MCQs on Class 20: Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) - Part 2

Rashmi Mishra

 MCQs on Class 20

 Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Part 2

  1. What does OOP stand for?
    • A) Object-Oriented Programming
    • B) Object-Oriented Procedure
    • C) Object Oriented Protocol
    • D) Object-Oriented Project
      Answer: A
  2. Which of the following is NOT a core principle of OOP?
    • A) Encapsulation
    • B) Inheritance
    • C) Compilation
    • D) Polymorphism
      Answer: C
  3. What is a class in OOP?
    • A) A blueprint for creating objects
    • B) A collection of data
    • C) A function that returns data
    • D) An instance of an object
      Answer: A
  4. What is an object in OOP?
    • A) A blueprint
    • B) An instance of a class
    • C) A data type
    • D) A programming language
      Answer: B
  5. Which access modifier allows a property to be accessed only within its own class?
    • A) public
    • B) private
    • C) protected
    • D) static
      Answer: B
  6. What does the protected access modifier mean?
    • A) Accessible only within the class
    • B) Accessible within the class and by derived classes
    • C) Accessible from anywhere
    • D) Not accessible at all
      Answer: B
  7. What is the purpose of constructors in a class?
    • A) To initialize object properties
    • B) To create new classes
    • C) To execute code upon destruction
    • D) To return values from methods
      Answer: A
  8. Which method is automatically called when an object is created?
    • A) Destructor
    • B) Getter
    • C) Constructor
    • D) Setter
      Answer: C
  9. What is method overloading?
    • A) Defining multiple methods with the same name but different parameters
    • B) Using a method multiple times
    • C) Calling a method within itself
    • D) Defining methods with different names
      Answer: A
  10. What is inheritance in OOP?
    • A) The ability to create objects from classes
    • B) The ability to define new classes based on existing ones
    • C) The ability to access private properties
    • D) The ability to execute code in parallel
      Answer: B
  11. Which symbol is commonly used to denote inheritance in UML diagrams?
    • A) Arrow
    • B) Solid line
    • C) Dashed line
    • D) Circle
      Answer: A
  12. What is polymorphism in OOP?
    • A) The ability to change the state of an object
    • B) The ability of different classes to be treated as instances of the same class
    • C) The ability to hide data
    • D) The ability to create multiple objects from a single class
      Answer: B
  13. Which of the following is an example of polymorphism?
    • A) Overriding methods in derived classes
    • B) Creating a new class
    • C) Initializing an object
    • D) Accessing properties
      Answer: A
  14. Which keyword is used to inherit a class in PHP?
    • A) extends
    • B) inherits
    • C) implements
    • D) uses
      Answer: A
  15. What does the final keyword do when applied to a class?
    • A) It cannot be instantiated
    • B) It cannot be inherited
    • C) It cannot be modified
    • D) It cannot be destroyed
      Answer: B
  16. What is a destructor in OOP?
    • A) A method that initializes properties
    • B) A method that is called when an object is destroyed
    • C) A method that returns values
    • D) A method that creates objects
      Answer: B
  17. What does encapsulation mean in OOP?
    • A) Hiding the implementation details of a class
    • B) Accessing all class properties freely
    • C) Creating multiple classes
    • D) Executing code in isolation
      Answer: A
  18. Which of the following is an example of a constructor in PHP?
    • A) function __destruct() {}
    • B) function __construct() {}
    • C) function create() {}
    • D) function initialize() {}
      Answer: B
  19. What is the purpose of getter methods?
    • A) To set the value of a property
    • B) To retrieve the value of a property
    • C) To delete a property
    • D) To modify the property type
      Answer: B
  20. What is the purpose of setter methods?
    • A) To get the value of a property
    • B) To retrieve the class name
    • C) To set the value of a property
    • D) To create a new method
      Answer: C
  21. What does the static keyword indicate?
    • A) The property or method can only be accessed within the class
    • B) The property or method belongs to the class itself rather than instances
    • C) The property is read-only
    • D) The method is an abstract method
      Answer: B
  22. What is an abstract class?
    • A) A class that cannot be instantiated
    • B) A class that can only have one object
    • C) A class that contains only abstract methods
    • D) A class that has no properties
      Answer: A
  23. What is an interface in OOP?
    • A) A way to implement methods from a base class
    • B) A blueprint for classes that defines methods without implementation
    • C) A type of variable
    • D) A mechanism for inheritance
      Answer: B
  24. What happens if a class does not have a constructor?
    • A) It cannot be instantiated
    • B) A default constructor is automatically provided
    • C) It causes a syntax error
    • D) It cannot have properties
      Answer: B
  25. How do you define an abstract method in PHP?
    • A) abstract function methodName();
    • B) function abstract methodName();
    • C) abstract method methodName();
    • D) method abstract methodName();
      Answer: A
  26. What does the instanceof operator do in PHP?
    • A) Checks if an object is an instance of a specific class
    • B) Creates a new instance of a class
    • C) Destroys an object
    • D) Copies an object
      Answer: A
  27. Which method is used to call the parent class's constructor?
    • A) parent::__construct();
    • B) self::__construct();
    • C) this::__construct();
    • D) base::__construct();
      Answer: A
  28. What will be the output of the following code?

class A {

    protected function display() {

        return "Class A";




class B extends A {

    public function show() {

        return $this->display();




$obj = new B();

echo $obj->show();

    • A) Class A
    • B) Error: Cannot access protected method
    • C) Class B
    • D) NULL
      Answer: A
  1. Which keyword is used to define an interface in PHP?
    • A) interface
    • B) abstract
    • C) class
    • D) implements
      Answer: A
  2. Which of the following is true about abstract classes?
    • A) They can be instantiated
    • B) They must implement all methods
    • C) They can contain both abstract and non-abstract methods
    • D) They cannot contain properties
      Answer: C
  3. What will happen if you try to instantiate an abstract class?
    • A) The code will execute without errors
    • B) A fatal error will occur
    • C) It will create an object
    • D) It will use a default implementation
      Answer: B
  4. What is the output of the following code?

class X {

    public function show() {

        return "Hello from X";




class Y extends X {

    public function show() {

        return "Hello from Y";




$obj = new Y();

echo $obj->show();

    • A) Hello from X
    • B) Hello from Y
    • C) Error: Method not found
    • D) NULL
      Answer: B
  1. What does data hiding in OOP achieve?
    • A) It prevents unauthorized access to data
    • B) It speeds up data processing
    • C) It reduces code complexity
    • D) It increases memory usage
      Answer: A
  2. What is a class constant in PHP?
    • A) A variable whose value can change
    • B) A fixed value that cannot be changed
    • C) A property that can be accessed by instances
    • D) A method that cannot return a value
      Answer: B
  3. How do you define a class constant in PHP?
    • A) const NAME = "value";
    • B) static NAME = "value";
    • C) define(NAME, "value");
    • D) constant NAME = "value";
      Answer: A
  4. What will the following code output?

class Vehicle {

    public static $type = "Car";


    public static function getType() {

        return self::$type;




echo Vehicle::getType();

    • A) Car
    • B) Error: Cannot access static property
    • C) NULL
    • D) Vehicle
      Answer: A
  1. What is a trait in PHP?
    • A) A way to inherit methods from a parent class
    • B) A mechanism for code reuse in single inheritance
    • C) A type of interface
    • D) A collection of properties
      Answer: B
  2. How do you use a trait in PHP?
    • A) use TraitName;
    • B) include TraitName;
    • C) extends TraitName;
    • D) implements TraitName;
      Answer: A
  3. What happens if a method is defined in both a trait and a class?
    • A) The method from the trait is ignored
    • B) The method from the class is used
    • C) It will throw an error
    • D) The method cannot be used
      Answer: B
  4. Which of the following can be a property of a class?
    • A) Method
    • B) Variable
    • C) Constant
    • D) All of the above
      Answer: D
  5. What does the abstract keyword indicate about a method?
    • A) It must have a body
    • B) It cannot have any parameters
    • C) It has no implementation in the abstract class
    • D) It can only be public
      Answer: C
  6. How can you prevent a class from being extended?
    • A) By declaring the class as final
    • B) By declaring the class as abstract
    • C) By not providing a constructor
    • D) By not defining any methods
      Answer: A
  7. Which method will be called when an object is destroyed?
    • A) __construct()
    • B) __destruct()
    • C) finalize()
    • D) terminate()
      Answer: B
  8. What is the result of the following code?


Copy code

class Animal {

    public function sound() {

        return "Animal sound";




class Dog extends Animal {

    public function sound() {

        return "Bark";




$dog = new Dog();

echo $dog->sound();

    • A) Animal sound
    • B) Bark
    • C) NULL
    • D) Error
      Answer: B
  1. Which of the following correctly creates an instance of a class named Car?
    • A) Car myCar = new Car();
    • B) new Car myCar();
    • C) $myCar = new Car();
    • D) Car: myCar();
      Answer: C
  2. What does the following code demonstrate?

class A {

    public $x = 5;


    public function add($y) {

        return $this->x + $y;




$obj = new A();

echo $obj->add(10);

    • A) 5
    • B) 10
    • C) 15
    • D) Error
      Answer: C
  1. What is the output of the following code?

class Base {

    public function show() {

        return "Base Class";




class Derived extends Base {

    public function show() {

        return "Derived Class";




$obj = new Base();

echo $obj->show();

    • A) Base Class
    • B) Derived Class
    • C) NULL
    • D) Error
      Answer: A
  1. Which access modifier is most restrictive?
    • A) public
    • B) protected
    • C) private
    • D) static
      Answer: C
  2. What is the default access modifier for class properties in PHP?
    • A) public
    • B) protected
    • C) private
    • D) No default
      Answer: A
  3. Which method cannot be inherited?
    • A) Public method
    • B) Protected method
    • C) Private method
    • D) Static method
      Answer: C
  4. What will the following code output?

class Base {

    protected function display() {

        return "Hello";




class Derived extends Base {

    public function show() {

        return $this->display();




$obj = new Derived();

echo $obj->show();

    • A) Hello
    • B) Error: Cannot access protected method
    • C) NULL
    • D) Derived
      Answer: A
  1. What is the purpose of the final keyword in a method?
    • A) The method cannot be overridden
    • B) The method must be abstract
    • C) The method can be static
    • D) The method can have a body
      Answer: A
  2. Which of the following statements about constructors is FALSE?
    • A) Constructors can be overloaded
    • B) Constructors are called when an object is created
    • C) Constructors have the same name as the class
    • D) Constructors can take parameters
      Answer: A
  3. What is the output of the following code?

class Test {

    public static function printMessage() {

        return "Hello World!";




echo Test::printMessage();

    • A) Hello World!
    • B) Error: Method not found
    • C) NULL
    • D) Test
      Answer: A
  1. Which method would you override to perform actions before an object is destroyed?
    • A) __construct()
    • B) __destruct()
    • C) finalize()
    • D) terminate()
      Answer: B
  2. How can you call a static method in a class?
    • A) object->method();
    • B) method();
    • C) ClassName::method();
    • D) ClassName->method();
      Answer: C
  3. What will be the output of the following code?

class MyClass {

    public function test() {

        return "Test method called";




$obj = new MyClass();

echo $obj->test();

    • A) Test method called
    • B) Error: Method not found
    • C) NULL
    • D) MyClass
      Answer: A
  1. What is the main benefit of using OOP?
    • A) Improved performance
    • B) Reusability of code
    • C) Reduced lines of code
    • D) Simpler syntax
      Answer: B
  2. What will happen if you try to access a private property from a derived class?
    • A) It will work without issues
    • B) It will throw a fatal error
    • C) It will use the parent class's property
    • D) It will return NULL
      Answer: B
  3. Which of the following can an interface NOT contain?
    • A) Method declarations
    • B) Constants
    • C) Properties
    • D) Abstract methods
      Answer: C
  4. What will be the output of the following code?

class Alpha {

    public function greet() {

        return "Hello from Alpha";




class Beta extends Alpha {

    public function greet() {

        return "Hello from Beta";




$obj = new Beta();

echo $obj->greet();

    • A) Hello from Alpha
    • B) Hello from Beta
    • C) NULL
    • D) Error
      Answer: B
  1. How can you implement multiple inheritance in PHP?
    • A) By using classes
    • B) By using interfaces
    • C) By using traits
    • D) By using functions
      Answer: C
  2. What does the static keyword signify in PHP?
    • A) The method cannot be inherited
    • B) The method can only be accessed statically
    • C) The property belongs to the class, not instances
    • D) Both B and C
      Answer: D
  3. Which statement is true about a destructor?
    • A) It cannot take parameters
    • B) It must have the same name as the class
    • C) It can be called multiple times
    • D) It is executed at the beginning of a script
      Answer: A
  4. What does the keyword interface define in PHP?
    • A) A template for classes
    • B) A type of class
    • C) An abstract method
    • D) A property of a class
      Answer: A
  5. Which of the following is an example of encapsulation?
    • A) Using public properties
    • B) Hiding class details from outside
    • C) Allowing unrestricted access to all methods
    • D) Using multiple inheritance
      Answer: B
  6. What is the purpose of parent:: in a child class?
    • A) To call a parent class's constructor
    • B) To refer to a static method in the parent class
    • C) To access a property in the parent class
    • D) All of the above
      Answer: D
  7. How do you define an abstract class in PHP?
    • A) class ClassName { }
    • B) abstract class ClassName { }
    • C) class ClassName: abstract { }
    • D) abstract ClassName { }
      Answer: B
  8. What will be the output of the following code?

abstract class Shape {

    abstract public function area();



class Circle extends Shape {

    public function area() {

        return pi() * 4; // radius is 2




$circle = new Circle();

echo $circle->area();

    • A) 12.56
    • B) 25.13
    • C) 6.28
    • D) NULL
      Answer: B
  1. Which of the following is a valid interface declaration in PHP?
    • A) interface MyInterface { }
    • B) interface MyInterface { public function myMethod(); }
    • C) interface MyInterface extends AnotherInterface { }
    • D) All of the above
      Answer: D
  2. What is the output of the following code?

class Counter {

    private static $count = 0;


    public static function increment() {




    public static function getCount() {

        return self::$count;






echo Counter::getCount();

    • A) 1
    • B) 2
    • C) 0
    • D) Error: Cannot access private property
      Answer: B
  1. What will happen if you do not define a constructor in a class?
    • A) An error will occur
    • B) A default constructor will be provided
    • C) The class cannot be instantiated
    • D) Nothing, it will work normally
      Answer: B
  2. What does the implements keyword signify in PHP?
    • A) A class is inheriting another class
    • B) A class is implementing an interface
    • C) A class is defining a new method
    • D) A class is extending multiple classes
      Answer: B
  3. How do you declare a property in a class?
    • A) public $propertyName;
    • B) property $propertyName;
    • C) define($propertyName);
    • D) var $propertyName;
      Answer: A
  4. What is the default visibility of class methods and properties?
    • A) public
    • B) private
    • C) protected
    • D) None
      Answer: A
  5. How can you create a class that cannot be instantiated?
    • A) By declaring the class as abstract
    • B) By using the final keyword
    • C) By not defining any methods
    • D) By creating a private constructor
      Answer: A
  6. What is the purpose of the instanceof operator?
    • A) To check if a variable is an object
    • B) To check if an object is an instance of a class
    • C) To create an instance of a class
    • D) To declare an interface
      Answer: B
  7. What does the final keyword do when applied to a class?
    • A) It prevents the class from being instantiated
    • B) It prevents the class from being extended
    • C) It prevents the class from having methods
    • D) It prevents the class from having properties
      Answer: B
  8. What is the output of the following code?

class Vehicle {

    public function type() {

        return "Vehicle";




class Car extends Vehicle {

    public function type() {

        return "Car";




$obj = new Car();

echo $obj->type();

    • A) Vehicle
    • B) Car
    • C) NULL
    • D) Error
      Answer: B
  1. Which keyword is used to define a constant in a class?
    • A) static
    • B) define
    • C) const
    • D) final
      Answer: C
  2. What does the keyword protected mean for class members?
    • A) They can be accessed anywhere
    • B) They can only be accessed within the class and by derived classes
    • C) They cannot be accessed outside the class
    • D) They can only be accessed within the same package
      Answer: B
  3. What will happen if you try to call a method that doesn't exist in a class?
    • A) It will return NULL
    • B) It will throw a fatal error
    • C) It will ignore the method call
    • D) It will return false
      Answer: B
  4. Which method is used to get the properties of an object in PHP?
    • A) getProperties()
    • B) __get()
    • C) retrieve()
    • D) fetchProperties()
      Answer: B
  5. What will be the output of the following code?

class Sample {

    public function show() {

        return "Hello, World!";




$obj = new Sample();

echo $obj->show();

    • A) Hello, World!
    • B) Error: Method not found
    • C) NULL
    • D) Sample
      Answer: A
  1. How do you define an interface that extends another interface?
    • A) interface NewInterface extends OldInterface { }
    • B) interface NewInterface implements OldInterface { }
    • C) interface NewInterface: OldInterface { }
    • D) interface NewInterface (OldInterface) { }
      Answer: A
  2. What is the output of the following code?

class ParentClass {

    public function show() {

        return "Parent Class";




class ChildClass extends ParentClass {

    public function show() {

        return parent::show() . " - Child Class";




$obj = new ChildClass();

echo $obj->show();

    • A) Parent Class
    • B) Parent Class - Child Class
    • C) Child Class
    • D) NULL
      Answer: B
  1. What will the following code output?

class Person {

    private $name;


    public function setName($name) {

        $this->name = $name;



    public function getName() {

        return $this->name;




$person = new Person();


echo $person->getName();

    • A) John
    • B) NULL
    • C) Error: Cannot access private property
    • D) Error: Method not found
      Answer: A
  1. Which of the following can be an abstract method?
    • A) A method with a body
    • B) A method without a body
    • C) A method with parameters
    • D) All of the above
      Answer: B
  2. What will be the output of the following code?

interface MyInterface {

    public function myFunction();



class MyClass implements MyInterface {

    public function myFunction() {

        return "Hello, World!";




$obj = new MyClass();

echo $obj->myFunction();

    • A) Hello, World!
    • B) Error: Method not implemented
    • C) NULL
    • D) MyClass
      Answer: A
  1. What will happen if you try to extend a final class?
    • A) It will work normally
    • B) It will throw an error
    • C) It will inherit the properties
    • D) It will return NULL
      Answer: B
  2. Which keyword is used to create a singleton pattern in PHP?
    • A) static
    • B) private
    • C) final
    • D) protected
      Answer: B
  3. How can you access a parent class property from a child class?
    • A) By using $this->propertyName
    • B) By using parent::propertyName
    • C) By using self::propertyName
    • D) It is not possible
      Answer: B
  4. What is the output of the following code?

class A {

    protected $value = 10;


    public function getValue() {

        return $this->value;




class B extends A {

    public function getValue() {

        return $this->value + 5;




$obj = new B();

echo $obj->getValue();

    • A) 10
    • B) 15
    • C) Error: Cannot access protected property
    • D) NULL
      Answer: B
  1. What is the purpose of the clone keyword in PHP?
    • A) To create a new instance of a class
    • B) To copy an object
    • C) To define a constant
    • D) To destroy an object
      Answer: B
  2. How do you declare a method that cannot be overridden?
    • A) By using final
    • B) By using private
    • C) By using protected
    • D) By using abstract
      Answer: A
  3. What will be the output of the following code?

class Example {

    public $data = "Hello";


    public function __clone() {

        $this->data = "Cloned";




$original = new Example();

$clone = clone $original;

echo $clone->data;

    • A) Hello
    • B) Cloned
    • C) NULL
    • D) Error: Cannot access property
      Answer: B
  1. What is the result of the following code?

class Test {

    public static $count = 0;


    public static function increment() {






echo Test::$count;

    • A) 0
    • B) 1
    • C) NULL
    • D) Error
      Answer: B
  1. Which of the following is not a valid way to define a class in PHP?
    • A) class ClassName { }
    • B) class ClassName extends ParentClass { }
    • C) class ClassName implements InterfaceName { }
    • D) class ClassName inherits ParentClass { }
      Answer: D
  2. What is the purpose of the __construct method?
    • A) To define a property
    • B) To define a method
    • C) To initialize an object
    • D) To destroy an object
      Answer: C
  3. Which of the following is the correct way to call a parent class constructor? - A) parent::__construct(); - B) self::__construct(); - C) static::__construct(); - D) class::__construct();
    Answer: A


This quiz covers a broad range of topics related to Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in PHP, including concepts such as inheritance, encapsulation, polymorphism, interfaces, and constructors. Each question is designed to assess understanding of PHP OOP principles, syntax, and best practices.


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