Assignments from Class 10:
Strings and String Functions in PHP
Here are some beginner-friendly assignments along with solutions based on string functions in PHP:
Assignment 1: Count the Occurrences of a Word
Write a PHP script that counts the number of times the word "PHP" appears in the sentence "PHP is a popular scripting language. PHP can be embedded into HTML. PHP is easy to learn."
$text = "PHP is a popular scripting language. PHP can be embedded into HTML. PHP is easy to learn.";
$word = "PHP";
$count = substr_count($text, $word);
echo "The word 'PHP' appears " . $count . " times."; // Output: 3
Assignment 2: Extract Domain from Email
Write a PHP script that extracts the domain part of an email address. For example, if the email is, the output should be
$email = "";
$domain = substr($email, strpos($email, '@') + 1);
echo "The domain is: " . $domain; // Output:
Assignment 3: Replace All Occurrences of a Word
Write a PHP script that replaces all occurrences of the word "easy" with "fun" in the sentence "Learning PHP is easy and can be easy for everyone."
$text = "Learning PHP is easy and can be easy for everyone.";
$updated_text = str_replace("easy", "fun", $text);
echo $updated_text; // Output: Learning PHP is fun and can be fun for everyone.
Assignment 4: Check if String Contains Another String
Write a PHP script that checks if the word "programming" exists in the string "PHP programming is powerful." Display a message indicating if it’s found or not.
$text = "PHP programming is powerful.";
$word = "programming";
$position = strpos($text, $word);
if ($position !== false) {
echo "The word 'programming' was found at position: " . $position;
} else {
echo "The word 'programming' was not found.";
// Output: The word 'programming' was found at position: 4
Assignment 5: Extract the First 10 Characters of a String
Write a PHP script that extracts and prints the first 10 characters from the string "Mastering PHP programming is rewarding."
$text = "Mastering PHP programming is rewarding.";
$substring = substr($text, 0, 10);
echo $substring; // Output: Mastering
Assignment 6: Reverse a String
Write a PHP script that reverses the string "Hello, World!" and prints it.
$text = "Hello, World!";
$reversed_text = strrev($text);
echo $reversed_text; // Output: !dlroW ,olleH
Assignment 7: Count Vowels in a String
Write a PHP script that counts the number of vowels (a, e, i, o, u) in the string "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."
$text = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.";
$vowels_count = preg_match_all('/[aeiouAEIOU]/', $text);
echo "The number of vowels is: " . $vowels_count; // Output: 11
Assignment 8: Convert First Letter of Each Word to Uppercase
Write a PHP script that converts the first letter of each word in the sentence "php is a scripting language" to uppercase.
$text = "php is a scripting language";
$formatted_text = ucwords($text);
echo $formatted_text; // Output: Php Is A Scripting Language
Assignment 9: Trim Extra Spaces from a String
Write a PHP script that trims all leading and trailing spaces from the string " PHP is fun! ".
$text = " PHP is fun! ";
$trimmed_text = trim($text);
echo $trimmed_text; // Output: PHP is fun!
Assignment 10: Check if a String Starts with a Specific Word
Write a PHP script to check if the string "Learning PHP is enjoyable" starts with the word "Learning".
$text = "Learning PHP is enjoyable";
$startsWithLearning = (strpos($text, "Learning") === 0);
if ($startsWithLearning) {
echo "The string starts with 'Learning'.";
} else {
echo "The string does not start with 'Learning'.";
// Output: The string starts with 'Learning'.
These assignments are designed to solidify understanding of PHP string manipulation functions and enhance familiarity with handling strings in PHP.