How to read a user's input to the PHP console

Rashmi Mishra

PHP Console

What is a PHP Console?

 A PHP console is a command-line interface for writing and executing PHP codes. A PHP console is usually called the PHP interactive shell.

If you have PHP installed, you can access the console with the terminal command below:

php -a

However, it is more difficult to get user input through the PHP console as compared to using web browsers for input.

Prompting users for input

To get input from users, we also have to prompt them to enter something. 

To read input from the keyboard in a PHP script executed from the command line, you can use various methods. 

Here’s how you can enter and handle input from the keyboard using each of the primary methods mentioned:

1. Using fgets(STDIN)
2. Using stream_get_line(STDIN, $length)
3. Using fscanf(STDIN, $format)
4. Using readline()
5. Using file_get_contents("php://stdin")

1. Using fgets(STDIN)

How to Use:

Create a PHP script (e.g., input.php):


echo "Enter your name: ";

$name = fgets(STDIN); // Reads input from the keyboard

$name = trim($name); // Remove any trailing newline

echo "Hello, $name!\n";



 Run the script from the command line:

php input.php

Enter your input when prompted.




This is the opening tag for PHP code. It tells the server that the following code should be interpreted as PHP.

echo "Enter your name: ";

This line outputs the string "Enter your name: " to the console. It's a prompt message that asks the user to enter their name. The echo statement is used to print text to the standard output (in this case, the terminal or command line).

$name = fgets(STDIN);

fgets(STDIN) reads a line of input from the standard input stream, which is typically the keyboard when running PHP scripts from the command line.
fgets() waits for the user to type a line of text and press Enter. The input is then stored in the $name variable.

STDIN is a predefined constant in PHP that represents the standard input stream.

$name = trim($name);

trim($name) removes any leading and trailing whitespace characters, including newlines, from the input stored in $name.

When the user presses Enter, a newline character (\n) is included at the end of the input. trim() is used to clean up this extra character to avoid any unintended formatting issues in the output.

echo "Hello, $name!\n";

This line outputs a greeting message that includes the user's input.
$name is embedded within the double-quoted string using variable interpolation, so it gets replaced with the actual value of $name.

\n at the end of the string adds a newline character after the greeting, ensuring that the command prompt returns to a new line after the message is displayed.


This is the closing tag for PHP code. It tells the server that PHP code has ended. In practice, it’s often optional if the PHP file contains only PHP code.

2. Using stream_get_line(STDIN, $length)

How to Use:

Create a PHP script (e.g., input.php):


echo "Enter your name: ";

$name = stream_get_line(STDIN, 1024, PHP_EOL); // Reads input from the keyboard up to 1024 characters or until a newline

echo "Hello, $name!\n";



 Run the script from the command line:

php input.php

Enter your input when prompted.



This is the opening tag for PHP code. It indicates that the code following this tag should be interpreted as PHP.

echo "Enter your name: ";

This line outputs the string "Enter your name: " to the console. It acts as a prompt to let the user know that they should input their name. The echo statement is used to print text to the standard output (the terminal or command line).

$name = stream_get_line(STDIN, 1024, PHP_EOL);

stream_get_line(STDIN, 1024, PHP_EOL) reads a line of input from the standard input (keyboard) and stores it in the variable $name.
STDIN: A predefined constant in PHP representing the standard input stream.
1024: The maximum number of bytes to read. This sets a limit to the length of input that can be read. If the user enters more than 1024 characters, it will be truncated.

PHP_EOL: The end-of-line character sequence for the platform (e.g., \n for Unix-based systems or \r\n for Windows). This acts as the delimiter that marks the end of the input line. The function will read input until it encounters this delimiter or reaches the maximum length specified (1024 bytes).

This function will read up to 1024 characters or until a newline is encountered, whichever comes first.

echo "Hello, $name!\n";

This line outputs a greeting message that includes the user's input.
$name is embedded within the double-quoted string using variable interpolation, meaning the value of $name is inserted into the string.

\n at the end of the string adds a newline character after the greeting message, ensuring that the command prompt returns to a new line.


This is the closing tag for PHP code. It indicates the end of the PHP code block. In most cases, especially when the file contains only PHP code, this tag can be omitted.

3. Using fscanf(STDIN, $format)

How to Use:

Create a PHP script (e.g., input.php):


echo "Enter your age: ";

fscanf(STDIN, "%d", $age); // Reads an integer from the keyboard

echo "You are $age years old.\n";



 Run the script from the command line:

php input.php

Enter your input when prompted.




This is the opening tag for PHP code. It indicates that the following code should be processed as PHP.

echo "Enter your age: ";

This line prints the string "Enter your age: " to the console. It serves as a prompt to the user, informing them that they should input their age.

fscanf(STDIN, "%d", $age);

fscanf() is a function used to read formatted input from a stream. In this case, it's used to read an integer from the standard input (keyboard).
STDIN: A predefined constant in PHP that represents the standard input stream.
"%d": The format specifier used to parse the input. %d is used to read an integer value.
$age: The variable where the parsed integer value will be stored.

This function waits for the user to input a value, parses it according to the format specifier (%d for integers), and stores the result in the $age variable. If the user inputs a non-integer value, fscanf() will not store a valid integer.

echo "You are $age years old.\n";

This line prints a message that includes the user's input. The variable $age is embedded within the double-quoted string using variable interpolation, so its value is inserted into the string.

\n at the end of the string adds a newline character after the message, ensuring that the command prompt returns to a new line after the output.


This is the closing tag for PHP code. It indicates the end of the PHP code block. In files containing only PHP code, this tag is often omitted.


Prompt: The script first prompts the user to enter their age.

Input Reading: It then reads an integer from the keyboard using fscanf().

Output: Finally, it prints a message displaying the user's age.

4. Using readline()

How to Use:

Create a PHP script (e.g., input.php):


$name = readline("Enter your name: "); // Reads input from the keyboard with readline

echo "Hello, $name!\n";



 Run the script from the command line:

php input.php

Enter your input when prompted.



This is the opening tag for PHP code. It marks the beginning of the PHP script.

$name = readline("Enter your name: ");

readline("Enter your name: ") is a function that reads a line of input from the standard input (keyboard) and is commonly used in command-line PHP scripts.
"Enter your name: ": This is the prompt message that appears to the user. It instructs them to enter their name.
readline(): This function displays the prompt message and waits for the user to type a response. It then reads the user’s input from the keyboard.
The user’s input is captured and assigned to the variable $name.

The readline() function is part of PHP’s readline extension, which provides command-line editing and history capabilities. If the readline extension is not enabled, this function might not be available.

echo "Hello, $name!\n";

This line prints a greeting message to the console.
"Hello, $name!": The string includes a variable $name that is interpolated into the message. The value of $name is inserted into the string, so the output will be a personalized greeting based on the user's input.

\n: This is a newline character that ensures that the command prompt returns to a new line after the message is displayed.


This is the closing tag for PHP code. It marks the end of the PHP script. In most cases, especially in PHP files that contain only PHP code, this tag is optional and often omitted.


Prompt: The script displays a prompt "Enter your name: " and waits for the user to input their name.

Input Reading: It reads the user’s input using readline() and stores it in the $name variable.

Output: It then prints a greeting message including the user’s name.

5. Using file_get_contents("php://stdin")

How to Use:

Create a PHP script (e.g., input.php):


echo "Enter your name: ";

$input = file_get_contents("php://stdin"); // Reads all input from the keyboard

$input = trim($input); // Remove any trailing newline

echo "Hello, $input!\n";



 Run the script from the command line:

php input.php

Enter your input when prompted.



This is the opening tag for PHP code. It indicates that the following code should be executed as PHP.

echo "Enter your name: ";

This line prints the string "Enter your name: " to the console. It serves as a prompt to the user, indicating that they should enter their name.

$input = file_get_contents("php://stdin");

file_get_contents("php://stdin") reads all the input from the standard input stream (keyboard) until EOF (End of File) or a new line. This function is used to capture the entire input from the user.
"php://stdin": This is a special PHP stream that represents the standard input. It allows reading from the keyboard input.

The function file_get_contents() reads the input and assigns it to the variable $input.

$input = trim($input);

trim($input) removes any leading and trailing whitespace from the $input variable. This includes removing the newline character that is typically added when the user presses Enter.

This ensures that the input is clean and formatted correctly before further processing.

echo "Hello, $input!\n";

This line prints a greeting message that includes the user's input. The variable $input is embedded within the double-quoted string using variable interpolation, so its value is inserted into the string.

"Hello, $input!": The string includes the user's input, resulting in a personalized greeting.

\n: This newline character ensures that the command prompt returns to a new line after the message is displayed.


This is the closing tag for PHP code. It indicates the end of the PHP code block. This tag is often optional in PHP files that contain only PHP code.


Prompt: The script first displays "Enter your name: " to prompt the user to input their name.

Input Reading: It reads the entire input from the standard input stream using file_get_contents("php://stdin") and stores it in the $input variable.

Input Cleaning: It then removes any leading or trailing whitespace, including the newline character, from the input.

Output: Finally, it prints a personalized greeting that includes the user’s input.

Detailed Behavior

When executed, the script displays the message "Enter your name: ".

The user types their name and presses Enter.

file_get_contents("php://stdin") captures the user’s input until the end of the line and assigns it to $input.

trim($input) removes any extraneous whitespace and newline characters from the input.

The script then outputs "Hello, [name]!" where [name] is replaced by the user's input.

This method is effective for reading user input from the command line in PHP, especially when dealing with standard input in CLI-based PHP scripts.

General Steps for Input:

Write a PHP script that includes one of the above methods to read input.

Execute the script from your terminal or command line using the php command.

Enter your input when prompted, and observe how the script processes and outputs the input.


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