PHP Switch

Rashmi Mishra

 PHP Switch

  • In PHP, the switch statement is used as a control structure to perform different actions based on the value of an expression.

It is an alternative to a series of if-else statements when you have multiple possible conditions to check against a single variable.

switch (expression) {
    case value1:
        // Code to be executed if expression matches value1
    case value2:
        // Code to be executed if expression matches value2
   // Additional cases as needed
        // Code to be executed if none of the cases match
  1. Where the switch statement evaluates the given expression.
  2. The case statements define possible values for the expression.
  3. If the expression matches a case value, the corresponding block of code is executed until a break statement is encountered.
  4. If none of the case values match the expression, the code within the default block (if present) is executed.

    $day = "Monday"; switch ($day) { case "Monday": echo "It's the start of the week."; break; case "Tuesday": case "Wednesday": case "Thursday": echo "It's a weekday."; break; case "Friday": echo "TGIF!"; break; case "Saturday": case "Sunday": echo "It's the weekend."; break; default: echo "Invalid day."; }
    output: It's the start of the week.
    Code explanation:
  1. The value of $day is "Monday".
  2. The switch statement evaluates the expression and finds a match with the first case.
  3. The code within the corresponding case block is executed, which prints "It's the start of the week."
  4. The break statement ensures that the execution exits the switch statement after the matched case is executed.
    Note: It's important to include the break statement at the end of each case block to prevent the code from falling through to the next case. If you want fall-through behavior, you can omit the break statement.

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