MCQ s of Class 27: Advanced Laravel Concepts
Here are 100 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) based on advanced Laravel concepts, focusing on routing, middleware, authentication, and authorization.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. What is the default directory for Laravel routes?
o A) /app/Http/Controllers
o B) /routes
o C) /app/Models
o D) /resources/views
o Answer: B
2. Which method is used to create a named route in Laravel?
o A) route()
o B) name()
o C) as()
o D) setName()
o Answer: A
3. In Laravel, which command is used to create a middleware?
o A) php artisan make:route
o B) php artisan make:middleware
o C) php artisan create:middleware
o D) php artisan generate:middleware
o Answer: B
4. What does middleware do in Laravel?
o A) Redirects users
o B) Processes requests before reaching the controller
o C) Connects to the database
o D) Handles routing
o Answer: B
5. Which method is used to redirect a user to a named route?
o A) redirect()->route()
o B) redirectTo()
o C) goToRoute()
o D) returnTo()
o Answer: A
6. What type of response does the abort() function return in Laravel?
o A) JSON response
o B) HTML response
o C) HTTP exception
o D) Plain text
o Answer: C
7. In Laravel, which command is used to cache the routes?
o A) php artisan route:cache
o B) php artisan cache:routes
o C) php artisan optimize:routes
o D) php artisan routes:cache
o Answer: A
8. Which of the following is NOT a built-in middleware in Laravel?
o A) Authenticate
o B) CheckAdmin
o C) TrimStrings
o D) RedirectIfAuthenticated
o Answer: B
9. What does CSRF stand for in Laravel?
o A) Cross-Site Request Framework
o B) Cross-Site Request Forgery
o C) Cross-Site Resource Filter
o D) Cross-Site Reference Form
o Answer: B
10. Which file is responsible for defining route middleware in Laravel?
o A) app/Http/Kernel.php
o B) routes/web.php
o C) config/middleware.php
o D) app/Http/Routes.php
o Answer: A
11. How do you check if a user is authenticated in Laravel?
o A) if (user())
o B) if (auth()->check())
o C) if (Auth::isLoggedIn())
o D) if (Auth::checkUser())
o Answer: B
12. What is the purpose of policies in Laravel?
o A) To handle routing
o B) To manage views
o C) To define authorization logic
o D) To manage middleware
o Answer: C
13. Which command is used to generate a policy in Laravel?
o A) php artisan make:policy
o B) php artisan create:policy
o C) php artisan policy:create
o D) php artisan generate:policy
o Answer: A
14. What is the purpose of the auth() helper function in Laravel?
o A) To access the authentication service
o B) To redirect users
o C) To retrieve user input
o D) To handle session management
o Answer: A
15. In Laravel, which file do you typically modify to set up user authentication routes?
o A) routes/api.php
o B) routes/web.php
o C) app/Http/Kernel.php
o D) app/Providers/RouteServiceProvider.php
o Answer: B
16. What is the default method used by Laravel for storing user sessions?
o A) Database
o B) File
o C) Cookie
o D) In-memory
o Answer: B
17. Which Laravel command is used to create a new controller?
o A) php artisan make:controller
o B) php artisan create:controller
o C) php artisan generate:controller
o D) php artisan new:controller
o Answer: A
18. How do you register a new route in Laravel?
o A) Route::register()
o B) Route::add()
o C) Route::create()
o D) Route::get()
o Answer: D
19. What does the middleware method do in a route definition?
o A) Defines the HTTP method
o B) Sets the route name
o C) Applies middleware to a route
o D) Specifies the response type
o Answer: C
20. Which of the following is a method of the Request class in Laravel?
o A) get()
o B) retrieve()
o C) fetch()
o D) request()
o Answer: A
21. How do you retrieve the authenticated user's information in Laravel?
o A) Auth::user()
o B) auth()->user()
o C) Both A and B
o D) getUser()
o Answer: C
22. What is the purpose of route model binding in Laravel?
o A) To automatically inject model instances into routes
o B) To manage view logic
o C) To optimize query performance
o D) To define middleware
o Answer: A
23. Which of the following commands will create a migration file in Laravel?
o A) php artisan make:migration
o B) php artisan create:migration
o C) php artisan new:migration
o D) php artisan generate:migration
o Answer: A
24. Which attribute is commonly used for route caching in Laravel?
o A) expire
o B) cache
o C) name
o D) method
o Answer: B
25. What is the purpose of the Request facade in Laravel?
o A) To create HTTP requests
o B) To handle incoming HTTP requests
o C) To manage response headers
o D) To authenticate users
o Answer: B
26. Which Laravel feature allows you to define different behaviors based on user roles?
o A) Middleware
o B) Policies
o C) Gates
o D) All of the above
o Answer: D
27. What type of middleware is auth in Laravel?
o A) Global middleware
o B) Route middleware
o C) Application middleware
o D) Session middleware
o Answer: B
28. How do you define a route that responds to both GET and POST requests in Laravel?
o A) Route::match()
o B) Route::both()
o C) Route::any()
o D) Route::all()
o Answer: A
29. Which command is used to create a new Laravel project?
o A) laravel new project
o B) composer create-project
o C) php artisan new project
o D) php artisan create project
o Answer: B
30. In Laravel, which method is used to validate incoming requests?
o A) validate()
o B) check()
o C) request()
o D) authorize()
o Answer: A
31. Which of the following will create a resource controller in Laravel?
o A) php artisan make:controller --resource
o B) php artisan create:controller --resource
o C) php artisan generate:controller --resource
o D) php artisan make:resource controller
o Answer: A
32. What is the function of the web middleware group in Laravel?
o A) To handle API requests
o B) To enable session state and CSRF protection
o C) To manage error handling
o D) To optimize query performance
o Answer: B
33. Which Laravel method is used to define a fallback route?
o A) Route::fallback()
o B) Route::default()
o C) Route::notFound()
o D) Route::catchAll()
o Answer: A
34. How can you change the authentication guard in Laravel?
o A) Modify config/auth.php
o B) Change the guard in the controller
o C) Update the route definition
o D) Change middleware settings
o Answer: A
35. Which of the following is used to create a new user in Laravel's default authentication?
o A) Auth::register()
o B) User::create()
o C) Auth::createUser()
o D) User::new()
o Answer: B
36. What does the Route::group() method do?
o A) Groups middleware
o B) Groups routes under a prefix
o C) Defines shared attributes for multiple routes
o D) Both B and C
o Answer: D
37. What is the purpose of the RedirectIfAuthenticated middleware?
o A) To redirect unauthenticated users
o B) To redirect authenticated users from login routes
o C) To validate user roles
o D) To manage session state
o Answer: B
38. How do you secure routes for authenticated users in Laravel?
o A) Use auth middleware
o B) Use guest middleware
o C) Use csrf middleware
o D) Use session middleware
o Answer: A
39. What is the purpose of the throttle middleware?
o A) To limit the number of requests
o B) To manage session state
o C) To redirect users
o D) To authenticate users
o Answer: A
40. Which method is used to validate the presence of a field in a request?
o A) required()
o B) exists()
o C) notEmpty()
o D) mandatory()
o Answer: A
41. How can you apply multiple middleware to a single route in Laravel?
o A) Route::middleware(['auth', 'verified'])->get(...)
o B) Route::apply(['auth', 'verified'])->get(...)
o C) Route::with(['auth', 'verified'])->get(...)
o D) Route::setMiddleware(['auth', 'verified'])->get(...)
o Answer: A
42. In Laravel, how do you define a one-to-many relationship in a model?
o A) public function posts() { return $this->hasMany(Post::class); }
o B) public function posts() { return $this->belongsTo(Post::class); }
o C) public function posts() { return $this->hasOne(Post::class); }
o D) public function posts() { return $this->belongsToMany(Post::class); }
o Answer: A
43. Which of the following commands can be used to run database migrations in Laravel?
o A) php artisan migrate
o B) php artisan db:migrate
o C) php artisan run:migrations
o D) php artisan migrate:run
o Answer: A
44. What is the purpose of the @csrf directive in Laravel Blade templates?
o A) To validate user inputs
o B) To protect against CSRF attacks
o C) To manage sessions
o D) To authenticate users
o Answer: B
45. Which method is used to log a user out in Laravel?
o A) Auth::logout()
o B) auth()->logout()
o C) Both A and B
o D) logout()
o Answer: C
46. What does the route() function do in Laravel?
o A) Generates a URL for a named route
o B) Defines a route
o C) Handles requests
o D) Redirects to a route
o Answer: A
47. In Laravel, what type of authentication does Passport provide?
o A) Session-based
o B) Token-based
o C) Cookie-based
o D) OAuth-based
o Answer: D
48. Which method is used to define custom validation rules in Laravel?
o A) Validator::custom()
o B) request()->validate()
o C) Validator::extend()
o D) Validation::define()
o Answer: C
49. What is the primary purpose of artisan commands in Laravel?
o A) To manage database migrations
o B) To automate common tasks
o C) To handle routing
o D) To manage views
o Answer: B
50. Which Laravel feature allows you to authenticate users via social networks?
o A) Socialite
o B) Passport
o C) Sanctum
o D) Auth
o Answer: A
51. How can you retrieve the current route name in Laravel?
o A) Route::currentRouteName()
o B) request()->route()->getName()
o C) Route::name()
o D) current_route_name()
o Answer: A
52. What is the default storage location for session files in Laravel?
o A) /storage/session
o B) /storage/framework/sessions
o C) /storage/logs
o D) /app/sessions
o Answer: B
53. What does the @can directive do in Blade templates?
o A) Displays content based on user roles
o B) Checks if the user can perform an action
o C) Validates user inputs
o D) Redirects users
o Answer: B
54. Which command will create a new seeder class in Laravel?
o A) php artisan make:seeder
o B) php artisan create:seeder
o C) php artisan generate:seeder
o D) php artisan new:seeder
o Answer: A
55. Which file contains the application’s authentication settings in Laravel?
o A) config/auth.php
o B) config/session.php
o C) config/middleware.php
o D) config/routes.php
o Answer: A
56. What is the purpose of the dispatch() function in Laravel?
o A) To handle HTTP requests
o B) To send emails
o C) To dispatch jobs to the queue
o D) To create new routes
o Answer: C
57. Which method is used to attach a policy to a model in Laravel?
o A) Gate::define()
o B) Policy::attach()
o C) Auth::registerPolicy()
o D) authorize()
o Answer: A
58. How do you access the session data in Laravel?
o A) session()->get()
o B) Session::get()
o C) Both A and B
o D) getSession()
o Answer: C
59. Which Laravel feature allows you to handle user permissions?
o A) Middleware
o B) Policies
o C) Gates
o D) All of the above
o Answer: D
60. What is the primary function of the route middleware?
o A) To manage user sessions
o B) To handle incoming requests
o C) To restrict access to routes
o D) To perform data validation
o Answer: C
61. Which Laravel command is used to rollback the last migration?
o A) php artisan migrate:rollback
o B) php artisan rollback:migration
o C) php artisan down:migration
o D) php artisan revert:migration
o Answer: A
62. What does the with() method do in a controller?
o A) Attaches middleware to a route
o B) Passes data to a view
o C) Validates user input
o D) Redirects to another route
o Answer: B
63. Which command is used to create a new migration file with timestamps?
o A) php artisan make:migration --timestamp
o B) php artisan make:migration
o C) php artisan new:migration --time
o D) php artisan create:migration --time
o Answer: B
64. How do you secure API routes in Laravel?
o A) Use web middleware
o B) Use auth
o C) Use guest middleware
o D) Use session middleware
o Answer: B
65. Which of the following methods is NOT part of the Request object in Laravel?
o A) all()
o B) only()
o C) except()
o D) delete()
o Answer: D
66. What is the primary purpose of the @foreach directive in Blade templates?
o A) To create a loop
o B) To conditionally display content
o C) To define sections
o D) To include other templates
o Answer: A
67. Which command can be used to seed the database with data in Laravel?
o A) php artisan db:seed
o B) php artisan seed
o C) php artisan migrate:seed
o D) php artisan populate
o Answer: A
68. In Laravel, how do you define a many-to-many relationship?
o A) public function roles() { return $this->hasMany(Role::class); }
o B) public function roles() { return $this->belongsToMany(Role::class); }
o C) public function roles() { return $this->hasOne(Role::class); }
o D) public function roles() { return $this->belongsTo(Role::class); }
o Answer: B
69. What is the purpose of the @yield directive in Blade templates?
o A) To extend a layout
o B) To define a section
o C) To inject content
o D) To include another template
o Answer: B
70. How do you generate a URL for a named route in Laravel?
o A) url()->route('')
o B) route('')
o C) generateUrl('')
o D) makeUrl('')
o Answer: B
71. What is the default session driver used in Laravel?
o A) file
o B) database
o C) cookie
o D) array
o Answer: A
72. Which of the following is NOT a valid session driver in Laravel?
o A) cookie
o B) database
o C) memory
o D) file
o Answer: C
73. How do you register a new middleware in Laravel?
o A) Add it to the Kernel.php file
o B) Use make:middleware
o C) Define it in the route file
o D) Both A and B
o Answer: D
74. What is the primary purpose of the withErrors() method in Laravel?
o A) To display validation errors
o B) To manage user sessions
o C) To redirect users
o D) To log messages
o Answer: A
75. Which command will create a new controller in Laravel?
o A) php artisan make:controller
o B) php artisan new:controller
o C) php artisan create:controller
o D) php artisan generate:controller
o Answer: A
76. What is the primary function of the abort() helper in Laravel?
o A) To return a 404 response
o B) To terminate the application
o C) To stop middleware execution
o D) To trigger an exception
o Answer: A
77. Which of the following methods is used to get the authenticated user in Laravel?
o A) Auth::user()
o B) User::auth()
o C) request()->user()
o D) Both A and C
o Answer: D
78. What does the dd() function do in Laravel?
o A) Dumps and dies the application
o B) Debugs database connections
o C) Displays errors
o D) Redirects to home
o Answer: A
79. How do you specify a fallback route in Laravel?
o A) Route::fallback()
o B) Route::catchAll()
o C) Route::default()
o D) Route::any('*')
o Answer: A
80. What is the purpose of the store() method in a resource controller?
o A) To update a resource
o B) To delete a resource
o C) To create a new resource
o D) To display a resource
o Answer: C
81. Which of the following is a way to share data across all views in Laravel?
o A) View composers
o B) Middleware
o C) Routes
o D) Controllers
o Answer: A
82. What is the correct syntax to retrieve all records from a model in Laravel?
o A) Model::all()
o B) Model::getAll()
o C) Model::retrieve()
o D) Model::fetchAll()
o Answer: A
83. In Laravel, how do you define a controller method that responds to multiple HTTP verbs?
o A) Use Route::match()
o B) Use Route::any()
o C) Use Route::methods()
o D) Both A and B
o Answer: D
84. What is the purpose of the @extends directive in Blade templates?
o A) To define a layout
o B) To create a section
o C) To include a file
o D) To yield content
o Answer: A
85. Which command is used to create a new factory in Laravel?
o A) php artisan make:factory
o B) php artisan generate:factory
o C) php artisan new:factory
o D) php artisan create:factory
o Answer: A
86. What is the main purpose of the @if directive in Blade templates?
o A) To create a loop
o B) To display content conditionally
o C) To define sections
o D) To include other templates
o Answer: B
87. Which Laravel feature is used for API rate limiting?
o A) Middleware
o B) Throttle
o C) RateLimit
o D) Both A and B
o Answer: D
88. What does the json() method do in a Laravel controller?
o A) Returns a JSON response
o B) Encodes data to JSON format
o C) Parses JSON data
o D) None of the above
o Answer: A
89. Which method is used to generate a CSRF token in Laravel?
o A) csrf_token()
o B) csrf()
o C) generateCsrfToken()
o D) makeCsrfToken()
o Answer: A
90. What is the purpose of the when() method in Laravel collections?
o A) To filter items conditionally
o B) To sort items
o C) To map items
o D) To group items
o Answer: A
91. How do you define a controller resource in Laravel routes?
o A) Route::resource('photos', 'PhotoController')
o B) Route::controllers('photos', 'PhotoController')
o C) Route::resourceful('photos', 'PhotoController')
o D) Route::routes('photos', 'PhotoController')
o Answer: A
92. Which command is used to clear the application cache in Laravel?
o A) php artisan cache:clear
o B) php artisan clear:cache
o C) php artisan flush:cache
o D) php artisan clear-all
o Answer: A
93. What is the default database connection used by Laravel?
o A) mysql
o B) sqlite
o C) pgsql
o D) sqlsrv
o Answer: A
94. What is the purpose of the unique() validation rule in Laravel?
o A) To ensure a field has a unique value in the database
o B) To check if a field is required
o C) To validate the length of a field
o D) To check if a field exists
o Answer: A
95. Which function is used to generate a slug in Laravel?
o A) Str::slug()
o B) String::makeSlug()
o C) slugify()
o D) generateSlug()
o Answer: A
96. What is the default hashing driver used in Laravel for passwords?
o A) bcrypt
o B) argon
o C) sha256
o D) md5
o Answer: A
97. How do you add a global middleware in Laravel?
o A) Register it in app/Http/Kernel.php
o B) Use make:middleware
o C) Add it to routes
o D) Both A and B
o Answer: A
98. Which of the following is the correct way to display an error message in Blade templates?
o A) {{ $errors->first('field_name') }}
o B) {{ $errors->get('field_name') }}
o C) {{ $errors['field_name'] }}
o D) {{ $error->field_name }}
o Answer: A
99. What is the purpose of the all() method in Laravel collections?
o A) To retrieve all items from the collection
o B) To convert the collection to an array
o C) To check if the collection is empty
o D) To count the items in the collection
o Answer: A
100. In Laravel, how do you send an email using the Mailable class? - A) Mail::to($email)->send(new MailableClass()) - B) Mail::send(new MailableClass()) - C) Mail::sendTo($email, new MailableClass()) - D) Mail::dispatch($email, new MailableClass()) - Answer: A