.ini) using .htaccess.
1. Locate
and open the php.ini file.
2. Modify
the following settings:
Find disable_functions and add functions like exec, shell_exec, system.
Set session.cookie_secure = 1 to
ensure cookies are only sent over secure connections.
Set display_errors = Off for production environments.
3. Create or
modify the .htaccess file in your web server’s root directory and add
the following lines to restrict access to php.ini:
Copy code
<Files "php.ini">
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
4. Save the
changes and restart the web server.
Solution Explanation:
- Disabling
dangerous functions: Prevents remote code execution vulnerabilities.
- session.cookie_secure:
Ensures that cookies are only sent over HTTPS, which is a security
- Disabling
Keeps sensitive error information from being shown to the end user.
- .htaccess
restriction: Adds an extra layer of security by ensuring sensitive files
like php.ini are not accessible publicly.
7: Using php.ini to Limit Resource Usage
Configure your PHP environment to optimize resource usage by setting limits on:
1. Maximum
execution time (max_execution_time).
2. Maximum
input time (max_input_time).
3. Maximum
memory usage (memory_limit).
1. Open your
php.ini file.
2. Modify
the following settings:
Set max_execution_time to 60 seconds.
Set max_input_time to 30 seconds.
Set memory_limit to 128M.
3. Save the php.ini file and
restart the web server.
4. Test
these configurations by running a PHP script that exceeds the limits and check
if the script stops as expected.
Solution Explanation:
- max_execution_time:
Limits the time a script can run before PHP terminates it. It prevents
infinite loops or runaway scripts.
- max_input_time:
Limits the time PHP allows to receive input from forms or URLs.
- memory_limit:
Defines the maximum amount of memory a script can consume. Setting it to
128MB ensures scripts don’t consume too many resources.
8: Using php.ini for File Upload Settings
Problem: You are
building a file upload feature. You need to configure the PHP settings to:
1. Allow
files of up to 20MB.
2. Allow a
maximum post size of 25MB.
3. Set the
maximum file upload time to 300 seconds.
1. Open the php.ini file.
2. Modify
the following settings:
upload_max_filesize = 20M
post_max_size = 25M
max_input_time = 300
max_execution_time = 300
3. Save the
file and restart the server.
4. Test the
configuration by uploading a file larger than 20MB and check if the upload is
Solution Explanation:
- upload_max_filesize:
Defines the maximum size for an uploaded file.
- post_max_size:
Determines the maximum size of data that can be sent in a POST request.
- max_input_time and
Ensure the script has enough time to process large file uploads.
9: Configuring PHP Error Logging
Problem: You are
required to configure PHP’s error logging feature to log errors to a specific
log file and to suppress displaying errors in the browser in a production
1. Create or
open the php.ini file.
2. Modify
the following settings:
log_errors = On to enable error logging.
error_log = /path/to/log/php_error.log to specify the path of the log
Set display_errors = Off for production.
Set error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE to
report all errors except notices.
3. Create
the log file (php_error.log) and ensure the server has write permissions to
the file.
4. Test by
causing an error in a PHP script and check the log file for the recorded error.
Solution Explanation:
- log_errors:
Ensures that PHP logs errors to a file.
- error_log:
Defines the location of the log file.
- display_errors:
Prevents errors from being displayed in the browser, which is important
for security.
- error_reporting:
Controls which types of errors are logged. E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE
reports all errors except for non-critical notices.
10: Using ini_set() to Modify Settings at Runtime
Problem: You need
to modify the PHP configuration at runtime for a specific script. Specifically,
you need to:
1. Set a
custom time zone.
2. Increase
the max_execution_time to 300
seconds for this script.
3. Turn off
error reporting for this script.
1. Create a
PHP script called runtime_config.php.
2. Use the ini_set() function
to modify the configuration:
Copy code
// Set the time zone to New York
ini_set('date.timezone', 'America/New_York');
// Set the maximum execution time
to 5 minutes
ini_set('max_execution_time', 300);
// Turn off error reporting
ini_set('display_errors', 0);
echo "Script is running with
custom configurations.";
3. Run the
script and verify that it uses the new configurations.
Solution Explanation:
- ini_set():
Allows you to change PHP configuration directives at runtime within the
script. This is useful for modifying settings dynamically for specific
- date.timezone:
Specifies the time zone for the script.
- max_execution_time:
Temporarily increases the maximum execution time.
- display_errors:
Turns off error display for this script.
11: Environment-Specific PHP Configuration
Problem: You are
working with a project that needs different PHP configurations for development,
staging, and production environments. You need to:
1. Use
different settings for each environment, such as error display and memory
2. Read the
environment from a .env file and configure PHP accordingly.
1. Create a .env file in
your project’s root directory with the following contents:
Copy code
2. Create a
PHP script (config.php) that reads the environment variable and sets PHP
configuration accordingly:
Copy code
$env = getenv('ENVIRONMENT');
if ($env == 'development') {
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
ini_set('memory_limit', '256M');
} elseif ($env == 'production') {
ini_set('display_errors', 0);
error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING |
ini_set('memory_limit', '128M');
3. Test by
changing the value of ENVIRONMENT in the .env file and running the script to
see different configurations applied based on the environment.
Solution Explanation:
- Using
.env to
manage environment-specific settings allows you to easily switch between
configurations for different stages of development.
- ini_set(), error_reporting(),
and getenv() are used to change PHP’s configuration
These assignments aim to give
students practical hands-on experience configuring PHP for different
environments, enhancing their understanding of how PHP settings can be managed
and tailored to optimize performance, security, and error handling in their