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Friday, January 19, 2024

PHP Print(with Assignments)

 PHP Print

Like PHP echo, PHP print is a language construct, so you don't need to use parenthesis with the argument list. Print statement can be used with or without parentheses: print and print(). 

Unlike echo, it always returns 1.                         

syntax :

int print(string $arg)

PHP print statement can be used to print the string, multi-line strings, escaping characters, variable, array, etc.

Some important points that you must know about the echo statement are:

  • print is a statement, used as an alternative to echo at many times to display the output.
  • print can be used with or without parentheses.
  • print always returns an integer value, which is 1.
  • Using print, we cannot pass multiple arguments.
  • print is slower than the echo statement.

Print  statements to print:

Practice Assignments

Example 1:

Single line:

<? php

   print ( “ Hello World”);



Hello World

Example 2:

Used multi line string

<? Php

print “Hello by PHP print 

this is multi line  

text printed by  

PHP print statement ;



Hello by PHP print this is multi line text printed by PHP print statement

Example 3:

Printing escaping characters

<? php       

print "Hello escape \"sequence\" characters by PHP print";  



Hello escape "sequence" characters by PHP print

Example 4:

Printing variable Value


$msg="Hello print() in PHP"; 

print "Message is: $msg";    



Message is: Hello print() in PHP


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